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Everything posted by Alicia64

  1. What a wonderful story -- it's huge!! ❤️
  2. I'm same as @Catwoman. But welcome!!
  3. I wear an older, ugly bra under my long sleeve swim shirt. And I wear a swim skirt. Swim shorts are a great idea!
  4. I call grocery shopping: going into enemy territory. 🙃
  5. Just fyi: Eating too many bowls of cherries at once isn't a plan either. @KungFuPandaThank you for the review. Hilarious and horrifying. Horrifarious!!
  6. Alicia64


    My teen and I watch these Marvel shows together. Cool bonding time with a prickly teenager. I loved Wanda. Just "eh" on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I've been waiting for Loki! It sounds great.
  7. ((((Scarlett)))). How incredibly scary. I'd definitely proceed with specialists. (I'm sorry if everyone is saying the same thing.) I had -- have -- a health thing that was only detected by highly specialized specialists at Emory. Hugs to everyone including your strong ds.
  8. Exactly. 🙂 Thank you for these. I need a hat. I check the weather everyday, but thank you! Checking UV is a phenomenal idea!
  9. Thanks for this, @Arcadia. Dh was insistent on mineral block back in '09. It sounds like they've made headway into less-lifeguard-nosing it. That's a term, right? Thank you again for this good info. I don't miss a whole lot from CA, except Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe I miss.
  10. Thank you! Super great advice! One of the things that bug me about mineral sunscreen is that they'll mess up the interior of the car too (if you apply in the car). Today I only apply in the house and let it dry. Thank you so much for the tint tip!!
  11. I'm totally with Bambam. Definitely A, B and C. I'm sorry, that sounds awful. The music volume would drive me crazy. Twice I had to tell the movie theater to turn their volume down. It was ridiculous..
  12. I'm not sure why, but I couldn't tag you. I want to say thank you so much. I'm keeping this thread forever. I think I'm going to try all of these suggestions. Thank you again!
  13. @Joker2@alisoncooks@Katy@KSera@Pam in CT@crazyforlatin@MEmama@Prairewindmomma Holy cow, you guys! Thank you. I love these suggestions so much!! I had no idea there was so much tint in the mineral/physical block world. This thread is a keeper!! I'll refer back to this thread every summer! Thank you again!
  14. Hi Everyone, Dh is really into the zinc oxide sunscreens, but I can't put that white stuff on my face and look at all normal. Do you have a favorite go-to face sunscreen? TIA!!
  15. I grew up in the San Francisco area. A family member worked in the city proper. I remember mild jokes against gay people, snide comments, that kind of thing. And then. . . he/she started going to funerals of people he/she worked with who'd died of HIV/AIDS. And everything changed. No more jokes or comments. This person changed. Because people he/she knew and respected were dying. So -- not knowing your Dh -- it's possible he'll adjust overtime. He might just need space to chill and come around to this new picture of his family. All that said, I'd go totally mama-grizzly on the dude too. ♥♥♥ Sending hugs.
  16. I'm including what I've given my dad in the past. He lives in CA and I'm in GA so it's all by mail. These were hits: Chocolate covered strawberries (huge hit, but not inexpensive). Books on his favorite sport's team (I just googled Amazon and found well-reviewed books). Also, I'm giving my dad one of these cool gift cards: Dads who golf. Dads who BBQ. Dads into music. Dads into sports. Dads at the beach. You probably can tell that I have something due today. I get extra helpful when I'm on deadline.
  17. Have to jump in and say, "wow" re: your being valedictorian. That's huge!!
  18. Thinking of you. So glad you're being cared for. And I'm so sorry about your sister.
  19. Excema runs in my family. Long ago a dermo told me to use Lubriderm -- Costco sells it at a good price -- on all parts of my skin after I shower in the morning. In the evening, I wash my face with Cetaphil (also at Costco) and finish it up with more Lubriderm. I know what you mean by face-tightness. Sometimes after I've put on make-up I still feel a little tight, so I very gently pat some Lubriderm onto my face and neck.
  20. My mom is 77 and this is what my sister reports to me: everything you said. Definitely petulant. Easy to anger. Argumentative. I bet your sixth sense is seeing something. I'm sorry.
  21. I actually have a white-noise machine on in my bedroom -- it's from the days of babies. So it's lasted 18 years and is still going strong (we have two and both are great). This is the brand. I wake-up when everything's too quiet too.
  22. I don't know how it works for the various subject degrees. The subjects really range from welding to nursing to becoming an EMT. It might be worth looking into if you live close enough to one. ❤️
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