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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. Perhaps look at Odyssey of the Mind or Destination Imagination challenges. Coaches post challenges all the time.
  2. My son just wrapped up SM 5A & 5B, but we are finishing up the Beast Academy series which we have been using a level behind SM. I just purchased Hard Math for Elementary, Michael Serra's math books and am using Zaccaro Upper Elementary Challenge. We have been working through Borenson's Hands on Equations as well. He is likely to join the MOEMS team at our local elementary school this year. I decided once we finish up with Beast, we are doing Jousting Armadillos which is also discovery method for pre-A before going into AOPS pre-A. That's the plan right now, but with him, things can change on a dime.
  3. +1 Typing Instructor for Kids. We started earlier at 6,
  4. Latin for Children A. It's CAP's next program for Latin. It's aimed at 4th to 6th grade. Wilson Hill Academy uses this program. CAP has Thinker's Cap Academy (self-paced and online) and Schole Academy (live, online classes). Or you can use the program on your own with their DVDs. It's been revised this year.
  5. SSL1 works fine 1-3...I wouldn't use SSL2 with a 2nd grader who can't read because I don't like doing that much work orally. That student book is a step up from SSL1 and is 3x as thick. So I think 2nd/3rd, maybe 4th though for a good 4th grader you can probably go with LFC A instead though that is a big step up from SSL2. I actually liked having the DVDs. TM can be useful if you like having an answer key. Though if you get it as a package, the cost is probably nearly same as the student book + DVD. Whether or not you want each child to get a workbook depends on whether or not your kid likes to write in their own book. They do not sell book without the CD so you will end up with more than one CD if you get multiple books which is okay if you want to leave a copy in the car and one in the house. Headventureland is my son's favorite add-on. They only have that for SSL1. He really loved practicing and playing the games. There are lots of people with quizlet sets for the series. The one limitation with quizlet is that Latin is not one of the supported language for audio unlike my sets for Chinese and French. You are welcome to copy my sets for SSL1 and SSL2. I like using the quizlet app when we are waiting in line or have a few minutes somewhere for a quick practice. You can find me as calbear94. We are moving onto LFC A this year, and will be signing up for Headventureland again.
  6. It's in this pdf on the website. https://www.rfwp.com/pages/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/LA-ELEM.pdf
  7. Math goes with science...So it is difficult to get to high school level chemistry for example without having solid algebra skills. That being said, we do a lot of science, and it's by driven my son's interests in what he says he is interested in doing. It's hard though to balance increasing the difficulty conceptually when written output is an issue. So, tinkering/modifying material is necessary if you are planning to use any sort of preset curricula. My son has enjoyed the Athena Academy classes which doesn't require much output.
  8. I use Homeschool Tracker. I just log in what we did each day. Love that I can integrate his free reading, field trips, outside classes, educational videos, and sports. I just closed out the year and printed my year end summary where I can see exactly how many hours were devoted to each subject.
  9. I'm not sure which version you are using, but I just pulled out my 4B standards edition. Assuming you are fully covering the decimals topics. I would not skip the coordinates section or the sections about operations with measurements & volume. The geometry sections about symmetry and tessellation could be skipped, but they are really quite short and quick to cover. Within in the graphing section, I would be sure to cover the probability topic. We just completed 5B. The topics past decimals aren't terribly time consuming...is it possible to pull it out and work on it a few days a week through the summer?
  10. I will have the Jr. Analytical Grammar student books given to me for free. Is it doable without the Teacher's Manual?
  11. Athena's Academy used Real Science 4 Kids the middle school level and Ellen McHenry's Elements. The kids in the class were 8 to 12 years old on average. My son really enjoyed both of those.
  12. You can add in the Usborne or Kingfisher encyclopedia and add in the additional literature and history books that are suggested in the activity guide. It's all in the Activity Guides that go along with the readings. You can have the olders do outlining from the encyclopedia. The selected pages are listed to go along with each chapter in SOTW. You could also decide to double-time your olders through as well.
  13. Papermate pink pearl pencil top eraser caps. These are the best erasers ever. I saw people posting about it on here and thought really are they that good and how am I going to use 144 erasers. That was 3 years ago when I finally bought them. I have about 1/4 of the box left and only have one student. They are GOLD. https://www.amazon.com/Paper-Mate-Arrowhead-Pearl-Erasers/dp/B00006IFAV/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1498537905&sr=8-1&keywords=pink+eraser+tops Frixion erasable ink pens. I have these in blue and red. I'm probably going to get some black ones. I buy these in bulk. They are the best erasable pens ever. I got them from HK years ago and now they are readily available for a good price here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B7QW6LW/ref=sxr_rr_xsim_2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=3008523062&pd_rd_wg=f9E3R&pf_rd_r=GBDTQZZVA66Y6CF63ADX&pf_rd_s=desktop-rhs-carousels&pf_rd_t=301&pd_rd_i=B00B7QW6LW&pd_rd_w=kyvBy&pf_rd_i=frixion+erasable+pens&pd_rd_r=1XRACRRGHJWW2R9CVG40&ie=UTF8&qid=1498538240&sr=2
  14. I use the Fan Math Express Math Strategies series. It's super helpful. The lessons aren't very long.
  15. This is my blog post about Singapore Math. http://wp.me/p1M41l-16W
  16. Well, Book Shark is the secular arm of Sonlight. I have heard other people criticize Book Shark's science for being too neutral and therefore not secular enough for their tastes if that helps at all.
  17. We are on Volume B of Joy Hakim's concise History of US which is published by K12. It's the condensed version of her 11 volume series. You can find it used on amazon, abe books, and other used sites. It is written for the grade level that you are targeting. You can probably get all four volumes for around $20 total used. FWIW, I also have the 11 volume series, but I decided use this one instead because of the K12 American History class. My local library has the Hakim 11 volume series in circulation so you might want to see if you can borrow a volume to look through.
  18. Not a baker, I would bake the same and check on it. Insert a toothpick and check periodically until toothpick comes out clean.
  19. another +1 on Beast and Math Kangaroo. Maybe Zaccaro's Challenge Math or Borac Competition Math books. With Beast, I would start at 3A, there's a lot of great stuff in there worth doing. Maybe consider Borenson's Hands On Equations.
  20. I schedule a week or two out, and I write it in his student planner in erasable ink for him to follow. We usually have an ongoing discussion about what he is interested in doing. I keep records electronically in on Homeschool Tracker of what was completed, books that were read, field trips that were taken and classes that were taken. This way I have a record of attendance, a record our various courses of study and the time spent on each course or subject area or total hours spent by year. We are open and go type of homeschoolers.
  21. My son just finished Song School Latin 1 & 2. We are headed for Latin for Children A in the fall. He loves Headventureland which is the online practice supplement.
  22. I was thinking about this and just getting the TM and Student book. Do you really need the rest like the audio, timeline and maps?
  23. Wilson Hill has a Latin class using LFC. CLRC has a Latin4Kids series based on Matin Latin.
  24. Not sure if you are locked into LL, but GHF has Latin courses for gifted students. I can think of several other providers that have Latin courses that have an age range that is closer. My son is doing the one with CAP's online Schole Academy in the fall which is aimed at 4th to 6th graders.
  25. Why don't you contact her and ask? Some providers are sticklers for actual ages. Others are more flexible.
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