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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. I swear I remember posts on the forums about a 4 year series of high school courses about engineering that were being offered by some university (in the South I think). I think you self-study through the courses, and there are TAs from the university that support the program. For the life of me, I can not remember the name. Maybe someone who does will chime in.
  2. My HP laser printers have lasted years. I am still using my HP laser printer I got about 14 years ago. The only reason why I replaced it last year was because I couldn't use the scanner on it anymore. They weren't updating the drivers anymore. I would retire using the older one because when my dh ordered 2 toner cartridges for it, they shipped us 2 CASES of toner cartridges for it which I am determined to fully use! Each cartridge probably does 2000 pages.
  3. For us, the fit is good at 8. Actually, SeaConquest's son and mine are in the same Lit class. I've seen real progress in my son since his fall Lit class. He has grown from reluctantly contributing once to the discussion to contributing a lot. We just need to work a little on contributing thoughtfully now...not just everything that pops into your head is actually good for discussion. Actually, I was amazed this week when he summarized the reading for Sacha. Narration is something he and I have been struggling over all year. It was much better than anything he produced for me all year! I think talking to other kids his age about these sorts of things has been good for him. For Chem (we were in the same class), it was enough for us this year at 8 because he loves Chemistry. I was paralleling this with the chemistry portion of K12's Physical Science course, and after I had already done Apologia's Elementary Chemistry and Physics. I don't think it would be good fit two years from now. He's doing the Periodic Table class right now during the Spring. He still loves it because he loves the subject. What has been great is he wants to do a element presentation every week that he can for the class. This has been nice for him to work on researching and putting together a short presentation. We started off with a lot of parental assistance to this past week, he did the research and typed up info in the Powerpoint slides. I spoke with the Wilson Hill science teachers, they have no problem with a younger students taking their middle or high school courses with the caveat of maturity to handle themselves and the material. They would caution not too young for Biology given the topics around reproduction. ETA: Like dmmetler, I don't use these as the "main" course. It is connected with something else I am doing at home.
  4. http://www.languagecityacademy.com/ They have French and Spanish classes. I believe Chinese will be added at some point. I think this guy just left onlineg3 to start this.
  5. +1 on the suggestion to drop EP unless your child is struggling with concepts. In your situation, I would suggest just the TB and WB. If you really like IP, then I would suggest using it a level behind. If you school 5 days a week, maybe do TB/WB 4 days and just IP on a 5th day. If you really like CWP, perhaps switching to Fan Math Process Skills instead of the CWP? Or if you like CWP, do just a page a day behind where you are in TB and WB. See if doing it a few topics behind or a full level behind works better. Sometimes letting what she is learning "marinate" and looping back with a little more depth is more effective.
  6. I had a tough time getting my son when he was younger to not to tell other kids that EB, SC, and TF aren't real and to let them enjoy believing in the stories. His aunts and uncles would ask him what did SC bring you. He would look them straight in the eye and tell them the logic and physics behind why SC couldn't be real. I would get the "what kind of parents are you?" look.
  7. If you are thinking about LFC A, CAP has the first three lessons up on their online version of LFC A. Essentially that is the course, just online/self-paced. I am opted to enroll in CAP's Schole Academy class for LFC A for the fall plus signing up for Headventureland for Latin practice. You can try that out as well. http://thinkerscap.com/moodle/ http://headventureland.com/moodle/
  8. Jackie, I've been confused as well. Also coming from the SF Bay Area like where Arcadia is, my sense of what is normal and what MG/HG/EG/PG looks like is a bit off.
  9. I was also wondering if it is worth the price of $65 for 8 lessons. Do his lessons add that much more to just going through the Snap Circuit project books on your own.
  10. Oh yes, Linda Hobar (Mystery of History) moved her MOH classes over to Bright Ideas Press.
  11. Maybe...I don't have access to my materials until next week to look though.
  12. I saw that Dr. Wile is teaching Honors Bio, Honors Chem and Honors Physics live online this year. http://www.bereanbuilders.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?display=action&emptyoverride=yes&template=PDGCommTemplates/Header_Footer_Responsive/zOnlineClass.html Also Gifted Homeschoolers Forum offers online classes. http://giftedhomeschoolers.org/ghf-online/ I'm not sure if I missed these somewhere on the master list, I apologize if I am repetitive. These are providers that I have heard about. Lively Latin https://www.livelylatin.com/ways-to-learn-with-livelylatin-2/study-online-with-the-magistra/ Escondido Tutorials - online Great Books classes. http://www.gbt.org/ Intersect University - online coding classes for students http://www.intersectuniversity.com/index.html Scout - University of California - https://www.ucscout.org Silicon Valley High School http://www.svhs.co/ Homeschool with Minecraft http://www.homeschoolwithminecraft.com/services.html Next Level Homeschool http://nextlevelhomeschool.com/ Online Scribblers - writing classes http://www.sandiegoscribblers.com/home.html
  13. A little OT, but since the discussion brought up DYS for 145+ kids. So, is DYS worth it? How exactly has it benefited your family?
  14. Based on my understanding, TAG contracts guarantee admission to the school, but not admission to an impacted programs if that makes sense. This is a rundown of impacted programs... http://cacollegetransfer.com/2016/05/selective-capped-majors-at-each-uc/ There are 4 ways to gain admission to UC with respect to a-g requirements. IMO, they go from easiest to most difficult. The 3rd option admission by examination (SAT/ACT plus 2 subject exams) seems easy until you actually look at the formula calculation. It looks like you probably need to be scoring in the low 90th percentiles. The admission by exception seems like it works for exceptional candidates if you are going for a selective school. Not a route that would work well if you are the average good student without a hook aiming for a selective school. You can read about it here: http://www.ucop.edu/agguide/a-g-requirements/ Even going the traditional route is no guarantee as my nephew didn't get into Harvey Mudd or UCB. He had a decent hook (one of the top 15 high school rowers in the nation - was being actively recruited by other schools). SAT 1510 with a 4.55 GPA. My niece was a similar story - good hook, great SAT and great GPA. Both are at UCLA which is still a great school, but it wasn't their dream school.
  15. They don't care, but the only time that will be a problem is if you want your DD to do a course that your DS already did if you have a combined account since you can't erase the completed work. So, at some point, you probably would want to think about when to switch to a "new" student profile.
  16. This is actually not completely accurate. You can do this with the less impacted UCs. The exceptions are UC Berkeley, UC LA and now UC San Diego (in the last year or two). For anyone that want to learn more about this, just look at this page. http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/guarantee/
  17. My impression is that Online G3 is more 10-11 for the non-Teen focus classes. I nixed Horrible Histories series off our list for the future because my son is sensitive. I looked at a copy of one of those books before...just not my kiddo's cup of tea.
  18. If you want to be able to apply to the UC system, you must meet the a-g requirements or you have to go the route of testing out of requirements using AP or SAT subject tests or using CC courses which are also noted in their course catalog as satisfying a-g requirements. http://www.ucop.edu/agguide/a-g-requirements/
  19. Sometimes, I will ask to be swapped into a course for the future when I want to see what the scope and sequence will be. That's how I decided to use the K12 Physical Science and not the Advanced Physical Science for my son who really wanted to do Physical Science right now. I was able to determine that I could make it work even though he was younger than the intended grade.
  20. I pay whole year at one time with the 10% discount. I have never done monthly. You just need to call this number. You tell them you are an "independent user" and want to do a course swap. 877.431.9635. After awhile, the people figure out who I am. I just say my name and they know my account info by heart since I call in so much! I usually switch as we complete units. Like I will do a unit of science, then swap to art, then to history, etc. Or sometimes, we stick to a course longer because that's what my kiddo is into at the moment, so I like having the momentum/motivation working for me. I never buy the materials. I can usually get the books used somewhere, and I have so many science supplies, I usually have whatever it is that is needed.
  21. You can just make your own using a blank art sketch book. I just drew a horizontal line on each page. There are varying degrees of quality for the covers as you can nothing special, to hardcover/book sewn, greyboard covers with spiral, leather or cloth covered...All sorts of options depending on your budget. If you get it at Michael's, you can use a coupon to make it less costly. The History Through the Ages one is quite nice as well...but not cheap. https://www.christianbook.com/history-through-the-ages-record-time/amy-pak/9780972026543/pd/449101?dv=%7Bdevice%7D&en=google&event=SHOP&kw=homeschool-20-40%7C449101&p=1179710&gclid=Cj0KEQjw8tbHBRC6rLS024qYjtEBEiQA7wIDeUPfhccufYiTUh8wrGxDEOX4KZUuNOI5YKMMWifR_CcaAmXb8P8HAQ
  22. I've taught the Berean science series by Dr. Wile at our co-op. I am just wrapping up Science in the Scientific Revolution. When I wrote to him, he suggested doing all the experiments together and then doing the notebooking and reading about it at home. We are usually doing 3-4 experiments a week. I try to group them together in logical breaks. It's worked out very well for the class I teach, and we will be doing Science in the Age of Reason this fall. I have taught Apologia as well. I actually don't love/enjoy the Apologia texts that much. I found myself supplementing a lot for more experiments to flesh it out more...and it is a bit heavy handed with the YE. I prefer Dr. Wile's approach. He is YE, but a lot more even handed in his approach to allow room for other perspectives like OE for example. I haven't taught the Real Science 4 Kids in a co-op setting, but I have used that as well. I don't actually think the middle school level is truly 5-8. It's more like 4-6 level IMO and the elementary is more K-2 (3rd maybe)...not K-4. It's written to be secular, but Christian friendly as it is neutral on the topic of evolution.
  23. It's pretty independent even though I am using those levels or higher for my 8yo in history or science. Agreed on the discussion, but generally that isn't too taxing. It's well laid out for students to follow what they need to do. There's a student guide that goes through what needs to be done. For science, students will likely need some assistance/supervision of the experiments depending on the experiment - gathering the materials, setting up and performing the experiment. My son enjoys these courses. By the way, there is a trick to getting your money's worth as an independent user for K-8. When you sign up, you can buy one or more courses. Since I don't want math or music, this totally works for me. I buy 2 courses which gives me 12 months' access. Then what I do is block schedule my son. You can call in to do a course swap as many times as you like. So, I will maybe have science and art chosen, then we do a lot of that. Then in a a week or two, I might swap out art into history and do that for awhile. Then whatever order I want to swap around. You can swap in and out of any K-8 course you like and as frequently as you like. Your progress is saved in the system, so it picks up right where you left off when you swap around. We usually progress through far more than a two courses. Maybe 1 1/2 years worth of 4 courses for the price of 2? Language Arts would be pretty difficult to not have daily access because of the way it is structured, so if you are thinking you want to do the full LA course, then that would be need to factored in. I only use the literature component of the LA program so I just swap in and print out everything I need and then swap back out. We also do school year round so that's how we get a lot more mileage out of using it independently.
  24. I use it for review in addition to the TB/WB. Generally a semester (book) behind, so while we are doing 5B, we are working through the 5A IP book.
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