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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. Also, this is Christian news magazine for kids. There are different editions depending on the age level. https://www.gwnews.com/subscriptions.php
  2. We have News-O-Matic which is a news app for kids. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/app-reviews/news-o-matic#
  3. EngOz, I use the exercises that are in the back of the Singapore Math Home Instructor Guides (Standards Edition). I also use the Fan Math Express Math books as well. The latter are better than the former since the Fan Math books actually lay out the mental math strategy better.
  4. Well, it didn't influence me into changing my course, BUT it confirmed and reaffirmed my reasons for why I choose to pursue homeschooling and opt out
  5. If you are interested in A History of US, I am currently using k12's concise 4-volume edition even though I have the 11 volume set. My son enjoys reading it a lot. So, that is also a choice as well. I was able to buy the volumes used for less than $20.
  6. Don't cram it...it's hard to make it match because you will have end up cramming more again later if you are really trying to match. This is the schedule for Story of the World, as you can see. I do use VP history and Story of the World...you would have to cram about a little over two volumes when you hit the Explorers to 1815. What I do is I reference back to what we already learned. There's so much good stuff in these books to enjoy, that it would be a shame to rush. Volume 1 Chapters 1-20: Earlier than anything covered in Berean Builders Chapters 21-30: Lessons 1-21 in Science in the Ancient World Chapters 31-38: Lessons 22-30 in Science in the Ancient World Chapters 39-42: Lessons 31-45 in Science in the Ancient World Volume 2 Chapters 1-25: Lessons 46-62 in Science in the Ancient World Chapters 26-36: Lessons 63-90 in Science in the Ancient World Chapters 37-42: Lessons 1-31 in Science in the Scientific Revolution Volume 3 Chapters 1-9: Lessons 32-45 in Science in the Scientific Revolution Chapters 10-15: Lessons 46-67 in Science in the Scientific Revolution Chapter 16-17: Lessons 68-90 in Science in the Scientific Revolution Chapter 18-19: Lessons 1-15 in Science in the Age of Reason Chapter 20-22: Lessons 16-30 in Science in the Age of Reason Chapter 23-26: Lessons 31-45 in Science in the Age of Reason Chapter 27-28: Lessons 46-60 in Science in the Age of Reason Chapter 29-30: Lessons 61-75 in Science in the Age of Reason Chapter 31-32: Lessons 76-90 in Science in the Age of Reason Chapters 33-42: About half of the fifth book in Berean Builders Science Volume 4 Chapters 1-16: Roughly the rest of the fifth book in Berean Builders Science
  7. I don't know if this would be helpful to you, but some families I know will use Prepscholar's stats assessment (one of several out there) to assess their admittance chances based on historical testing numbers and GPA. While I can't comment on how accurate it is...it at least gives you a place to start. What I did like is that there are suggestions of schools with similar profiles that they will suggest as options to consider that are reach, matches or safety schools. I seen my nephews and nieces who are currently or recently applying for college to try for 3-4 reach schools, 4-5 match schools and 2-3 safety schools. For example, http://www.prepscholar.com/sat/s/colleges/MIT-SAT-scores-GPA
  8. Maybe you want something like the Torch Router? https://mytorch.com/
  9. I believe that you can take the exams, but you have to find a testing site that offers that exam and will take you. You need to remember that you have to request that any scores taken more than 4 years ago be sent to whatever college or program you are applying for as those scores are archived.
  10. I assume the other live section for Physics at WTMA doesn't work for your schedule? It says there are 7 open seats MW 1PM EST.
  11. Sorry, I can't comment on Clover Creek versus WHA as I'm not there yet. I will say that I was pretty impressed by what I saw on the open house courses. The other WTM boardies who have shared their experiences seem to speak very highly of WHA courses and the quality of the instruction. I actually like the fact that WHA courses meet twice weekly online. I just don't think weekly is enough for a rigorous science course.
  12. I have it but only because I coach a Jr. FLL team as it is now required for teams starting with the 2017-18 season. So it depends on what your end goal is...I would put money towards the Lego EV3 as that is the direction that Lego is headed for the future. Is it the lego part, robotics part or coding part that you feel is most important to her/you? If the Lego aspect is not critical at this point then continuing to learn to program in Scratch is a good place to start. That's completely free and so much better than WeDo. I much prefer teaching the kids on my Lego team using Scratch. If you are looking for a robot that she can program, we have enjoyed using the Ozobot which is a much less expensive price point. I really liked using this book to help me teach my team about Scratch. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1840786124/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  13. If you are at WHA for geometry, you probably noticed that they follow a physics first (algebra based) approach to sciences at the high school level. Have you asked if she would be allowed to enroll in that class since she would have the math mastered? There is a year-long physics class at Athena's Academy as well if you aren't looking to do a high school level course in terms of output but looking for meatier content to explore with other accelerated kids who are just interested in the science. ETA: for my son, the science and math is never a problem...the writing element (lab reports, etc.) that comes with higher grade level classes is a problem that I don't want to become the thing that kills his passion for science right now. Also, there's a physics class at onlineg3, but keep in mind that this is a teen focus class. You have to be 12 or older for those classes.
  14. I am eyeing the Latin for Children classes myself which were offered last year. Latin Alive, Rhetoric and CAP Writing classes were offered last year and are continuing. I wanted to point out that they are offering Spanish for Children, Well Ordered Language and added higher math (pre-A through pre-calculus) if anyone is interested other math classes. What I saw that was pretty interesting for some of you is that the texts selected for Algebra and Geometry are Jacobs. The refund policy is pretty generous. I copied it from their FAQ: Q. What is your refund policy? A. We offer full refunds up to one week after the class has begun and 90% refunds up to two weeks after the class has begun—for any reason. If for any reason SA is unable to offer the course, you will receive a full refund.
  15. The workbooks at Costco are not the Singapore Math curricula that you see people talking about on the boards. I am linking an archived thread discussing this. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/349504-singapore-math-practice-books-at-costco/
  16. You would have to go through the list to figure out which are chapter books...but this homeschooler put together a list of books used in Sonlight by WTM cycle years and arranged them by grammar, logic and rhetoric stage. http://homescool-ed.blogspot.com/2007/04/sonlight-books-arranged-by-well-trained.html
  17. When I chatted with Dr. Wile about his course and how to do it in a co-op, he recommended to me to do the experiments/demos in class first with you with the reading and homework to be done after class. What I have done with the two texts I taught through group lessons together. So, I went through the book and figured out how many weeks and worked backwards to figure out how to group lessons. Sometimes I cover 2 and sometimes I have covered 4-5 when I scheduled out the Science in the Ancient World and Science in the Scientific Revolution. I tried to group by scientist and make logical breaks in the material. For the first book, it will be far more topical than the following books are. It is a little challenging for the kids since we are doing the experiments without having done the reading to set up the experiments. I try to give a little synopsis to set up the background/topic for some context for each.
  18. Silvermoon, I wouldn't suggest going back a level in the main program. It may be worth dropping back a level using the Fan Math Process Skills books to teach SM style word problems. Lots of people do CWP a level behind. Then math skills are well established, and the focus is on developing problem solving skills.
  19. We use both as both have their place in problem solving. I really like bar modeling as it really requires the student to understand the word problem and be able to pictorially model it to see what is happening. That being said, if you are having a bit of a challenge with teaching it...don't use CWP...use the Fan Math Process Skills instead as that has instruction in it. The interesting thing is that bar models don't show up in SM until 3 versus if you were using CWP, those bar models were showing up right out of the gate in 1.
  20. I'm using VP self-paced, the last two years of the program are pretty US history focused. So, perhaps doing something more world history oriented might be an option that wasn't listed above? Not sure if you are looking for Christian versus secular. Maybe Mystery of History or Notgrass from Adam to Us or K12 Human Odyssey?
  21. FWIW, the Chemistry teacher at my co-op just made the switch from Apologia 2nd edition to Dr. Wile's new text. She said it is much better now as she had replaced a fair number of the labs with ones that she thought were better and a more solid high school college prep textbook.
  22. ditto on SM with BA, I do BA a year behind.
  23. I live here and have an annual pass...so it depends on what you want. SD Zoo is a world class zoo that features animals from all over the world including pandas! If you want to see animals in more of a natural setting like wide open spaces. These would be animals that you would find in more arid climates so a narrower variety on purpose. Then choose Safari Park. It is the closest you can get to a natural setting for animals. That being said, Safari Park is not in San Diego. It's about 30 minutes north of downtown in Escondido. Both are well worth the visit. If you go for one of those multi attraction passes, it might be more affordable for you. If you buy a go pass through costco...you get 4 days for the 3 day price that is listed at smart destinations. This is a pretty good breakdown of the differences. http://www.smartdestinations.com/blog/san-diego-zoo-vs-safari-park/
  24. You need to search Science in the Ancient World. That's the actual title. The text is probably written at 5th/6th grade reading level. I taught it last year and am teaching Science in the Scientific Revolution this year at my co-op. It's been really enjoyable for my students. Last year 2nd-4th and this year 3rd-5th. I have a couple of six graders that wanted to join this year because their younger siblings enjoyed it so much. I had some moms comment that they didn't learn this stuff until jr. high. The supplies are pretty easy to get. There are lists by section what supplies you will need to help you plan ahead. Or you can order a supply kit which Rainbow Resource carries.
  25. I was in the same boat. He made the cutoff by 5 days. I keep him older in his year. He's more sensitive and less mature in his interests than other kids so it works out better. He's also smaller for his age which makes a difference for sports for us. He's playing in a 1st-2nd basketball league, and there are kids who are 6 inches taller than him guarding him! I also am thinking ahead to when he leaves for college as boys are less socially mature than girls anyways. I have heard a lot of horror stories of how aggressive girls have become with respect to pursuing boys. So the extra year is welcome for us. I'm not worried about keeping him challenged as there are so many ways to offer challenge these days that didn't exist 10, 20 years ago.
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