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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. We finished SSL1 this year and have started SSL2. It is definitely a step up and introduces grammar. After I looked at SSL2 and looked at the beginning of LFCA, I definitely see how SSL2 leads right into it.
  2. My son loves loves loves the Bible course. He does the self-paced History and Bible courses. He asks to do both all the time. He enjoys playing the interactive review games in the lessons. ETA: I do somewhat parcel out his access to it because I am afraid he will blow through the entire series too fast...and then I will be stuck having to find a good option afterwards. I suppose that is a good problem to have. :glare:
  3. I went a similar route as Syllieann. Went with these. http://www.amazon.com/Pencil-Grip-Universal-Ergonomic-TPG-11106/dp/B001SN8HOY
  4. Chess Academy for Kids is a really good app. It's paid, but it's a good app for beginners. Very systematic introduction to chess. This is a free version you can test out first. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/chess-academy-for-kids-free/id547726555?mt=8
  5. +1 on Homeschool Tracker. Also I got it when it was download for PC. If the day comes that no longer works, I will switch to the online version. It does everything I want it to do for assignments, rescheduling, (if I actually did lesson planning versus open and go, it would be amazing! eventually, I will have to do this), field trips, free reading tracking, my curriculum and library resources, attendance, grades, transcripts, daily or weekly assignments planner for kids, etc.
  6. I do the bulk of it. DH helps with Mandarin Chinese (I speak a different dialect - Cantonese so it is harder for me.) He will do some science that I plan for him because my son likes doing experiments/projects. Some math and coding, I do the bulk of it though. My kiddo enjoys doing challenge math with his dad (i.e. Borac, Zaccaro, Beast). He will supervise/run lessons if I plan them out and prep everything for him.
  7. Thanks for answering my previous question. I thought it had vanished. When I looked in my profile, I couldn't find it listed in My Content.
  8. Has anyone used these with Hakim's History of US? I am interested in learning what they are like and what they cover. How did you use them? Are they very specific to the 3rd edition? I have the 2nd edition on my shelves and am hoping it won't be a problem to use it since only vol 1 and (i think...) 10 had major changes. Those volumes I can get from the library. I know that the page numbers won't sync up because graphics were added. I would like something to use alongside the volumes for comprehension, review and discussion. Thanks in advance!
  9. Has anyone used these guides? Any opinions on them? What are they like? I don't have the 3rd edition set of Hakim's Story of US, but I think from what I understand only two volumes had major changes (1 & 10?) from the 2nd edition that is on my shelf. I can borrow those from the library if needed. I would like to have something to use alongside Story of US as a launching point for discussions and also for review and comprehension. TIA!
  10. Happy SSL user here. I just used it at our co-op with 20 kids. They LOVE Latin. Another mom is going to take over and teach SSL2. I have already started that with my son. It definitely goes up a level as they teach more grammar, verb endings for conjugation of verbs, etc. The work output is increased as well. The workbook is 3 times as thick as SSL1. The kids really liked the DVD, especially the ongoing story thread about My Pet Monkey. The DVD isn't Hollywood production quality, but it did the job and kept the kids engaged. For SSL2, I like having the teacher's manual because it's just plain easier to check the answers. We are planning to go onto LFC A after this. I definitely see how SSL2 builds directly into LFC A.
  11. Has anyone used the study guides produced for Story of US? What are they like? I actually have the 2nd edition on my shelf. From what I understand the two volumes that had major changes/additions were vol 1 and vol 10 which I can easily borrow from the library here. I am hoping that if they could be used without too much difficulty with 2nd edition. Of course, that would depend if they are of any value. We are using SOTW, and the activity guide has been great for comprehension questions. Even though I can, I don't really want to think up questions on my own as I am looking for less prep. TIA
  12. Nevermind. I figured it out. I am sleep deprived, and it didn't register that it is interactive.
  13. are you sure headventureland won't work...sometimes I got it to work using the puffin web browser app. I was using SSL1 though.
  14. Usborne is better suited for younger students. I actually have both the original Kingfisher (white one which was not easy to track down for a decent price) which I am hanging on to for the second loop through SOTW for outlining and the internet linked one (red cover with the mask on front.) http://www.amazon.com/Usborne-Internet-Linked-Encyclopedia-World-History/dp/0746041683 Lucinda
  15. My son really loves SSL as well. He is really self-motivated about it. I just wrapped up teaching SSL1 at our co-op. He jumped right into SSL2 and is already through the first 5 lessons in the last 10 days. I don't force him to slow down when he has clearly mastered the vocab. Based on the pace, I expect we will need to move on to LFC A sometime this fall. I am planning to go half speed but he might decide to go full speed ahead.
  16. Doing the Beast + Singapore thing over here as well. Currently SM 4B + BA 3C. It's working out very to pair these together. I appreciate both styles and approaches and find it useful and not redundant.
  17. When it goes on sale, the Elements app is amazing. It's the photography of Theodore Gray. The molecules and elements in action ones are great. A must for any kid that loves chemistry.
  18. My son usually does them in 30 minutes or less. He really enjoys it a lot. Begs to do it everyday, but I don't let him because we have other things that also needs doing. This is on top of his devotional and Awana. I should probably disclose that he can read middle school level texts, so I think that it goes faster because he can read quickly. I think it would actually be even less time except he likes to play the games in the lesson. Lucinda
  19. We are the oddball Christian homeschool group over here. We have about 180 families. About 2/3rd of these families have 6th to 12th graders. 1/3 have high schoolers. We have the opposite problem of having too many class offerings on our class day for the olders and not enough for the younger students. We run about 75 classes on our class day. About a 1/3 are for 5th and under. Everything else is for upper grades. What seems to be happening is that as families start to enter the older grades, they start leaving these other area groups for our group because there are so many teens in our group. I do notice that these families are driving in from all over the county to come to our class day and participate in our social activities.
  20. Okay, is there anything that gets rave reviews that other WTMers just love? http://www.evan-moor.com/t/weekly-promo
  21. I think I remember people also mentioning Hands On Geometry as a possible resource. It's aimed at 4th to 6th grade. http://www.amazon.com/Hands-On-Geometry-Constructions-Straightedge-Compass/dp/1593634188 There's quite a bit of geometry in SM 4...maybe the intensive practice books for SM 4? I just double checked the contents for both A & B. About half of each is geometry topics. Even more if you consider fractions as a related topic. ETA: The author of Patty Paper Geometry also wrote a newer book called Pirate Math which is also about geometry. I haven't heard anyone talk about it yet though. http://www.amazon.com/Pirate-Math-Michael-Serra/dp/0983409919/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1459989236&sr=1-1&keywords=pirate+math
  22. Sorry, I didn't read all the comments....but in case you are not aware. IEW guarantees their curricula. If it is a bad fit, they will refund you 100% no questions asked. You must order directly from them though. http://iew.com/help-support/our-policies/100-money-back-guarantee
  23. Not sure how that will work with it already dried though. I was working with fresh stalks.
  24. I did this with the fresh papyrus plants that I happen to have in my garden...did you skip a step? You have to pound the strips before soaking. It breaks the fibers and makes it more pliable. I think it also releases something that makes it sticky.
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