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  1. My first child breezed through this, tho she says the syllabus may have changed. My second is struggling. Holt Mcdougall that my first kid used, may not be sufficient .. So I am looking for alternative study materials. Kid is freshman doing Algebra2. Syllabus is as below. Any help is appreciated https://curriculum.illustrativemathematics.org/HS/teachers/3/2/index.html
  2. My daughter used Power Basics that had been suggested on this forum for high school science. Thanks, it had helped a lot. She is opting for AP Bio in 10'th grade. Looking for books and related materials so she can prep through summer. She does the flash cards, and that seems a good start.
  3. My daughter has completed High School Biology as part of gifted curriculum, and will be taking AP Bio in 10'th grade. Any recommendations for reading materials through summer?
  4. Hello, looking for daily practice sessions... Found one here https://www.amazon.com/Practice-Perfect-Algebra-Review-Workbook/dp/1260026442/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3CZQEMXZ6LWPH&dchild=1&keywords=algebra+1+workbook&qid=1635390960&sprefix=alge%2Caps%2C269&sr=8-8 Also looking for challenging word problems
  5. Had ordered these...for my daughter.. rather think books... simple worksheets.. not Aops level. She went back to Aops.
  6. Where do we find Derek Owens? Looking for practice more on theory and proofing...
  7. My younger does Zaccaro... 7'th grader is doing the hugh school algebra, zaccaro seems simple.. looking more for real world quadratic equations and etc. workbooks.
  8. Zaccaro is working great with him. Thanks, on the recommendations.
  9. Hello I am looking for a workbook that has High School algebra word problems, with real world scenarios. Any recommendations?
  10. Will try these. Agree, he has some gaps that I am trying to track.
  11. Like drawing bar graphs, line charts venn diagrams etc. He has been doing Zaccaro's s problem solving series and it seems to have worked better with him. Older dd was better with beast academy, but my son has warmed better to Zaccaro's
  12. Unable to convert the words to problem solving charts... he tries to tackle them like numbers.
  13. He is at 7'th grade level. He does some prealgebra at home.
  14. My son knows the concepts at 11 years and is doing 7'th grade math. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons I had to move back and forth between two schools, his academics were ignored for 2 years and now he has challenges on his curriculum. Specifically he struggles with word problems. I see singapore challenging word problems end at 6'th grade. Is there anything similar for 7'th grade?
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