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Amy in KS

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Everything posted by Amy in KS

  1. Agreed. Asbestos tiles are far harder to remove and they are only dangerous if broken or peeled up. Measure them. If they are 9 inches rather than the current 12 or 18, I'd be highly suspect.
  2. We're reading it and love it! I was skeptical when I read the sample chapter, but it really sucks you in! The kids beg for more. The main characters are from the future and so the first chapter sets up the fictional part. They travel back in time with a magic notebook. Think magic treehouse goes through history. The language is a bit conversational for my taste, but my kids love it and I don't find it over the top.
  3. It varies from one week to the next, what year your child is in, and your child's pace for writing assignments which is why you may not have had a response yet. This is our second year in essentials and the charts are less overwhelming and my expectations have increased for writing. Currently, we schedule one hour for language arts. That includes writing, spelling list copywork, eel grammar chart memorization, and any extra time can be spent on a reading assignment. We don't do the editing sheets. They drive me bonkers! I just bought iew's fix it, though, and we'll likely add those in from time to time. Sometimes writing takes 20 minutes, sometimes 45. Spelling we've really streamlined to copying lists, spell app and tests.
  4. The amazon link given above has these as free with the kindle edition. Even if you don't have a kindle, you can download a kindle app to your computer, ipod, or android.
  5. We do! We've used every level but marr and love it. We use the lit assignment if our library has the book! Otherwise I pick something topic appropriate.
  6. Sambucol. Pronto. When my youngest got very sick with swine flu, i realized the siblings were exposed because we shared out of a common bowl right before he fell sick. We all started taking it right away and no one else got sick. My sick son only had it 3-4 days as well, when we were told it'd be at least a week. But you have to start it right away or it doesn't work.
  7. Have you tried removing artificial dyes? It made a huge difference in attention with my youngest. We also found out he has a magnesium deficiency (which can look like add). Spinach is an excellent source and so we added a green smoothie daily. Truly, since doing those two things he's done soooo much better with focus.
  8. Honestly, look at getting a used older machine. Older washers and dryers were built to last with far less plastic breakable parts. I've never spent more than $75 for a washer.. The last one cost me $20. It's going strong five years later. The $75 was from a used appliance place with a warranty.
  9. You need to ask for a food scratch test as well as the blood test. They can catch different things.
  10. I have anaphalactic tree nut allergies. The worst is hazelnuts. My heart races, my throat swells and have the worst stomach pain (think childbirth) for hours. I carry an epipen everywhere and benadryl melt strips. I'm superdiligent about watching labels. Did the doc talk about melt strips? Do it right away and it can drastically help it from escalating. Oh and i can have peanuts. Peanuts are legumes and aren't in the same family as tree nuts. Also, does your dc have outside allergies? If so, it's possible it is oral allergy syndrome rather than a true tree nut allergy. It happens in some people with severe outdoor allergies . Some foods have chemically similar to those the person is allergic to. If the person's immune system is hyperactive (high levels of allergens in the air) the person's body reacts to certain foods in a weird way. Hazelnuts, fruits, and raw tomatoes are the most common reactions. If it is, that's good news as oas rarely truly becomes anaphalactic.
  11. Made me curious, so I've been researching. Apparently you can grate a tablespoon of ivory bar soap in a load and it works great. They used to sell grated ivory soap as a laundry detergent. I've used baking soda in the dishwasher before. It does o.k. In a pinch.
  12. We packed bags of food several times and they didn't care at all (they inspect all of it). We brought fresh fruits, bags of nuts, cheese sticks, homemade sandwiches, bars, raisins etc. We snacked often between sections rather than full meal times. I think it kept my younger kids from getting hungry and having meltdowns.
  13. I use a glass cuisinart blender nd use it to make green smoothies daily. Honestly, I decided freezing the fruit was really not necessary at all. I simply put in room temp fruits, greens, water and crushed ice. Nice and simple nd plenty cold.
  14. The self paced online vp is wonderfully rich with history, cultural background, maps and they review with great interactive games. They schedue optional lit as well. i've done sl and like the books, but fact retention long term was very lacking.
  15. Spelling lists are included in the back of the essentials book, but are not taught during class at all. It's more of a suggestion than a requirement. The lists in the back include easy, int, and advanced lists (taken from spelling plus). Not every list is included. No dictation sentences are included, but cc recommends the dictation book (to be used at home).
  16. The 01 books are review from the previous year ( to fill in any holes). So the 101 book is really to make sure you are ready for 1st grade work. Cle starts slow in first, but the pace really picks up the second half of the year.
  17. Lovinmomma, if you are in the kc area, you should search for a facebook group called homeschool hookup. You'll have to ask to join because it's a closed group, but the leader will let you in. Lots of field trips, weekly park dates, moms night out, all completely optional. Over 400 families in the joco group.
  18. You can buy the songs ad an mp3 download if that's all you want. http://www.classicalconversationsbooks.com/clacfahitiso.html Personally, I prefer the vp cards, but I like how the vp cards identify book sources to further supplement . I also love the vp self paced courses, so I'm biased. There's a lot of overlap imho. Cc has less bible events, more eastern history events.
  19. We just bought one. The band director said we wanted a gemeinhart 2sp, an armstrong, an emerson, or a jupiter. He said if we bought one used, that we could request that the seller meet us at the music repair shop so we know if the cost was worth it. I bought a gemeinhart 2sp for $40 on craigslist. It has a couple pads with some wear, but we can wait on that until we see if our daughter will practice. Oh, and stay away from ebay. Apparently, there are many intrument scams there (poorly fixed instruments with many needed repairs).
  20. You don't need them until week 7. Look on amazon for a mel bec tin whistle (key of d). It's what you need.
  21. Where did you find these? I'm on c3, but can't find them. Which categories?
  22. Are you certain it isn't a true food allergy? I have true food allergies to tree nuts, tomatoes, and soy. When i have a reaction (shortly after accidental consumption), my heart pounds, my head throbs, and i get extremely, extremely sick for several hours (vomiting). It's truly the worst feeling ever ! With hazelnuts and almonds, my throat swells as well, but not with the other things i mentioned. Food allergies look different from one person to the next. If you haven't been tested, please do. You might need an epi-pen as food allergies can escalate quickly.
  23. We've been to homeschool days twice and didn't attend the leatning sessions either time. I highly recommend packing your bag full of snacks like fruits/ nuts/ bars instead of the disney food. Much cheaper and easier on your body to get through the day!
  24. Prentice Hall science explorer books are good for that age.
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