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Amy in KS

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Everything posted by Amy in KS

  1. There are songs on it, but only for the history sentences and math (not english grammar, Latin, or science). However, it is exactly like the audio cd's (the weekly cd's have no songs for science, Latin, or grammar either, just spoken words). I have both the audio and the memory work cd's. Just letting you know so you won't be disappointed. The other songs are only available through the c3 community.
  2. O.K. First click on the window icon (mine is on the lower left of my computer). Then click on the word "computer". You should see the d: drive (or whatever drive your cd drive is). Do NOT double click it, that will auto-run it and you will only see the powerpoints. Instead right click it and chose "open". You should see all your files there. Hope that helps!
  3. Actually, if you open the files (and not auto-run) on the cd you can see the mp3 files. You can move those songs over to your computer and burn an audio cd from that.
  4. I loved the liners. Honestly, I kept the wet diapers in a designated bucket. The poopy diapers determined when I did a wash. When I had a poopy one, I flushed the liner and put it in the washer for a rinse. Then I started a load of diapers.
  5. Oh, now I see! Well, when I taught I learned a really neat trick that might be of use to you. Put a transparency sheet on top and a permanent marker. At the end of the week you can erase the permanent marker with rubbing alcohol. You might be able to erase permanent marker from a sheet protector with alcohol, too, but I haven't tried it.
  6. I love this Master schedule: http://corefoundations.wordpress.com/schedules/
  7. Have you used dry erase markers? My kids use them daily on page protectors and we've never had a problem.
  8. :iagree: My situation is almost identical. I taught in an excellent school district, yet I felt that I could do better at home. As much as schools try to individualize, it isn't the same as teaching kids one on one. Like Hillary, I've seen many other (not so little) benefits that we hadn't even considered at the beginning: social, spiritual, flexibility, family time. I also decided to homeschool for social reasons. I taught middle school, which I LOVED. However, I was highly discouraged when I saw so many kids being faced with so much peer pressure 24/7 (all the screen availability really amplifies the pressure). There was far more pressure to drink and have sex than I remember in middle school. I remember middle school as being awkward and some kids did try things, but most of the heavy peer pressure was reserved for high school. I want my kids to have a childhood before they have to worry about all that.
  9. Another option-- I made two pages with all the phonograms and put blank lines on the bottom of the page. Then I put those pages in a page protectors (facing each other so they can be laid flat and viewed all at once). I say the phonogram or word and my child circles the phonogram(s) with a dry erase marker. After circling the correct phonogram, my child writes it on the blank lines below until the word is spelled out. My child loves it and doesn't spend tons of time playing with tiles.
  10. Since you like Truthquest, have you seen these? I just ran across these a couple of days ago. http://www.currclick.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=truthquest&quicksearch=1&search_filter=&filters=&search_free=&search_in_description=1&search_in_author=1&search_in_artist=1
  11. I used the Abeka K workbook last year because someone gave it to me. It's simple, inexpensive, and effective.
  12. The 17 Day Diet-- It's really more than 17 days. It's various cycles, each are 17 days. It's had a lot of publicity lately and been recommended by several doctors on television for being healthy with fast results. I just started it in hopes of getting that last 20 pounds off that I've found impossible to lose!
  13. Have you looked at Child's Story of America? I was considering that.
  14. The workbooks are written to the student. There is a teacher's manual that goes along with it that explains how to teach each part of the lesson, if needed. However, I have found that my 3rd grade daughter can mostly teach herself using the examples in the workbook (in the beginning part of the lesson).
  15. The 3rd edition foundations guide uses this wording. The changes are only to the weekly cd and memory work cd.
  16. Your computer must be set to automatically play the powerpoint. Mine asks if I want to view the files or play the powerpoints. You want to view the files. You can see the mp3s in there by subject. Move those to itunes and you can create playlists and burn music cds from them.
  17. :iagree: The NTGR course has been wonderful here. I love that we can sometimes do the historical fiction, and sometimes skip it in favor of other literature.
  18. My opthamologist recommended putting rice in a clean sock and heating it in the microwave (30 seconds or so). My child loved this. After, I usually sent him in for a warm bath and had him scrub his face with one of those spa netted puffs (name???).
  19. I tried out a lot. My favorite ended up being Fuzzi Bunz and Motherease. I have a stash I'm getting ready to sell in excellent shape. I'm out of town until Sunday or I'd give you more specifics. If you are interested, you can pm me.
  20. I e-mailed CC with the same questions. The guide is not being updated. The cycle 3 materials (audio and resource) are being updated.
  21. I have the sam's club shelves in my boys' closet. They have large plastic bins of various toys (including legos) in the bottom two shelves and clothes on the shelves above that (dressers have never worked for them--they never close them correctly).
  22. Thanks all! I probably wasn't clear. I don't plan on subscribing to c3 if I'm not in an official group. Mostly I'm trying to figure out how much c3 fleshes out the materials for the parents (home use). If it did, it would be another plus towards joining. However, it seems that most people only find it helpful if you are a tutor?
  23. I'm really wishing I had access to the english grammar and science songs, but I don't because I'm currently doing CC on my own. I'm considering joining an official group next year, but having to come up with all the money at once is a scary thought. I wish they had monthly payment options. I'm trying to justify the cost of joining an "official" community. Of course, I would have the community, more public speaking for the kids, essentials for my oldest, etc. I'd love to do essentials, so that's a big plus... Does the c3 has lots of resources to flesh out the memory work with more depth? That would be nice rather than having to add in materials on my own. That would add weight towards my wanting to join. So you tell me, what resources are available on c3? I know the audio files are there, but what else? Are there extra learning pages for each week? Diagrams? Extra labs related to the science topics? I do have the guide, but it drives me a little batty when the experiments are completely unrelated to the memory work.
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