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Amy in KS

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Everything posted by Amy in KS

  1. Being able to do Unit Conversions simply and having a good understanding on Significant Figure rules is where it usually starts and a stumbling block for many. Understanding Periodic Table divisions and the Bohr model will help as a starting point. Tyler Dewitt videos are amazing and cover a broad range of topics in an easily accessible way.
  2. That's exactly what we did, too. By keeping it an elective, I was fairly hands-off and was able to let my daughter grow creatively. There are many opportunities for high quality critiques on the forums. There are quizzes that can be given as a grade if desired. Mostly, we did it as completion and quizzes. LOVE OYAN!
  3. Mystery of History has a new self paced option for upper grades. We also loved Dave Raymond's American History.
  4. Puffin Classics is good. https://www.amazon.com/Myths-Norsemen-Puffin-Classics-Lancelyn/dp/014134525X
  5. How about IEW Fix It? It reviews capitalization and punctuation with rule cards. Students edit and copy one sentence per day.
  6. If you've used both, which do you prefer? Both look to have good labs. Less reading with BBS7, but I could add more videos and activity kits. BJU looks the strongest in science concepts, but I'm concerned that it may kill a love of science with my son? Any thoughts on this? I'm a science teacher by training, so I'm rather picky.... FYI--BJU will be done with either DVDS or streaming... I could teach it, but I want my kids to practice listening to lectures and taking notes at some point before high school.
  7. Which do you prefer and why? If I get DLO, is it possible to do skip chapters or are lessons locked until completed?
  8. We did (and liked CLE Algebra). The books are 10 light units, BUT only because the hardback isn't yet available. There is NOT enough room to work problems in the booklets.
  9. Sad to hear Mrs. Lange is leaving and her new class is twice as much . . . Do you have a suggestion other than wws2, RootAnn? My son's requested something other than IEW next year...
  10. Mrs. Lange is going to be teaching a high school level course on Lit Analysis. My daughter's hoping to take that her Junior year. FYI--My daughter's been very happy with Geometry at WHA! It's really the first time my daughter has truly enjoyed math. Mrs. Smith is a great teacher! She also loves Honors Comp and GC 1+4. Chemistry isn't her favorite, but she's learned a lot.
  11. Thanks! Your 7th grade line up looks amazing! It looks like you went from there to WHA FOEW. Was that a good transition? My high schooler is at Wilson Hiill and she loves it. We may be headed there for my 7th grader as well. What did you think of the DO math class? I was looking at that as well...
  12. With my eldest daughter (9th, in high school), we did IEW theme books for 4-6th, LTOW 7th, and IEW Windows to the World for 8th (lit analysis, offered at co-op). However, I feel that she would have benefited from more explicit instruction in a few things like formal outlining, notetaking, in-source citation, writing analysis essays across academic fields. So, as my second child approaches 7th, I'm considering a different approach to avoid these gaps. He's done 4 years of IEW (ATFF, SWI-A, two level B history theme books). This year, he has done IEW Medieval very independently (papers shared in a group). He doesn't hesitate to write or revise his paper. So I'm thinking of having him WWS2 next (for 7th). It seems as if WWS2 covers those skills my daughter lacked. I'd start with WWS1, but it looks as if many of those skills were covered in the years of IEW. Maybe I'm wrong and I should do WWS1? Thoughts? Hive wisdom appreciated...
  13. Ack... The puppets would not go over well with this son. It looks like they have a new edition this year for the dvds. Maybe they've corrected that? The Investigations DVD looks interesting, but it looks like the are for the 3rd edition only (we already have the 4th).
  14. My 7th grade son will be taking life science next year. He's a very science oriented person, so I feel comfortable he will do fine with it. However, I'd like him to have practice listening to science lectures and taking notes. I also want my son to have layers of learning (audio, books, labs). However, I think videos every day could get old. Could I select only certain videos to watch and/or skip entire lessons or units on the DVDS (just showing a couple per week)? I'd prefer to not have him watch videos every day and add more projects/other things from time to time. I'm a science teacher by training, so I'm comfortable with the material.
  15. I'm in a similar predicament. I was just previewing this and it looks really good. Adaptive testing and teaching. https://www.quill.org/tools/proofreader
  16. We really like WHA geometry. They use an older Jurgenson textbook. It's pretty self explanatory with a b and c level problems. It is proof based, so that make or may not be for you. The teacher does a great job of keeping everyone challenged, but not overwhelmed. My daughter now likes math. That's not what she said after Algebra with me.
  17. I love it! I think it's better than CC because the history sentences coincide with SOTW and Elemental Science Logic Stage. I get together with a couple other families and we do memory work, elemental science logic stage experiment (Earth and Space because we're doing cycle 2), the appropriate IEW history theme book, and an art lesson from Alisha Gratehouse. It works well!
  18. There's a new curriculum that will be out this summer by the person who does One Year Adventure Novel called Bylines... It's what he calls "chronojournalism", combining journalism, essay writing, and citation skills. The idea is that the students look at real events in history and write stories on them. It's supposed to cover various types of essays and looks for bias. We love OYAN! http://www.bylinewriting.com/explore/sample-lessons/
  19. I had retainers for two years. I had significant shifting as an adult and now have major gaps in my smile. I wish the advice had been lifetime when I was a teen.
  20. We're doing Great Conversations 1+4 (Ancients), 5 (Medieval), and 6 (Modern) at Wilson Hill.
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