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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. Thank you for the suggestion. I was just thinking about something like this and didn't know exactly where to start.
  2. I've never been to a state conference before, so keep that in mine for what I'm going to say. when I go to home school sales I do have prices in my head for what curriculums I'm interested in. Good luck and have fun. :)
  3. Yes. I know what you mean. It's one reason why education unboxed doesn't work for me. It takes about 8 mins to watch, but then it only took me 3 mins to look through miquon. At least so far. :)
  4. I like EU. I say give a shot to see if it will work for your household. it didn't work out for us. My children would end up playing with the rods instead of watching the video. They have been playing with these rods for 2 years now, so it is nothing new. Furthermore, if I go to another room to just watch the video with my 4 1/2 year old, my other children are going to want to watch it too or they will feel left out. So miquon is easier for me to implement. (I had to skip the first 20 pages or so because I didn't understand them. ) Hth.
  5. Tanaqui, Can you tell me some other authors who writes wordless picture books? I remember another one title "Where's the Cake" or something like that. I can't remember the author though. I would love to find more. :) Thanks!
  6. There's an author named JP Lehman. This person books have pictures with no words. We like them. One title is the Red Book.
  7. Yes, my apologies OP. I think I was getting confused between this thread and 2 other ones.
  8. It's obviously different for everyone. :) Here's another proof in 8's defense. My dh. He was raised in ps and didn't have any formal science until hs. He read a lot. To this day he reads everything. Also, he only made 2 B's his whole life and he has his masters. He could have went to medical school, but then we would have never met. ;) I think the key things are critical thinking, loving to read and the love of learning. (I know not a grammatically correct sentence.) Lol
  9. You sound like a friend of mine. ;) she is pretty much thinking about taking the same path. I think it's a lot of writing for a 3rd grader. BW, IEW and copywork seems a lot to me. However, if your child is okay with it, then it's fine. :) Every child is different. I hope it works out.
  10. For me Ruth, 1, 4, 5 are reasons why we do experiments at this age. I like to see the amazement expression on his face.
  11. Yes. I love those moments. with my first child I took pictures of almost every first thing. First time putting toe in mouth, first time hold bottle, first time crawled and then laid down to sleep.....because I guess crawling was too tiring. Lol
  12. Yes. Very good thread. I just finished reading it. And just realized that it's an old thread. Lol. Must of spinned off from another thread......off to find that one.
  13. Ah. I see. Every family is different.
  14. I respect that every kid learns differently. My kids are young, and since my oldest is kinesthetic and visual, I think hands on demonstrations are great for him. Yes, science and math is everywhere, but for me I have to do some research to tell my son why oil doesn't mix with water. Or why some things float and others don't. I can't just wing it. I'm afraid I'm going to use the wrong words, and teach them something wrong. Ever seen NCIS? I'm like Ziva on that show. She gets her words in the phrases in the wrong places. My dh says that I have my own definitions. It's a good think he loves me. :) I also think it's a good approach for some kids. For my son, it's another way of learning. Touching. Seeing. He also summarizes what I say, like he's trying to decipher in his head what I just said. He's been this way since he was about 3. Every time we do a demonstration, I explain to him what is happening and why. I don't have them write anything. I have started having him draw a picture. Someone had mentioned lapbooks. That sounds great too. On another thread, someone mentioned taking pictures. I would like to start that too. I also allow them to mix freely in an infant tub (and the rest of the kitchen lol). I have water, color tablets, baking soda, mentos, corn meal, flour, and vinegar. They can spend at least 2 hours mixing. We do play outside as well. They get muddy. We take nature walks as well. We did go to the beach, but it's too far now. At this age, I don't think it's necessary to do the scientific method formally, but nothing wrong to mention it. I also believe in reading science books. For my household, it's easier to do a demonstration than read because my 2 year old wants to tag along and will close the book if she isn't interested in it. She will do a demonstration with us though. That's another reason why we do "experiments". :) How will they turn out? I don't know. I will say though my son goes around talking about molecules, addition, chess, and star wars. ;) The other day he was the last one to finish lunch, and he said to me, "Anything divided by itself is one." I wanted to do a happy dance. I have not taught him that. I asked where did he learn that from and he pointed to his head. I then asked him if daddy taught him that and he said no. (Confirmed this with dad.) He said that he was looking at the white board and poof he just said it. (On the white board I had something for my 4 1/2 year old. Something you would see on education unboxed just drawn out). I don't know. I must be doing something right. lol I'm not going to wait around for another miracle to happen though, so hopefully I'm doing what's best for my child. I think when there are a little older I may do what lewelma suggested to do in another thread. I think it'll be a good fit for him. However, at this point in time demonstrations or experiments is a different approach of learning for them (at least for my son).
  15. Looks good to me. We are also doing books from the ctc; such as, mind benders, balence benders, and bts. I'll have to add art soon.
  16. So, do Miquon and RS math teach the same thing just in a different way? I really don't know what I'm talking about. I just want to make sure my girls get a good foundation. I got lucky with my son. He just picks it up. I asked my dh to read this thread and asked him what the discovery method was. He told me that it's the same thing how I'm teaching our ds. Whew. :) I'm hoping to eventually use SM with my girls. I see that kbutton used Miquon as a lead into SM. Did you Spy Car? Also, I was reading a past thread from like 5 years ago, something about a Japanese math book. Spy Car, did you ever use it?
  17. Vaquitita, I actually did buy orange book a long time ago. But since I didn't get it (and this did nothing for my self-esteem lol) I forgot about it. But I have been reading and like Spy Car said, after the first 20 or so pages it's easier to understand. :) And he's right! The first 20 or so pages is just counting and my 4 1/2 year old is beyond that. So, I'm going to try this and SM 1a before I buy RS. RS is just so expensive! EmilyGF has a good point though. If those don't work try something else. A part of me is hoping it'll work, but then another part of me is wanting to buy RS. heehee Ah......now where is that tax refund...........oh right, it went to buying SM's CWP books from CBD! lol
  18. Never mind. I saw your last post. :) Aren't you the scrappy one! :) Good for you. Thanks for this thread. It reminded me that I had to look into it.
  19. I can never get Rainbow Resource to come up for me. If someone here posted a link to buy something from it, then I can buy it. Otherwise, if I do a search on it, it'll just stall. Do you know where I can get CWP level 4?
  20. So did you hit the place your order button before I did? Lol I have to admit I stalled for a bit. It's a lot of money to charge right now for something that will sit on the shelf for a few years. Well, American Express is happy right now. :)
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