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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. I'll cross post this with the General Education board in a few days if I don't get a response. In case you ladies don't venture over there, I'll link it here if I do get any replies.
  2. Thank you Batmanswife. :) I like the way it looks too. lol The only thing I can think of for older kids is Brainpop. But not sure if it goes up to 6th grade.
  3. Hello, Has anyone used science4us before? Any thoughts on this? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
  4. I use phonics pathways. I don't see why it couldn't be used for a classroom of 10 kids. It's one book for $20. (Unless it's gone up in price). There's an older version out there that I got for about $3 from a homeschool sale. I don't see much of a difference. Good for nonwiggly kids. However, there are a few games in the book. With my wiggly one, I just made him do jumping jacks between him sounding out words.
  5. No. But it sounds intriguing. Here's a thread on no science experiments. Some people have raised children with reading science books and no science experiments (may start experiments in high school, not sure). http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/545473-no-science-experiments/page-2?do=findComment&comment=6249366 Hth.
  6. Guest Hollow is a website that I'm planning on using soon. Just need to find the time......
  7. Okay, so my dh has enlightened me that it was Vancouver Island with Victoria city in it. lol I guess we've always called it Victoria Island between the two of us. Lucky for me he speaks "my" language. heehee
  8. This is exactly what I was going to say. I do all this plus what displace said about playing first. I let them play first thing in the morning. Then he seems more oblige to do lessons. What was that that Reese Witherspoon said on Legally Blonde? Exercise makes endorphins and endorphins makes you happy. ;) Perhaps twice a week my dh can help in the mornings before going to work and my son is ok to do lessons. He loves math so no problem there. For science, he loves experiments. RSO is good for that and You be the Chemist. Also, the science book from the critical thinking company. For phonics, he would read one word and then do jumping jacks. Then read another, etc. This also kept me awake. ;) On my phone and just realized that I typed my reply in the middle of tanikit's quote. Sorry about that. Alright, this is better. :)
  9. Oh, I absolutely love Victoria island! We hope to retire there one day. Everyone was so friendly to us. We missed the ferry. Lol. Ah, such good memories. Have fun. :)
  10. I really don't know what you should do next, but I will tell you some info about a friend of mine. She also suspected dyslexia in her child. She had to go through GA cyber academy for them to pay for the testing. She was right. There seemed to be a lot of hoops that she had to go through. But in the end they pay for his testing and books that are helping him learn how to read. She's very happy with the program that is helping her child. T The downside for using a program like that is that you have to report to them. I think. You could do a search on this forum and look for info about charter schools or online schools. There are some pros and cons. Also, I would post this question on the Learning Challenges board. You'll get lots of good feedback. Good luck.
  11. Welcome! One thing that has helped me is reading the threads on this forum. I've been doing it for about a year now. It's interesting to see the questions that other people have. A lot of times I think oh what a good question! :) But judging from your first statement you may be doing that. :)
  12. I agree with mom2bee. It's exactly what I was going to say except for using wrtr. I don't know anything about it. Continuing with awana and correcting his grip sound good to me. I don't correct every time because I dont want mine to get paranoid. :)
  13. I've only gone from level 1 to 2, but I don't think there is a lot of reviews. however, if I feel it's too much review I just skip them. I have skipped a few lessons before.
  14. Here's a thread on something similar. I'm not sure if it's what you are looking for. But dmmetler's and Arcadia's responses are may be what you are looking for on thie thread. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/535546-chemistry-for-the-young/?p=6059591
  15. So, if you want to make bread or pizza you could mention that a chemical reaction can occur. When you mix flour, water and yeast, substances are mixed together that will break or create new molecular bonds. Once in the oven, heat will change the molecular bonds. I'm sure there's more to it than that. Perhaps someone else can add more info. :) :bigear: too.
  16. That's so cool! Has anyone said that yet? :)
  17. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully, you'll find a good find at the conference sale.
  18. I don't know vaquitita. I don't have the fgd. Do I need it? I think I read somewhere that it wasn't necessary. I know someone who started out using miquon and as far as I know she's still using it and only it. I can email her, but not quite sure if she's up to replying because she just had a baby. And her baby has her days and nights mixed up. Poor mom. I'll leave this thread up and if no one answers your question in a week I'll email her.
  19. Yes, I forgot bring snack and a bottle of water. I usually have 3 kids in tow with a stroller, so I didn't think about telling you to bring a box. lol And I also get there 15 mins later for the safety of my kids. No rush. If it's there, it's there. It's not like I'm getting a mansion for $2. lol
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