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Everything posted by sarasue7272

  1. When we got to see why sherlock arranged this whole thing - Mary telling him to go to hell and let Watson save him - I was pretty disappointed. I thought, really? This is how it always plays out between these two (sherlock and watson), its always about sherlock and he is so selfish. Then they redeemed it when we could hear watson's inner voice, sherlock getting texts from Irene, sherlock ACTUALLY HUGGING watson, sherlock having real insight into watson "being human". The writers are so clever with all this, bringing me to the brink of hating them and the show, then bringing so much character development that I must keep watching! But really, if the mystery gets too abstract and unknowable, it'll jump the shark. We can't have too much lovey dovey stuff.
  2. Mary's cd also had Miss Me? written on it. I feel like Mycrofts's foreshadowing about a another one going rogue was in reference to a brother. I can't remember the exact words. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to watch this show. It's not all that fun when the viewer has absolutely no chance of even following. Sherlock become deus ex machina - no thanks.
  3. Napkin on the plate. It will end up as grody wet napkin in the sink which I HATE! this stems from doing dishes as a kid. It doesn't happen much in my own house without a disposal, plates get scraped before going in the sink.
  4. You can do a lot with an electric skillet. Maybe check out goodwill for some cheap small appliances to get you through. Or just use this as an excuse to buy yourself an instant pot. 😊
  5. Thanks everyone for the advice. I have never thought of autism for him, but have often thought it was something to do with language. Is there a way to get insurance to pay for an evaluation? The pediatrician is very laid back and non-interventionist so I don't see him being very helpful. Also, the boy he is friends with at church has some issue that I suspect is autism.
  6. Well I will definitely delete this stuff later if I say anything about inlaws. DELETED I often am perplexed by my inlaws actions and words. Like I really don't understand how their minds work. Sometimes they do things, not crazy weird or mean things, where I just can't puzzle through why someone would say or do that. They are nice people, they just don't make sense to me sometimes. And my own sweet boy is often a mystery as well, though I love him dearly and feel a strong desire to figure it out! He is not like me at all so its so hard! I will get in touch with the place that did the hearing test, and when school starts i will make an appointment with the school SLP.
  7. No one made fun of him, they just can't see that the connection between an unknown story about elijah and the flash is not obvious to a nine year old (or anyone!) they were explaining it to him, of course not very well since he still didn't get it the next day. They have a tendency to say the same thing a bunch of times / repeat each other. Or, he was already emotional when &&& tried to explain it to him and he stopped listening/couldn't understand. They are not the kind of people who would make fun of a kid, they are the type to not notice that kiddo is still upset about being "wrong" and not following after that point.
  8. Last year he failed the required hearing test to enter school. He had an evaluation that seemed pretty extensive and passed with flying colors. I think I asked about auditory processing disorder, but I will call the place that did it and ask.
  9. Sorry for such a vague title. I have noticed a problem my son, DS9 is having. It isn't new, but things are finally coalescing in my mind about what is going on. Some backstory: He went to public school for K, we then homeschooled for 1st and 2nd, he went to different ps for 3rd, and is now at a another different school for 4th. (Different schools are because we moved). I strongly suspect he is dyslexic. He reads on grade level now after lots of work at home, we had absolutely no money at the time for testing. I have been noticing that DS does not always seem to fully understand what people are saying to him, and does can't always follow the conversation. It is not obvious, because he may not say anything at the time, he just goes along. I know that's vague, so here is an example. Yesterday during family christmas, &&& says to DS, "the Flash is in the Bible", DS disagrees. &&& proceeds to tell him about Elijah running really fast like the flash, $$$ joins in somehow as well. DH also found the story in question in the bible last night and read it to DS. This conversation was at the other table, so I wasn't really following, but I heard some of it. Today, DS was being snotty and I sent him to his room. Really, he was tired and hungry and I hoped laying down for a bit while I got his lunch ready would help. It didn't. When I went to talk to him he is crying (again, tired and hungry) and I asked him why. I thought it would be because of the most recent altercation that got him sent to his room, but no, it was this conversation from yesterday. 'I doesn't like when people gang up on me and tell me I'm wrong. &&& said the flash is in the bible but I said no. I know the flash isn't real. Everybody just kept telling me I was wrong. Everyone at school gangs up on me too.' Now, &&& is really into superheroes. I can see why he would make this kind of analogy for himself and his kids. DS is a smart kid. I feel like most kids would understand that &&&'s statement was not meant literally. DS seems to only hear part of what you say and then either takes it completely literally or interprets it in a wrong way. It's so hard to even describe. I often only realize it has happened after the fact. I'm not sure what to call this, to do any research. I can look back on things and see where this has been going on a long time. I feel sad that I wasn't paying attention to the conversation yesterday, I could have explained it to DS. &Edited out& I'm not sure how help my son, or get him help. Where do I start? I'm pretty sure I'll delete this later, too much to personally identify me!
  10. Thomasnet formerly known as the Thomas Registry. You can find suppliers that are minority owned. http://certifications.thomasnet.com/certifications/ I also suggest you call a reference librarian 😊 Eta: this used to be available only in a library, I just got on from home but had to create a free account. It is for the US and Canada.
  11. Seems harder than stovetop?? I can pop 1/3 cup of kernels on the stovetop and end up with 0-2 kernels left unpopped. And have a handle to pour it into a bowl!
  12. I have one that cuts off the top and does not leave a sharp edge, it's pampered chef.
  13. Shepherds/cottage pie Beef stew Chicken pot pie Chicken and dumplings
  14. Cold sores hurt, especially in the corner of your mouth. That would be so painful! I take lysine for them. 6 weeks seems like a really long time for a cold sore. White pus doesn't really sound like a cold sore, they are red with little blisters.
  15. Durrell in Corfu was really good. If you have acorn - raised by wolves, agatha raisin mysteries
  16. How do you say it though? I think I do both. Tomorrow is Silas's birthday. Ms. Stephens' class won the pizza party.
  17. Over the Edge of the World by Bergreen (about Magellan) - It was pretty slow to start, but I ended up really liking it. Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery by Hollingham - This one goes way back and right up to the present (2008 at least). It was really good, and at times very gory! I would say both of these are PG-13. I almost recommended Over the Edge of the World to my nephew, but he was 10 at the time and I changed my mind. The book talked about the sexual habits of pacific islanders in more detail than I was comfortable with for a kid. Blood and Guts has a chapter about sex reassignment surgery. Just FYI!
  18. Just about started to cry just now listening to Tennessee Christmas.
  19. It's FINALLY raining today and it's supposed to rain a good bit in the coming weeks. The smoke covered more than half of Georgia for several weeks. There was no rain for over two months. The pictures and video from the gatlinburg area are just awful. I hope it keeps raining and that helps a bit.
  20. My husband suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident, and he didn't hit his head either. Please rest!
  21. Well, that is what low thyroid feels like to me. Not sure what you can do though, if thyroid function is going high and low. I guess I would tell my doctor. I hope the surgery solves this problem! When I feel like this I know I've missed my medication for a few days!
  22. I worked at a processing center last year. A group of women from my church went and we had a good time. The plastic boxes are good in that they are reuseable. However, the dollar store ones break easily, as in they were already cracked when we went through them. They are packing them into big cardboard boxes, so keep that in mind when picking out a box, and adding bows or anything to the outside. All boxes get taped all the way around.
  23. I'm pretty much over blogs. I used to like them, but now it's all monetized BS. So many words without saying a dadgum thing. I especially hate when I'm looking for something and I get a list of links in paragraph form. I already googled!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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