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Everything posted by sarasue7272

  1. Ugh, one message I wouldn't mind, but three?? Are they all from the same person (who doesn't listen) or different people (who don't communicate amongst each other)?
  2. No luck at Walmart, Lowes, Best Buy, Kroger. I found some child size on Amazon, 4 for $35. The same company (Lunt) had regular ones coming in stock on august 16. Didn't see anything else in stock for prime.
  3. What part of the store were they in? Everything on Amazon is at least $10 per pair. My sister saw some in Kroger, but the one near me doesn't have any.
  4. Does he even think of himself as a real person? He is The Supreme Leader. What else is he? What else has he ever been? It is all really twisted. One person's selfish desire for power and adoration many years ago leads to this. Ruination of the whole country and his own family.
  5. People also leave trash at the library on top of the book return. Just like, I need to return my books, oh and I think I'll clean out my car while I'm here. At least I never found trash inside the book return.
  6. Potatos Duke's Mayo Mustard Dill pickle relish Hard boiled egg Onion Apple - mashed and served warm I put dill pickle juice in deviled eggs NO SUGAR
  7. Well someone made a compilation of the 10 most inappropriate dances on Dance Moms One is a fan dance with big pink fans and flesh toned bra tops. The first girl appears to have misplaced her costume and is dancing in her regular bra and underwear. This makes me glad I have boys 🙈🙈🙈 Eta: shoot, I didn't mean to imbed so all would have to see that!
  8. My husband brought me a lovely Very Bradley towel he found on the road. I washed it on hot and I'm not ashamed!!
  9. I'm not sure i would say too far, but not ideally situated. I had to use a pad last time af came to visit. Kind of similar situation, only half used. 😕
  10. I went from anti to pro, for my children. I have no opinion on what other people choose for their children. I was very crunchy when my kids were very small. I lived in a small town, they didn't go to daycare, they were exclusively breastfed. I talked to my ped about it, and she was fine with delaying for a while. I really don't like SO many vaccines for newborns. Hep B for my one day old baby? Seriously? If I or my husband or family member was in a high risk group, yes I would have done it. Anyway, I was mostly planning to delay, not skip forever. Then, we moved to a much higher population area. My kids went on a trip with inlaws that included a stop at LAX. At the time, measles were in the news a lot because of outbreaks in California. So they got the MMRV. Also, both my kids got a weird rash about 3 days apart from each other. When the first got it, I thought it was a reaction of some kids. He was not ill at all, and it didn't itch. I was not really concerned. Then the other child got the same rash, so I took him to a minute clinic. The NP thought it looked like Rubella. Rubella passes quickly with no ill effect to the patient. But of course it is very dangerous to pregnant women. I thought a lot about that, that I may have exposed a pregnant woman and her baby to rubella. A state health nurse called a few weeks later to ask about it. She said it was unlikely to be rubella, since there were no known outbreaks, and we hadn't been out of the country. I still feel pretty bad about it, several years later. Then, I decided oldest would go to PS. When I looked at the requirements for school and the schedule for children starting immunizations at age 7+, I was ok with them. MMRV, polio, hep a, hep B, DTap. That's it. I think I changed my mind because it became very personal. Also, life circumstances changed and I became less crunchy in general. The recommended shots were much less than what is recommended for infants/preschoolers. Now both children are caught up. No shots for years! If I ever have another baby, there are some vaccines that i will probably refuse, some I will delay, and some I will get on time.
  11. wow I said sticking your tongue out can be suggestive. Someone else said it is simulating oral sex, but I'm sure you knew that. As it happens, one photo was of three people 'grinding' on the dance floor, the young woman has her tongue out. So in that case, it was 3 people simulating a sex act. The other photo featured a young woman drinking with her arms around some friends - the typical partying photo. I'm not sure why you are so offended that some people see this type of photo as suggestive. It has no relation to you taking a silly photo with your baby.
  12. I am so surprised by the responses here! Have you all not seen these types of photos all over? I saw two on my facebook feed today! They are not silly goofiness. OP, don't second guess yourself.
  13. There is certainly a difference between a silly stick out your tongue picture (ex.Einstein) and a suggestive 'I'm ready to party' open mouth with tongue out (ex. the guy from KISS, Miley Cyrus) I assumed the OP was worried about the second type, not the first because who would worry about that? I agree with OP that it is probably suggestive. However, if daughter is a grown up, say it once and then let it go.
  14. I actually got Netflix to watch this! I lasted about 15 minutes. It was not interesting, and I had heard bad things by that time. Thankfully there are lots of other great things on Netflix to watch, like Father Brown and the Great British Baking show!
  15. That clip was dreadful. I watched a few Rachel Bloom videos beforehand and enjoyed them! Funny, clever, good voice - this bill nye clip was atrocious. The lyrics were not funny, they were forced and the whole thing was so awkward. Which is pretty bad since this woman manages to make 'heavy boobs' not awkward. As far as the content, so many people nowadays want whatever they want and they want it now! Just like Veruca Salt. A couple of years ago I turned the radio off in the car with my husband because three songs in a row had this same message - "I'll do what I want and f!*& anyone who disagrees with me"
  16. Just a tiny tube of gel, although the box is much larger. I have very sensitive skin, and I MUST use moisterizer/lotion every day. This stuff has not caused any flakiness! My skin just looks better. I got it at walgreens, but I also saw it at target.
  17. I see a post about acne every so often so I thought I would weigh in. I bought Differen over the weekend, $14 for a small tube. I have used it maybe four times and I already see a difference! I don't get a lot of zits, mostly blackheads, so I can't speak to that. I swear my pores look smaller on my nose. In only 4 days!
  18. I just bought a pair of those and I love them! I got them in a wicking fabric. :laugh: I think I bought Jockey, they were from Target, about $12. Oh, and I got them for wearing under skirts. I wouldn't wear shorts under shorts. I also own a straight up slip that is shorts. I like it too, but it is better under dresses than skirts, the rise is REALLY long. I really wish slips would come back in style, I often see too much of people wearing knits without a slip. :lol:
  19. Well, I tried again and this time I'm in!! I used another email address. I guess I did much better this time because they offered more money after my interview and demo class and I only had to do one Mock Class. I'm getting my info uploaded and can't wait to get started. My sis in law is doing great (no surprise because she is great all around, especially as a teacher). I have been on several interviews in the past year and it stinks to have people think that because I haven't worked in years I must be clueless about technology. NOT TRUE! It feels great to have someone (anyone) say YOU'RE HIRED!
  20. http://www.jcpenney.com/made-for-life-knit-skorts/prod.jump?ppId=ppr5007170606&catId=SearchResults&searchTerm=womens%20skorts&N=1606 I just bought two similar to this, mine are solid colors. AND they were $25 in the store. EDIT: they were $15 dollars! whoops.
  21. Mine lasts a long, long time. Recently I bought off brand toner for the first time. It included directions for reseting the printer to get more pages out of the old toner. It worked! I have the HL-2270 wireless. It is a great printer, I have had it close to 10 years and it is still great. Even paying $80 for name brand toner, it hurts to buy it, but I get over it quick since buy it less than once a year.
  22. My DH has them on his lower back from growing a foot in a year. A boyfriend I had in high school had them on his arms from working out. I have some on my upper thighs/hip area since I was a skinny teenager. It's just from stretching of the skin right?
  23. https://www.amazon.com/Colorescience-Sunforgettable-Mineral-Sunscreen-Brush/dp/B00RM4QVS2/ref=lp_14608981011_1_10_s_it?s=luxury-beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1490825761&sr=1-10&th=1 I bought this years ago, and I love it to use on the spur of the moment. I keep it in my purse during the summer. I don't think I paid $57, but it was expensive. However, I still have it probably five years later. Not sure if it expires, I need to look into that. Looks like it may expire after 3 years. Still a long time! This stuff was great to put on my little kids quickly and easily. They have very fair skin and this powder/brush deal made it super easy to sunscreen their ears and neck especially. I did't use it for the beach or anything, just if we were at the park or outside for a few hours.
  24. Please do send me the info. I watched a lot of videos, but who knows? Not with the same email login information.
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