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Everything posted by DesertBlossom

  1. DD2 woke up Monday with these spots all over her belly. My first thought was *gasp* bed bugs. But throughout the day she got a few more, Tuesday morning she had even more. The vast majority are on her belly here. She has a handful on her arms and legs. NONE on her back, face or neck. A few of them look like little tiny whiteheads, which is why yesterday I had decided it was chickenpox and started thinking about how we were going to isolate ourselves for the next little while. But this morning (Wednesday) it is essentially unchanged from yesterday. I would have expected some progression if it were chicken pox. She hasn't been noticeably sick except for a slight runny nose this morning. She doesn't seem to be itching the spots either. I'm not worried if it is chicken pox, I'd just like to know if I need to be rearranging my life for the next week to stay home. Is this a normal progression of CP? Or something else entirely?
  2. I've seen guys do this and I think it looks awkward and slightly possessive. I think public displays of affection should be natural and comfortable. When it looks awkward and unnatural, it looks a little desperate and clingy.
  3. Totally random, but for the same reason I think bridal pictures are totally bizarre. Why take pictures of just the bride? She's only in the dress bc of the man she's about to marry. I remember thinking that even as a teenager- one of my friend's home they had huge (like 16x20) bridal pictures of all the married sisters displayed in a main room. Why wouldn't they have included the spouses? So weird to me.
  4. Because it's a relatively recent thing and spouses used to be invited to these same gatherings, it is bound to the hurt feelings of those who were once included.
  5. I think it's wierd and rude to exclude spouses. Who is planning this? Is it someone who doesn't want their spouse there for some reason?
  6. My brother had surgery but still had problems. He's since decided he has a dairy allergy/intolerance and as long as he avoids it, he feels better.
  7. Those I can handle. But even they seem hard to find. It seems like *most* sock pairs are completely different so they are obviously mismatching. I've heard that kids do that on purpose even, but I can'y handle it. :-D
  8. [quote name="BlsdMama" post="6573194" And we won't even discuss socks. I am convinced socks are some kind of conspiracy. Every package comes with 6 pair of similar, yet non-matching different colored socks and pairing them up is not something I want to do or have time for. And I know some kids don't mind not matching. But it makes me twitch. I find packages of all white or all black socks and then buy 3 packages. If I am lucky, 2 of my boys can wear the same size. Makes sorting easier when all the socks are identical.
  9. The year DS was born, there were 3 other boy cousins born. And the next year when DD was born, there were 3 girl cousins born. They've been so lucky to have so many cousins their age. And all of my kids have at least 1 or 2 cousins close enough in age to play with. I love it!
  10. I got rid of my kitchen rugs too. They seem to get dirty fast and moving them to sweep is annoying. Somewhat related- I am *this* close to throwing out all my throw pillows becaude they are always on the floor. Always. I never see anyone move them from the couches, but as soon as I blink they are on the floor again.
  11. It's always on Sunday mornings that my kids inform me (by throwing themselves hysterically onto the floor) that their church shoes are too small and they refuse to put them on again. I mean, couldn't I have had some warning and maybe some time to shop for new ones?
  12. This is actually what I use. But I could use some help with covering my dark under eye circles. And finishing an overall look. They overwhelm me with all their brushes and highlightng and contouring and I'm like "Can I get that look with just a compact makeup?" Lol.
  13. I could desperately use some makeup help and I've watched a few youtube videos. How do all these teeny boppers know so much? And how much do they spend on make up and brushes? I watch a few and decide their products (and in the quantities they use them) are out of my price range. :crying: I mean, this one girl in her "easy morning make up" routine put like 4 things on her eyebrows. I'm supposed to put stuff on my eyebrows? I give up. :mellow:
  14. Papa Murphy's. You bake it so it kinda sorta maybe feels a bit homemade. But you don't have to do any work. ;-) Papa Murphy's is out favorite though!
  15. This baby was supposed to be an Alice, bit we are going to have to find a different name for *him* instead. :-) My personal fave is Margaret, but DH vetoed that.
  16. My grandmother was 49 when she had her last. You're practically a spring chicken in comparison.
  17. Are there women out there who wouldn't find that in very poor taste? That would be an immediate turn-off. So is he bragging to the other boys, maybe?
  18. I have a tendency to get sinus infections. I've found a Neti Pot works really well. I have to be diligent about using it twice a day. I add the recommended salt plus one drop of Grapefruit Seed Extract. It takes a few days, but it will clear it up.
  19. I am not personally offended by overhearing swear words. But I do find it jarring. I was in line with a couple young adults who were angry about being asked for I.D. and they used the F word every other word. I find it to be in poor taste as well as a indication of poor character. If someone swore AT me, it would bother me most if it's someone whose opinion I actually care about. My potty-mouthed brother has thrown the F word at me a couple times recently and I was very upset about it. He could have gotten his point across without trying being so offensive. At this point I avoid talking to him. He's got a short fuse and apparently doesn't think swearing at people is as big of a deal as I do. I think swear words are intended to be offensive. It's kind of like passing gas in front of someone and then telling them to "get over it" when they complain. Sure, we all toot on accident sometimes and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. But there's no reason to be spewing our noxious gases in front of others on purpose.
  20. No. DH gets the shot with the military, which he's not happy about but is required to do. He says he always gets sick after the flu shot.
  21. This year I will have a newborn at Christmastime so I need to be on the ball and have everything ready by November. But naturally I haven't done a darn thing yet.
  22. Last year the kids got socks and underwesr and a couple of stocking stuffers.... and then we told them to pack their bags and we headed to CA. I loved it. I was so over all the toys and stuff we've accumulated and I wanted to do something different.
  23. Yeah, I had no idea until they showed up the next evening. But oh well. In other situations, when we've found out someone was throwing up, we won't go to the gathering. It's not worth risking it. Other types of illnesses don't scare me as much, but puking is just especially complicated.
  24. Not that it all really matters now, but they had driven 3 hours of their trip and stopped at MIL's house to pick her up and to sleep for the night. Nephew was up all that night puking, but they continued traveling on the next day. Stomach bugs are generally a giant PITA with Type 1 diabetes because it makes ot very hard to manage blood sugar and keep ketones down. She doesn't necessarily get more sick than my other kids, it's just more complicated. The baby's hospital stay was a fluke. She's otherwise super healthy, she just got this bug bad and couldn't keep anything down at all. She perked back up with IV fluids. It is what it is. If if think about too long I get grumpy. But I otherwise love SIL so I try not to get my panties in a wad over it. I still have no intention of ever mentioning it to her. But you're right- even postponing it would have been complicated. Plus, there's a chance no one else would even come down with it. So in hindsight, if she had called and said her kid got sick, I'm not sure what I would have said. It was likely the only time they could come. Had I KNOWN what would happen, I would have asked theu cancel. But the optimist in me would have hoped it wasn't a big deal.
  25. Last summer my SIL and her family drove 15 hrs to see us-- a visit we were very much looking forward to. When they got here she informed me that one of her kids had been throwing up on the car ride, but happily they had made it anyway. I wanted to die inside. But I couldn't really turn them away at the door as we were the only people in town they came to visit. Sure enough, a couple of the other kids came down with it but we had a fun visit together anyway. It wasn't until after they left that my DD with type 1 diabetes got the stomach bug and for a while I was worried we were going to have to take her to the hospital to help manage her blood sugar during the vomiting. We didn't end up needing to take her in, but my 1 year old did spend 24 hrs in the hospital receiving IV fluids when she became lethargic after throwing up continuously. I never said a word to my SIL who was long gone by the time I got to live through my own little personal hell with my sick kids. She's an otherwise kind, considerate person whose excitement over her visit clouded her judgment. I didn't feel it would have been helpful to say anything after the fact. Personally, I wish they would have postponed their visit until they were sure no one was sick. But I also realize that illness is somewhat inevitable and I can't protect my kids from everything so I don't see any point in becoming angry over something I can't go back and change anyway. As for not-yet-sick kids who have only been exposed to illness- I think that's a tough call. From what I've seen, it often takes more than 24 hrs from exposure to fall ill, so I don't see any point in quaranting my family for days on end for only the possibility that they might get sick. Had they already been throwing up, yes. But there was also the chance they weren't going to get sick at all. ETA: If I was at all annoyed it was because the year before when we visited them and another stomach bug was going around, they WATCHED the scariest moment of of life when DD (with T1Diabetes) started throwing up. Her blood sugar plummeted and I worried I was going to have to call 911. (I managed to coax my puking daughter to eat enough glucose to keep her from passing out, but it was the scariest moment of my life so far) I would have thought after that experience they knew how scary a stomach bug could be for DD and they *should* have known that I wouldn't want their sick kids at my house. But... I am rather non-confrontational and I know raising a ruckus would have only damaged relationships. I just didn't see the point in making her feel bad about it
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