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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thank you , both. I have been loaned the Alpha materials to look over and I hope once I actually see what the program looks like that will help me finally make a desicsion.
  2. We didn't buy them their first cars, but if we could have we would have. I think paying their own gas/insurance is a decent compromise.
  3. I can't decide what is the best route to go with my 8 yo. He is using Abeka and has been since K and is in he 3rd grade book. He can do the work with my help and knows stuff like 1 day = 24 hours, 60 min = an hour, measurements and time, but he doesn't know his math facts and still has to use his fingers or manipulatives for basic addition and subtraction problems. He is finally getting the steps in addition with carrying even though we have been working on it for months it seems. I feel like he is doing the work OK, but I am worried that he is getting to the point where Abeka might be too hard for him and unless he masters the basic concepts it makes no sense moving on. I have looked at Right Start and MUS briefly and was thinking of one of those, but then got frustrated with descisions and ended up staying with what I know. Now I am back to worying that I made a mistake again. Part of my problem is I don't know what to expect from my son and how much to push him or not. He is having a neuropsych eval in a few weeks and I am hoping that gives me some kind of answer, but I still am confused and worried that I can do this. So what math wold be best for him? He has issues with memmory and recall, dyslexia and dysgraphia. Edited to add: If we do go with MUS, what level would you recommend starting with? Thanks!
  4. Waving wildly! :seeya: Yes, that is us. The only nice piece of furniture we own is our table, the rest has been second hand or yard sale finds. My kids wear thrift clothes, hand me downs or wal-mart clearance LOL. I love hitting the used book sales and the highlight of my day is when I stop at a yard sale and find a great steal! :D
  5. I have never read the linked blog, but saw the pictures on another board and thought they were great :) http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/022579.html
  6. I would not loan a book I was currently using/needing in case she doesn't return it in time for when you son needs it again.
  7. My son started having seizures in March and we, too, were scared to death. He is on Lamictal now and I second the recomendation on getting blood levels tested. I also agree that I wouldn't give any other meds until you spoke with the neuro and OKed it with him first. I know this is scary ! :grouphug:
  8. Ours is up: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Quiver0f10/582280/
  9. Oh my goodness , I would be a mess by now! :grouphug: I don't have advice but I am praying for you.
  10. I am very pleased with this news and confirms my descision to vote for McCain.
  11. My oldest will be 20 in December. She graduated last year and entered college last fall. After the first semester she decided she didn't like college life and wasn't sure that she wanted to spend 8 years to become a Veterinarian, so instead she is working as a vet nurse and loves it. She is planning on taking some college classes this spring at the CC and is going to work towards a business degree. She hopes to one day own an animal grooming/boarding business.
  12. Ours went up 16 cents over night? As far as I know oil is still down to @ 116 a barrel so I can't figure out thiis jump.
  13. You all are scaring me! We start VT in a few weeks ( finally!). Atleast ours is oly a 30 minute drive and is less than 5 minutes from where he gets OT. He will do OT 12:30-1:30 and then VT 2-3 so it works really nice for me as far as drving and being out of the house. I just hope it helps him.
  14. COngratulations!!! I know that feeling of relief all to well.
  15. We just started Barton's this week and I really appreciate the DVDs and how easy the manual is to understand and teach.
  16. Do you have a university nearby? Ours has a speech and hearing clinic and my son recieves ST by a graduate student who is over seen by a professor. The rate is really inexpensive verses private clinics.
  17. I did once and they were prompt with refunding my money with no questions.
  18. No way. My oldest 2 have graduated and both chose local schools and have commuted. My oldest is shy and decided she didn't like the college life, but my 18 yo, who is outgoing, loves it and is thriving so far. Both were glad to live at home and be a part of our family, plus keep their jobs, attend church here and still attend school.
  19. Our 3rd is a senior this year. He is doing the bulk of his classes this year at the CC and plans to attend there full time in the fall.
  20. Eureka Springs is very scenic and mountainous. I have only been through there once but there are lots of shops and stuff like that. http://www.eurekasprings.com/
  21. Thank you for the article. I wasn't sure whether I heard the guy right and it does seem it's more of a $ issue than whether the school is good or not.
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