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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My 3 yo ds loves his Kumon books! They are fun, easy and quick but he feels like he is "doing school". Deinfitely a good buy here.
  2. Can you call and see if there is anything you can do? Do you have proof that you sent in/filled out the rock the vote thing?
  3. Babies 1-3 were 9.2, 7.11( No idea where he came from lol), 9.8 and then my 4th weighed 10# 12 . I expected the next one to be well over 11 pounds and she was only was 9.8. The rest were: 6th 9.8 7th 10.15 8th 10.4 9th 10.2 ( C-section) 10th 11.14 I didn't have GD with any of them and went anywhere from 9 days to 17 days late. All were normal, uneventful births except my section.
  4. I did let him do it as he wished schedule wise and he did a chapter a week, but if I remember right there was only twenty-something chapters.
  5. We bought our kit last year and the copywrite says 2000-2006. Here are the ones included: Paper Chromatography Melting Points, super cooling Electrical Conductivity of Several Soultions Mole Ratios Double Replacement Reactions Oxidation-Reduction Decomposition Boyle's Law Charle's Law Solubility Product Constant PH and PH Indicators A Microscale Titration Molar Mass by Tritration A Buffer Solution Reaction Rates: The Effect of Concentration Reaction Rates: The Effect of Temptature Electrochemistry: Galvanic Cells HTH
  6. We used BJU Geography and my son did it in 8th with no trouble at all. He did do it daily and finished well before the school year was over, so I think if you did it twice a week you'd be fine if you wanted to spread it over 2 years. IF we don't do TOG next year, I am planning on BJU Geography for my 8th and 9th graders :D
  7. I love it LOL! I am going to have them memorize this next. Thanks :)
  8. We are really enjoying the book and the kids like showing off the poems they know. I love how easy it is to get them to memorize the material. Definitely a good fit for us.
  9. I am using Rod & Staff bible 5 this year with all my children. We read and discuss it orally.
  10. when he wrote his memorization book LOL. My 10 yo did the After the Party poem in rap complete with rap style moves etc! It was hilarious LOL. I wish I had thought to video it.
  11. No way, no how. I love being home with my kids!
  12. If you have known GB trouble and then pain with fever, you need to been seen asap. It could mean your GB is infected and could rupture.
  13. I had them for a few years and when I got them off my real nails were very thin and super sensitive. Even my shirt brushing against my nails made my skin crawl. It only lasted a few weeks, but it was enough to make me never want them again LOL. But, since having the fake ones, I can now grow my own nice and long.
  14. Thanks, Laurie. I ended up editing my OP cause I wasn't sure it made sense LOL. I appreciate the info and will check out the link.
  15. We always eat lunch and dinner together, but my kids all wake at different times and want to eat right away so breakfast is a staggered even here unless I cook a huge breakfast and get everyone to the table together, which usually happens on only Sunday mornings. A thought though is maybe give the older kids a snack first thing and then once the younger kids are awake, the older ones get a break and everyone can eat breakfast together?
  16. We had all wood floors in our house in Maine and I loved it! We are too hard on carpet and I much prefer wood. We did get small area rugs for the bedrooms though.
  17. and we go on November 12th for the results. We did testing last week and today and I don't know about my son, but I am exhausted! LOL. I think he did better on some parts then I expected him to, which suprised me. She didn't have him finish the reading comp section as he did so poor on the first part she said it's obvious he has dyslexia and it would just frustrate him more to try the second part. I was sort of hoping we could get the results mailed to us and then go in and talk about them, so I have time to research. I might call and see if she can do that instead of just meeting to hear the results. Anything else I should ask or be aware of? Thanks!
  18. I am not matching them up :blushing: but my son is doing this independently and he is picking and chosing them to match the modules the best he can. We do plan to complete all the experiments in the micro chem book.
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