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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Ours start @ 13. I remember teasing my oldest boy something like "when are you going to shave?" and he said he did that morning and I was dumbfounded LOL. I wasn't ready for my baby to grow up. :)
  2. I personally wouldn't use TOG with a first grader unless you had older ones using TOG and just folded the first grader in. For the younger ages I really liked the SOTW books.
  3. Thank you for looking at my blog. :) I really need to update it soon :blush: We do have some kumon books and the kids and I love them! My 3 yo does his while I school the other ones and they are perfect for him.
  4. I wondered if it was a worksheet you created. He does have beautful handwriting! I wish my boys looked like that :)
  5. OK, now I am even more excited. Thanks for the great reviews and the pics!
  6. Today is our last day until the 1st! I really need this break. :D Anyone else?
  7. We have 10 kids and spend $800 a month for everything, but I could easily spend more like $1200 if I had the money to do so.
  8. Keeping up with correcting their work. I detest correcting work and have to force myself to do it otherwise it piles up on my desk.
  9. I made this for dinner tonight and wanted to share the recipe. It's super easy and cheap. The recipe is from the tightwad gazzette I believe. I had cooked broccoli yesterday and had a bunch left over so I put that in a 9 X13 and aded some chopped onions and shredded cheese. Than I made a batch of biscuit mix from hillbillyhouse wife http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com/biscuitmix.htm Wisk together: 2 cups milk 4 eggs beaten 1/2 cup of the bisquick mix from above Pour over the top of the veggies/cheese and bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes. I doubled this to make a 9X13. The great thing about this is you can do whatever combination of veggies or meats you prefer :) Hope this helps someone.
  10. I didn't see it on the web site so I am not sure, but does Startwrite have HWT style fonts?
  11. These made me chuckle too: I need to chill. Please help me! Okay -- What Says "It's Cold!" To You?
  12. I suggest looking into something like MOTH to get everyone on a schedule. For school I would combine things and keep it simple. Your kids are young still so maybe SOTW for history and apolgia elementary science. Then just pick one math program for each and one english and you have your core subjects covered. Work on your routine and schedule and then think about adding more in.
  13. You might have better luck trying the high school board. I think there are a few users over there.
  14. So, you think year 2 will be ready and shipped before fall of 09? I have no idea how long it takes to reach 450 orders LOL.
  15. I have quiet time first thing in the morning with a cup of green tea. Then while the kids are doing their morning chores I walk for 45 minutes. The rest of the day is chaos so I really enjoy my morning routine. :)
  16. I asked on the TOG boards and didn't receive a response so I am hoping someone here knows. In the newsletter they said they will send the year plans to the pritner when they recieve 450 orders. I am wondering if they need to wait till they have 450 of both year plans or will they print each year plan as it hits 450 orders?
  17. Thank you Crystal and Donna. I didn't know MFW had boards and will be spending sometime over there later today! :D
  18. I was looking at samples of MFW and I see they give you read alouds, but I don't see any other books for literature? I have only looked at the Rome to the Reformation samples pages, so maybe there are some independent reading suggestions elsewhere? Thanks!
  19. Thanks everyone for the replies. AT this moment I am planning on staying with TOG, but it's nice to know there are other options.
  20. ITA. He is being greedy due to the market situation. I'd tell him to take a hike and if I had to I'd rent out the house until the market improves.
  21. I just got a Dear Jean letter starting that it was an error. I figured they were selling them for a clearance. Oh well.
  22. Looks like Target is canceling the orders and we wont be getting a car seat :(
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