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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Yay! I think you will be very happy with SWR! It taks a bit of getting used to it, but it's a wonderful program.
  2. Thanks again. I am going to plan and go ahead with R for her and know that if needed we can alway switch to D and try again later.
  3. Thanks ladies. We will be in year 2 next year and she wont come to year 2 again, which is why I was thinking we needed to do R. I guess I could start in D and move her up into R as the year and she progressses. I just like everything neat and tidy and figured it be better to start in R at the beginning rather that switching around. I will have one D so I will have those materials here anyhow. Maybe we can start in R and if she is struggling move her back to D until she is ready.
  4. Have you thought about SWR, which is similar to AAS ( from what I gather) but you only have to buy the materials once and not seperate levels. Plus you can use one set with all your kids.
  5. With my elementary aged kids we combine bible, latin, history, science, read alouds, writing, art and music. They do math ( I do have 2 in the same level math)and grammar on grade level. This year we do all our group stuff first thing in the morning and then I take turns working one on one with each of them. Once my kids are in high school they work independently.
  6. My DD will be in 9th next year and I am torn whether I should keep her in D for another year or move her up into R? She is a good reader and enjoys reading, but I am not sure of her maturity for the level of work involved. She is also one that I need to push constantly to do her TOG work. Many times she ends up simply writing a quick answer rather than giving the material some serious thought. I do have the rest of this year to guide her into putting effort into it, and we are working on it, but I still worry if she will be able to handle the rigor of R. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
  7. Bible, chocolate and coffee. Is that what you had in mind? :D
  8. This is what I had been thinking too. My 18 year old's last day is the 18th but I'd love to have an extra week LOL. I should probably stick to his schedule though. It makes more sense.
  9. Any toys that make repetitive noise! Kidding. Just kidding. :D
  10. and how long will you take off? We are ahead of schedule this year and we planned to break on the 19th, but I am thinking of maybe breaking Friday the 12th instead. This would give us more time to bake and do some fun crafs and stuff. What are your plans? :)
  11. Edit to add that we are heading to Dr. Thanks for the help ladies! You guys are great!
  12. lasagna chili tacos shredded chicken or beef in tortillas spaghetti soup & rolls salad bar potato bar
  13. Thanks everyone. We are going to the Dr in the morning.
  14. Thanks for the replies. Gives us an idea of what to shoot for when we are finally ready to save ( which I hope and pray is soon!)
  15. I am talking about total savings per month( rainy day, emergency, retirement, college , investing etc). What % of your take home do you save? I'd love to see it broken down into categories if that's possible and not too nosy. Edit to add: I know the economy stinks right now, but I am looking for your normal saving ideas. Thanks!
  16. We are in the same boat. We always lived rural and had land for the kids to roam in and now we are in a subdivision in a city :eek: . The kids do bike in the driveway, run around the small yard and we purchased a trampoline. It fills a lot of the back yard play area, but atleast they can be out there safe and use up energy.
  17. I have made these ahead and frozen them and they were still good. I think if you put them in the fridge early the night before they would be fine to cook in the morning.
  18. I am so sorry about your mom. :grouphug: You are in my prayers.
  19. This is what I have used with my high schoolers and we use a DK art book to add color pictures and more info on each artist.
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