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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. When does SWR teach syllables? I looked at the TOC online and I don't see it. When(if) it does cover them, does it explain things like open and closed and the sounds the vowels make with an open or closed etc? I hope I am making sense, I know what I mean but I am not sure how to word it.
  2. I think this is what bothered most of the people commenting and what got to me too. The whole attitude that if it's too hard just give up. I think that is what we are seeing with schools no longer giving grades or failing kids. What are we actually teaching them? I am thinking her son could use OT to help with his fine motor skills and it would really help his handwriting. I have a 12 yo 7th grader with horrible handwriting and he was the one I was going to just teach typing to, but your edit @ needing to write for inclass essays makes sense. I am going keep working on handwriting with him.
  3. I have been hypothryroid since my 17 yo was a baby and on meds. I never got my levels checked, other than normal scheduled checks, or had any issues and concieved without trouble.
  4. http://www.good.is/?p=8133&GT1=34127 I admit I had been tossing around the idea of stopping the handwriting practice books and just working on typing, but after reading this article and the comments below it I am rethinking my plans. What do you think? Warning: Some of the comments have profanity.
  5. If I remember right from your previous posts, your Dh is a teacher? In Maine right now they are consolidating schools and from what I have read, they will be eliminating some teaching positions. Keep that in mind as your plan for Aroostook country.
  6. It says 30 days online access for $17.95. I am wondering how well this would work as a prep for the AP chem test? He is doing Apologia Chem and Adv Chem this year along with the labs in the MicroChem Kit and I am thinking of having him do the AP test in the spring. http://www.thinkwell.com/index.cfm/student/product/chemistry
  7. Wow, sorry about the power going out, but I am thrilled you enjoyed the recipe!
  8. I had my last when I was 36 and had no trouble other than my hips/back/sciatic nerve which is normal for my pregnancies. I turned 40 in October and have been hoping for a while to have another but so far God hasn't decided to bless us.
  9. Can more than 1 player use this? If so how many players? If you have been using this how do you like it? Do you feel like it is helping your child? My son has been diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia and has isssues with working memory and processing. Would this be something that would work for him? Thanks!
  10. We normally take it down on Christmas day, but last year I left it up a few days longer and will probably take it down on Saturday.
  11. Merry Christmas to you too!

  12. LOL, I had been telling my DH about it because I thought it was wonderful. I am going to make this for NYE! Thanks for sharing your secret recipe :)
  13. We pulled our kids out when my oldest was entering 7th. My kids wanted to homeschool and were looking forward to it so that's a bit different, but I agree with the others that I would deschool for a while. I would start with the bare basic core subjects and go easy. Maybe math and grammar at first with some trips to the library for her to pick out some books. You can add in the rest as you both get used to things.
  14. I know basically what we are doing but need to decide between a few things below: Chalk Dust Alg I BJU Earth & Space or Apologia Physical Science TOG year 2 or MFW RtR R&S English 8 IEW Medieval writing lessons Lit-TOG Yr 2 or MFW RtR LFC B SWR ( he needs remedial spelling help)
  15. Your welcome! They are addicting to make, so be warned :-)

  16. I am so sorry! We had a neighbor's dog do that to a few of ours when we lived in Maine. Heartbreaking. :grouphug:
  17. Thanks, thats kind of the feeling I got from looking at the sample online. I prefer to have discussions too and am probably going to buy TTC to pull it together.
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