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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. :iagree: We have used NG with our oldest three and have really enjoyed it.
  2. I know we use our tax return for school supplies and I am sure others do too, so I'd probably list now.
  3. Thanks everyone. Allstate is who we have now and they want a small fortune, which I am not willing to pay.
  4. Thanks for the review! I don't know if we will get to all the lectures on both sets, but we will see how it goes.
  5. Understanding the Human Body & Understanding the Brain I was thinking of these for my upcoming 11th grader, who is planning on med school after graduation. This year he is doing Apologia Chem and Adv Chem and we plan to watch the TTC Chem DVD's this spring. He did Apologia Biology in 9th and will do the Adv Biology next year. I was thinking these would round out the biology courses. I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially if you have used these. Thanks!
  6. We are thinking of switching from our current provider and the quote we got from Geico is @ $100/month less that what we are paying now. Can this be for real? If you do have Geico have you been happy? How long has it taken to get help when you had a claim?
  7. I am so sad for him and I wish we lived closer. He is going to a specialist today and should have a clue as to what treatment options are available. He is 70 though and in poor health otherwise so I don't know what all the can or will do. I would appreciate prayers for him, not only for healing, but more importantly for him to come to know the Lord.
  8. We are using the ancient without the TE book and so far I haven't had a problem. I had one lesson I did have a few questions and the ladies on the IEW yahoo group were very helpful.
  9. We had a 3 month window between #s 8 and 9, but other than that we have had a child, or 3 at a time :eek:, in diapers since 1988. It feels so weird and I am sad that my baby is growing so fast. Time marches on.
  10. The last MRI I had they allowed my Dh to come in with me. He sat by my head and kept his hand on me so I knew I wasn't alone. It helped a lot.
  11. I am so happy to see this thread! I just bought this on Amazon for $3.41! :D And I was looking for ideas on how to make it work.
  12. This is the part that bothered me too. If the program is good and is getting excellent results and reviews, the edcucation of the author doesn't make a difference to me. I didn't mean to come off as attacking you, Kim, that wasn't my intent and I apologize if I hurt your feelings.
  13. My 18 yo was a small baby (for me) and he was only 15#s at a year. He did have some digestive issues so I am sure that played a part too and the Dr's weren't concerned @ his weight. I don't remember if he was late with his miliestones other than getting teeth. He is now 150#s and healthy :D If the Dr isn't worried than the baby is probably fine, but it be worth keeping an eye on.
  14. We have been using them for level 1, but my kids aren't loving them and I am wondering if we will lose something by just going at it ourselves. Thanks.
  15. Have you ever heard of The Heart Att*ck Grill? It's absolutely disgusting and yes, it's a real place. WARNING: The waitresses are scantily dressed! Might not want the kids to see this :D
  16. I don't understand how all these poeple NOW say he was abused. Yes, one person ( other than the son) reported it back then, but why not stay with it until something was done? Keep calling or whatever. Makes me ill.
  17. Thanks everyone! We are probably going to buy this for our son. I think he will like it and I hope it does help.
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