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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My 18 yo college student recieved one of these, but I am pretty sure he wasn't able to file it himself because we claimed him as a dependent. Is this correct? If my son can't claim this, should my my husband and I claim this on our taxes, even though my son will be paying back his student laons himself? Thanks.
  2. Thanks. I was thinking of using Notgrass with the assigned books and then adding a lit program on top such as LL. I wasn't sure if that would be over-kill or not.
  3. Which one do you prefer and Why? Which one would offer more critical thinking? What literature did you use alongside whatever your choice was? Thanks!
  4. I do the best I can, but it's not near what I'd like to be feeding my family. We just can't afford more right now.
  5. Thanks, I just got one for $23, including shipping :D
  6. My 10th grade Ds is planning on med school too. We are aiming to get to calculus and through as much science as possible. So far he has finished biology, chemistry and will be finished adv chem by May. Next year he will do Adv biology and then in the spring take a college level biology at the CC. He is going to use Saxon Adv math and then onto pre-cal and calculus at the CC his senior year as well a college level chemistry and writing.
  7. You can buy bags of beans and lentils for @$1/bag, a big bag of rice for @$3 and some canned veggies and you have a few a complete meals for just a few dollars. Some peanutbutter for the bread and you can have PB & J for a snack or quick lunch. A large caninster of oats is @ $2. Add a bag of small apples and maybe some raisins for the oats.
  8. We use TOG , R&S for grammar and IEW themed writing books. This year we are doing TOG year 1 with IEW's Ancient History based Writing and it is going well. The topics don't always match up, but thats fine. The kids are learning to write, it's easy for me to implement and it is actually getting done. IEW is the first writing program we have stuck with.
  9. Sorry to hear you are without power. I just posted this on another board... Our area of Arkansas got hit pretty hard too. We were without power and/or internet from Tuesday through Friday. My son's classes at the university as well as all the area schools were closed for the week. We had a tree come down during the storm and land on our garage, which is where DH's office is. He was at his desk and jumped @ 3 feet LOL . Thankfully it didn't do any real damage. The last few days have been warm and I think most of the ice is melted and that everyone has power again except a few isolated spots.
  10. I just finished The China Study and Mad Cowboy this week and that is what has me rethinking dairy in thier diet. Thanks for the suggestions everyone!
  11. Thanks everyone. I do use Rice milk in recipes, but I am not sure the kids would want to drink it as a beverage and I also think it would be pretty expensive for my family. I don''t know why I am so worried @ calcium. I have researched and know that we don't need as much as "they" say and that we can get it from other sources, but I think it's ingrained that we need milk for strong bones.
  12. Whether it's due to allergies or personal belief, how do you make sure you are getting enough calcium? I searched a bit and found some non-dairy sources, but I doubt my kids aren't going to be eating a cup of spinach or kale every day. I am vegan and the rest of my family vegetarian, but we are considering a vegan diet for everyone and that's where my concern comes in. We cook and bake everything from scratch so we don't eat much fortified foods and we don't consume any soy. Not sure where to go from here, but I'd like to avoid supplements and prefer we get our nutrients from food sources. Thanks.
  13. What are you planning on doing with it? We got our federal on Friday :D and are having some much needed work done to our van and paid off some bills. I am also buying a few school things, but will do the rest of school shopping in March. What are your plans? :)
  14. I am not sure I understand your question, but we have 9 dependents this year ( oldest is 20). We don't pay in any federal tax out of our regular income, but did have tax taken out of DH's annual bonus. With the child tax credits and additional child tax credits we got a large refund even though we only had a relatively small amount of tax taken out. Edited after I read your last post. I think even with your income with the # of children you will still get some credit for the child tax and additonal child tax and should still recieve a "refund."
  15. My DD's plans for next year ( 9th) Chalk Dust Alg I Apologia Physical Science IEW Medieval Writing Lessons TOG year 2 for History, Lit etc SOS Spanish I LFC B or Henle I Traditional Logic I
  16. and it's not by choice :glare: We thought we had survived the ice storm fine because we still had power. Then we lost cable internet on Tuesday evening, but still had power. Today we lost power @ 2 and now we have cable and no power lol. I am on my son's lap top and have @ 2 hours battery left. I pray the power goes back on soon. I know there are others who have been without power all along and are much worse off then us. My son's college has no power so he hasn't had classes since Monday and they are closed again tomorrow. Edited to add: I forgot @ this LO" During the storm, my DH was in his office in the garage when a tree snapped and fell on the garage roof. My poor dh jumped @ 3 feet LOL! It didn't damage the roof, but gave my DH a near heart attack. How is everyone else in the path of this storm?
  17. Math, phonics and penmanship. My DD sits in on our history and science, but it's mostly exposure at this age.
  18. We are in it for the long haul. To us, this is a lifestyle. I can not imagine doing it any different.
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