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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I use 5 gallon food grade buckets that I buy from our food co-op. I am using the lids that come with the buckets, but I want to invest in some gamma seals.
  2. I have had ear pain on and off for quite a while now. It was't all the time so I figured maybe I had a cold in my ear or fluid. Since yesterday afternon I have had a non stop ringing in my right ear, which is drving me nuts. I have an appointment with a Dr, but not until Thursday. I do have a full bottle of amoxicillian tablets, can I just take those and will it clear up the infection? I hate taking meds but this ringing is driving me batty. :glare:
  3. We have 10th, 8th, 7th, 5th, 3rd, K and PS. I graduated my 12th grader after Christmas.
  4. We started when my oldest was entering 7th and we are ending our 8th year.
  5. If we do stay with TOG I will order a print copy because I liek to have it in my hands.
  6. We used to use Abeka for K-3 and then switch to Saxon in 4th using 5/4 and my kids had no trouble at all.
  7. My 5 yo Dd finished her math book early and I didn't want to start her in the 1st grade book until fall so we have been printing pages from online sites and it's working wonderful and free is nice! :D
  8. I was hoping they'd have given more info too. We are waiting for this to decide on science for next year. I really hope it's affordable!
  9. Thank you everyone for the great ideas! Now I have to get busy!
  10. These are nice too. I will have to get to target and WM next week and see what they have. I can't wait to get the room done now!
  11. Those are really cute! That is what I had in mind and I'd be thrilled if the area looked that nice when I was done!
  12. I love that desk! Those carts look neat too. I wonder how many I'd need Hmmmm
  13. Somehow over the last few years I have lost my oragnizing ability and my house has slowly gone from messy to complete chaos. :glare: My biggest area of concern as far as organzing is my little boy's room. Right now thier toys are tossed into 2 big rubbermaid tubs on the bottom of their closet. In order to play, they dump eveything out. So every time I walk in there alll I can see are toys. I am going to downsize the amount of toys, but we will still need a better storage solution. I was thinking of those white plastic things with the clear drawers? But I keep imagining them taking out the drawers and dumping the toys LOL. Would assorted size tubs and lids be better? use the 3 shelf storage bins and work on the dumping? Toss ALL the toys and just kick the kids outside to play? :lol: The school supplies are a mess too. We lost two bookshelves recently( don't ask lol) and now everything is pliled all over. I am going to replace one of the shelves, but I'd like to do something different for the kid's daily books like their math, spelling etc. Right now they are using milk crates which I don't like. I was thinking of either storing the books on the shelves, which we have done in the past, or buying some of those white three draw things I mentioned above. This way each kid could have their own drawer to gently and lovingly place their supplies. HA! Anyhoo, do you think this would work? Any other ideas? Next is my cleaning schedule or should I say lack of schedule. I used to once upon a time clean a room, top to bottom, a day so that by friday the whole house was clean and ready for the weekend. Now, with our schedule being nuts, we just don't clean. :tongue_smilie: Help me with a new routine! Do you clean in the morning before school? Set aside time after school? One big cleaning day? Many smaller days? Something different? Another area that needs work is day to day school, but I think that is a whole nother post. :blushing: Thanks!
  14. I had one and was worried @ being claustraphobic ( sp) but it was very easy and the machine is not as bad as a MRI. I didn't have to have the stuff to contract my Gb because I had just had it removed days earlier, so it was not painful at all. I actually dozed a bit during it.
  15. We do have an ongoing library sale. I need to get over there and check it out. I always forget about it!
  16. Thanks, Cynthia and Jean. I appreciate the input and will check out the thread on the general board.
  17. Thanks, looks neat. I guess I'd have to use one to see if I liked it or not. I really don't like reading from the comptuer but I do like how this is hand held. I bet my teens wold love it though.
  18. This sounds fun! I think we will copy this, thanks! We can do hershey kisses as prizes. One for the winner of each capital, one for me...:D
  19. Thanks everyone! I am going to show my ignorance, but what is a kindle? :blushing:
  20. Thank you, those links were very helpful. I do think we'd like books better and will plan to go that route.
  21. Thanks! I am thinking of the KF with my boys ages 13 and 11. My 9 and 6 yo will do SOTW. I have both KF as well as K12's Human Odyssey so I should be able to find plenty of ways to beef it up. Now to just put it together LOL.
  22. OK, it's been a while since I had an activity guide. I was worried that because they wouldn't be doing two days of 2 page spreads( WTM) that they would be missing something, kwim? I am over thinking this, I know LOL
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