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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thank you all, I am encoruaged! Still not sure what I am going to do, but this sounds promising.
  2. Forgive me for asking this again, but I am curious if anyone has anyone done this? I am thinking of keeping her in D level but adding some R level lit books on our own. Slowly work towards R level work as the year progresses and put her in R in 10th. What do you think?
  3. I was just looking at HO Middle Ages level 3 for my upcoming 9th grader. I wondered if anyone here has used this? Is it meaty enough, without being over the top? Did you need to add to it? If so what did you add? I'd love to hear your opinion. Thanks!
  4. We are using TOG right now and I am thinking of MFW for next year. We will be finishing year 1 so the plan is to start MFW with RtR. If we do go this route I think we will do ECC next time through.
  5. I think I found WTM via vegsource too! Thanks for the memories :)
  6. I have been looking at CLE for reading and lit and really like what I have seen. I am thinking of having the kids use these, but still read assorted lit for history. Anyone else doing this? Do you think it would be too much?
  7. Thank you everyone for the ideas. As far as dyslexia, he spells horrid and I have wondered if he was, but he can read pretty good.
  8. Thanks everyone. You know, I do think he does know what an adj is but not that is was an adj. I am thinking R&S might not be the best program for him though. He struggles with it so much, that maybe a different approach might work.
  9. He has been using R&S English and is in book 7 and is in grade 7. Yesterday he tells me he doesn't know what an adjective is ( we use IEW for writing so this is a rediculous claim) and today I was having him do a daily grams page and he said he didn't know what a contraction is.:glare: Every day doing english with him is the same; blank stares and shrugged shulders. We work through it together and he seems to get it until the next day. I can't figure out if it's attitude or he really just doesn't get english? Should I back track and start over with a lower level of R&S? Maybe another program such as Easy Grammar? Send him to PS :lol:
  10. I made 4 loaves yesterday and had to make another 4 today. Drives me nuts LOL. I try to bake twice a week, but it depends on what the menu is for the week.
  11. I have a regular blender I got from WM for @ $20 that I use. I like carrot juice, frozen bananas, frozen blueberies and frozen chopped spinach. The blender is still goign strong.
  12. Yeah, it is so frustrating! I try to tune it out but at times it's impossible and night is the worst for me. I have a fan going and a radio but it's SO loud that I can not sleep. I really aprpeciate the prayers!!! I will add you to my prayers also.
  13. Hmm diabetes does run in my family, but I had my blood sugar tested 6 months ago and it was fine. It's worth looking into though. I will talk to my doctor.
  14. I do batte Candida so anything is possible. Thank you for the info and link, I will look into the diet/supplements your mentioned.
  15. Thank you. I am going to mention this to my Dr and then the massage therapist I started seeing this week.
  16. Thank you so much for praying for me! I know He can stop the ringing instantly and I am waiting on Him. In the meantime, I am getting used to it some. I am able to sleep some nights ( last night was a bad night:() and if I am busy it's in the back ground. I am thinking it might be related to TMJ/D and am seeing a dentist on Thursday. I appreciate your continued prayers! :grouphug:
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