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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. What are the benefits of taking AP courses/tests other than showing that a student can do college level work? Does taking AP courses = scholarship money? Would SAT II be a better choice than AP as far as scholarship money ? Which would be more desirable for entrance to better schools? Thanks. :)
  2. We are using Barton's too and we are having good success with it after trying a few other programs that just didn't work.
  3. Thanks. I did look at the samples very briefly and it looks OK. Just hard to get the flavor of the books from just the samples.
  4. Has anyone used R&S History? Would their doctrine be in the books that I would need to be wary of? Is it meaty enough?
  5. Hi! Nice to "see" you ! :-)

  6. My 10th grade son is going to be taking the ACT next month and I bought the chalkdust SAT math review. Would he do his regular math ( saxon alg II) and do this review course or should he take a break from the Alg II? If he keeps doing the Alg II he wll be done by the time we want to break in June, but if he takes a break to do the SAT review he wont finish the Saxon until fall. Not sure what I should do.
  7. She called in the order for the blood work, but left the time up to me. I want to make sure that it's accurate. I am going to wait the 6 weeks.
  8. My Dr upped my meds 3 weeks ago and I am wondering if it is too soon to retest to see if I am where I should be.
  9. Too funny! Yes, I am leaning towards MFW for next year. GMTA! :)
  10. Thank you everyone! I think we are going to use MFW RtR and I know we will hit more US the year after that. I always worry that we aren't doing enough US history LOL.
  11. Thank you all. I am 99% sure we are going to have her do MFW's AHL package. I know she can use the writing work and figure she wll be learning ancients at the high school level and so it wont be exactly the same. I also would like to keep on MFW's schedule. Ii talked it over with my Dd and she is fine with this plan. So, unless something changes this is the plan. :D
  12. Thank you for explaing how you work it. Sounds like a good plan.
  13. I am going through level 1 and 2 really quick with my 5th and 7th graders and we are basically doing a lesson or two(or more) a day. For next year I'd like to use this with my 1st grade DD and I am not sure what a normal week of AAS should look like. Thanks!
  14. What are the one year US history programs available that are meant for multi-ages. Thanks!
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