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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I have a nutrimill and a bosch. I bake 2-4 times a week depending on how fast we are going through it. Once I get more organized I'd like to do one big baking day for selling each week and one day for our needs.
  2. Here is alink to their site: http://www.smarrpublishers.com/
  3. Thank you for thinking of me! I am doing well since the D&C, which was 4 weeks yesterday. My HCG levels have been steadily going down and were at 9 Monday. Under 5 is considered normal and I am hoping that by next Monday I am below this and can stop the weekly blood test and start the monthly. My ear is still ringing, but I am much calmer now and coping with it better. God has been so good to me and I can feel His peace throughout the day. I really appreciate the prayers!!!
  4. When I spoke to them I was told within 2 weeks. I can not wait to see it! :)
  5. Thank you. Well, honestly, price is a huge consideration for us. I have children in all levels and it's just too pricey. Using the library helps some, but it's still a huge out of pocket expense we just don't have right now. In addition, I am finding TOG to be more than we really are looking for at this point. I am leaning towards MFW for my younger ones and either MFW for high school or text books such as Notgrass. Will we go back to TOG some day? Maybe, but for this season I am finding it is not working for us.
  6. I emailed this to MFW, but I'd love to hear other opinons. My upcoming 9th grader is doing ancients this year with TOG. I don't want to have her redo ancients yet so I was thinking of having her use MFW's new WH and lit program, then the US history programs in 10th and 11th and use the Ancients in 12th. Any problems with doing this instead of the way they have it set up on their web site? The only thing I can think of is that she would read the bible out of chronolgical order. MFW has suggested we start with ancients anyways but I am not so sure.
  7. I emailed this to MFW, but I'd love to hear other opinons. My upcoming 9th grader is doing ancients this year with TOG. I don't want to have her redo ancients yet so I was thinking of having her use MFW's new WH and lit program, then the US history programs in 10th and 11th and use the Ancients in 12th. Any problems with doing this instead of the way they have it set up on their web site? The only thing I can think of is that she would read the bible out of chronolgical order. MFW has suggested we start with ancients anyways but I am not so sure.
  8. If we do go with MFW for HS we wont be doing this book either. Not sure yet what exactly we will be using or adding.
  9. Oh, I agree. Definitely. I was just thinking that might be what she meant. We have the Notgrass books here and my kids have really enoyed doing them.
  10. :lol: One would have to wonder what the kids were doing. The teacher should have more control over his/her language, but what caused the out burst?
  11. I was thinking she meant the Usborne Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. I, too, wondered why they chose a book that I have seen recommended for younger kids in other programs. However, I plan to have my HSer use one of our Spievogel books to beef it up some ( if needed)
  12. This is where I am at. I love TOG in the younger grades, but at the high school levle it is way more than I want or need.
  13. Thank you. We have only had it a few times, in soup. I think I might just skip ordering it.
  14. I am putting together my monthly co-op order and I was thinking of buying some barley, but other than adding it to soups, I have no idea what to do with it. Any recipes? Thanks!
  15. I just saw an ortho last week and am having one of these made now. I have been using a cheap wal-mart one for a week and I fnd myself clenching more than if I leave it out. I think because it's bulky. The thing the ortho is making is a lot smaller (I think? lol). It was pretty pricey, but if it fixes my jaw and hopefully makes my ears stop ringing it will be worth every penny.
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