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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. If they removed the children simply due to the names, I would be outraged and I sure hope that isn't the case here. While, I don't agree with the names and think it's bizare, the last thing we need is the government telling us what names we can use. This is scary on so many levels.
  2. I had bought a used book off amazon and the seller contacted me afterwards and said she had misstated the condition of the book. It's a math book and she said the book has the # of some of the problems circled. There are no answers written in the book, just the problem numbers circled. She said there is a lot of this throughout the book, but otherwise the book is in very good condition. I really appreciate her honesty and she has refunded me, but I am thinking of still getting the book. It's more than 50% off the new price. WWYD?
  3. We have Go Phones too and love them. Cheap, minutes are cheap and we have never had trouble with reception.
  4. I'm waiting for this info too. I am thinking of BJU for upper level science if we can afford to.
  5. I like NutriBiotic Vegan Brown Rice Protien Powder.
  6. We buy natural PNBT in 9# buckets and never refrigerated it and we have never had a problem.
  7. My oldest taught herself to read @ 4.5-5. One day she just read. She says it's because I read to her so often, but the other kids didn't teach themselves so I am not sure it I agree with her.
  8. I have always just had my K'er do whatever science and history my elementary aged kids are doing. My real focus for K is getting them reading well, penmanship and math.
  9. We have 10 kids, 5 of which are using TOG, and while it can be a lot of work it does help to keep everyone on the same topic. The biggest problem for me is reading through the TE notes. I have learned to set aside time each week for this and things are going a bit easier now.
  10. I want to live where I can't see or hear my neighors. We had this in Maine and it was wonderful! I also would like to plant a huge garden, have some laying hens and just plain have land to roam and explore.
  11. My 8th grader is using: Chalkdust pre-algebra Apologia General Science R&S Grammar 8 IEW Ancient History based Writing Latin for Children A TOG Year 1 The Thinking Toolbox Next year my upcoming 8th grader will use: Chalkdust Algebra I Apologia Physical Science or BJU Physical with DVD's R&S Grammar 8 IEW Medievel History Based Writing AAS 3 & 4 Latin for Children B or Latin Alive TOG Year 2 or MFW RtR with K12's The Human Odyssey The Thinking Toolbox
  12. My 7th grader is using: Chalkdust pre-algebra Apologia General Science R&S Grammar 7 IEW Ancient History Writing AAS 1 & 2 HWT( He needs remedial handwriting help) TOG year 1 Latin for Children A The Fallacy Detective
  13. We went from ME to AR with 10 kids, 2 cats and a dog(yellow lab) and I lived to talk about it. Sort of. :D We did stay in a hotel 2 nights and didn't have any trouble. I think it was at Super 8s? On the road we would stop and the kids would walk all the animals, yes, even the cats LOL. Of course the cats had performance anxiety, but we managed.
  14. Wal-Mart has the best prices on just about everything . The few items Aldi's had that were cheaper were chocolate chips, salsa and bagels.
  15. No, I am thinking for fall. I would LOVE to borrow these! PMing you :)
  16. Yep, I had the same experience. I do stop if I am in that part of town, but it wasn't worth going out of my way for 3-4 items.
  17. Oldest used Saxon through pre-alg then TT through Alg II and hates math. My 18 yo used Saxon, then CC course in 12th and loves math. My 17 yo used TT and tolerates math.
  18. I am going to see if my library has these. Thank you and thanks again everyone! :grouphug: Your stories are encouraging and the prayers much appreciated!
  19. This set looks great, but way too much $ for me! I just checked my library and it doesn't have them but maybe if I can get them through Inter-Library Loan. Will have to check.
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