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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I am terrified of bees and actually gasped at the pictures of the bees and the hive about did me in. Edit this to add before you all this I am in an idiot LOL I feel bad the honey bees died and would have loved to see them relocated. It was pretty scary when all the honey bees were dying off last year and to see this is a shame. I don't mind bees as long as they aren't near me LOL.
  2. I am doing all the pies and deserts today. The hardest part is not eating them NOW lol.
  3. I am shocked by the amount! We would be able to either pay our rent or buy food, maybe have enough for gas and that's it. :eek:
  4. Thanks, Luann, for the nice review. Sounds like it might be a good fit for us.
  5. For businesses I would do a flat rate too. When I started my new construction cleaning biz, I made fliers, went down the list of GC in the phone book, and mailed them out.
  6. I am looking to put my 11th and maybe 9th grader in a literature curriculum next year. The 11th grader will be doing US government & economics and the 9th grader will most likely be using Notgrass US History. I was thinking of Lightning Lit American early to mid and then mid to 19th for both of them. The other option I thought of BJU Lit for both. Or I could do BJU with both and have my 9th grader read the Notgrass books and maybe do a few study guides to go with them? I appreciate any comments or ideas. Thanks!
  7. Thanks again everyone. Lots of neat ideas and I think we are going to have fun!
  8. Sorry I keep thinking of stuff after I post and editing it. My brain isn't working today LOL!
  9. I advertised in my home school group! LOL Then I started the construction cleaning job and one of the guys who I was cleaning new houses had me aslo cleaning his own house. Then their business partner wanted me to clean theirs.... I really don't like cleaning occupied houses though, but it's easy $ and dependable kwim? I am acutally not cleaning any occupied houses right now with my schedule being insane, but I hope to get some new construction once the market picks back up. I would see about going after school and paying a teen to watch the kids. I am lucky in that I have built in sitters.
  10. I charge $20 an hour to clean houses, so if you paid a sitter $7, you would still be ahead of the game. I don't see why you couldn't clean on weekends, but ideally I would try to get 2-3 houses on one day a week and pay a sitter for that day. The other thing I do is clean new construction. This is what I prefer as the money is better and the houses are empty of furniture. I charge $0.15 cents a sq foot and extra for windows that need a ladder for cleaning. Of course with the housing market I haven't had a house to clean in ages. The only thing with this is you would need to get a business license and tax ID #. I think I ended up paying a total for @ $100 for license, tax ID and registering with the state. I forgot @ most people's books being computerized now a days. If you had a program such as quick books or peachtree, could you still do it from home? What about with remote log in? Go in the evenings and do their books?
  11. Sorry, KQ is Knowledgequest, but basically I wanted to know if the maps are included, which you answered LOL. Thank you so much. I am really liking what I have seen and read @ MFW so far and need to pray over it some more.
  12. Thank you everyone for the replies. I am going to look into some books from the livingmath web site and some games along with some fun workbooks from SAMS.
  13. I like the idea of real life math like baking etc. I might look at SAMS for a cheapie math workbook to fill in the gaps. Great ideas, thanks!
  14. Thank you! I can't rememebr from the sample pages, but does MFW have maps like the KQ ones? You mentioned assignments so I am assuming there is map work to be done throughout the year. We are using Latin For Children, which we do plan to continue and I'd like to add in Elementary Greek next year.
  15. I can't help with quiet because I am not sure what it is. :lol: But when I had my day care I had an accountant who did my payroll. I would call in my employees hours and on Friday she would stop by with their checks. She billed me once a month. When my DH was in contruction, one company he worked for had a woman who went into the office one afternoon a week and did all his books and payroll. Maybe one of your older kids ( don't you have a 14 yo?) can watch the yougner ones so you could do soemthing liek that? Or you can run by and pick up the info one day, do it at home in the evenings and return it the next? Another thought, not from home, but is cleaning houses. You can make fairly decent money and make your own hours.
  16. My DD is in K and has somehow finished her Abeka math book already. I don't want to start her next book until fall, which we are switching to either MUS or BJU for 1st. What would you do with her for now?
  17. Well tax time is coming, can you do taxes? What about doing the books and payroll for other small businesses that don't need a full time accountant? Childcare would be my other suggestion. If you can offer specialty such as 2nd shft, you can usually charge more, have your days free and might be more in demand.
  18. Thank you, both. We use IEW for writing and I would continue that. My 8th grader is going to be doing either BJU Earth & Space or their physical science next year. I don't know if I'd have my 6th grader in his own science or follow along too. He really likes science so I would have to see how it works out. Right now we are planning on TOG but I am trying to figure out a plan B just incase that doesn't work out.
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