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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. We use a wall poster for our current history studies: http://www.geomatters.com/products/details.asp?ID=181 Each child also has a binder for their own personal timeline that will incorporate all four years of the history rotation. I used these instructions to make my own: http://donnayoung.org/history/timeline-cw.htm
  2. I also purchased it, and am just not feeling the love. I'm not sure if we will incorporate parts of it into next year's study or not. It just doesn't look like something my kids would really get into. We have always enjoyed studying King Arthur just reading and discussing, watching documentaries, and following our own rabbit trails. I will probably just do that intead of the Duke unit next year.
  3. I think it is possible. Julia Child didn't start cooking until she was over 40. I think if you look, you will find many examples of adults finding a passion and becoming expert at something.
  4. This one says it is for high schoolers, but I have used it successfully with my upper grammar students. http://www.splashesfromtheriver.com/spelling/spelling-lesson-1-5.htm
  5. Sometimes if I have been under some intense stress (physical or mental) for an extended period of time, I will feel this way. I usually have to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. and sleep until noon the next day, I feel much better after some extra sleep. Have you had some extra stress lately?
  6. That is awesome. I have to show it to my 11yo, who recently drew up plans for days for a real Hobbit hole. He didn't understand why we wouldn't let him just start digging into the mountain behind the house! Now he's into designing an elaborate tree house (he's reading Swiss Family Robinson). :001_smile:
  7. You can do it! I learned so much along with my oldest two through high school. It was daunting to think about reading the Great Books, learning Latin, having to teach algebra, etc., but once I actually started the ideas drew me in, the study of logic helped me teach higher math, and so on. Now that my third son is in high school, I am enjoying learning even more and the Great Books feel like old friends. I am finding more to think about and discuss with him. You don't have to know everything or pick up a Great book in order to study it. Just begin to read it and you may find yourself actually being drawn in. There is a reason they are called Great Books! :001_smile:
  8. That's okay, I like it too. One of my kids called it "cold slop" when they were young, and it stuck around here. We love "cold slop" on our bar-b-que sandwiches. I think its a NC thing.
  9. Mabelen, I'm so sorry. I will be praying for you and your sister.
  10. Hi everyone! I'm Tammy, married to my dh for 28 years. I am a SAHM and dh is self-employed. We have several small shipping stores. He also just started a new business with several friends that is geared toward helping small business owners become more profitable. We live out in the country in the beautiful mountains of NC. I spend my time homeschooling and driving to gym, dance, guitar, baseball, etc. I love to read and cook. We have homeschooled since 1995 and I have graduated my two oldest. We homeschool ala WTM with a little bit of CM sprinkled in. I have never been able to use a boxed curriculum, but I drool over them every year. I end up purchasing them and then doing my own thing the way I've always done it anyway. You would think I would learn.
  11. We start let our oldest son stay home alone at 17 for the weekend. He also had five younger siblings to care for. He handled it like a pro. He probably would have been fine to stay home alone at 15, but I would never leave anyone home alone that couldn't drive. My second son, on the other hand, was much more immature and impulsive. I could never have left him alone at 15, much less with his siblings. My now 16yo would probably be fine home alone, but I would make sure to have an adult check on him if I left him. I think 15 is probably too young. My parents worked shift work and sometimes both had 3rd shift. I was staying home alone overnight at 12. I got into lots of trouble that way.
  12. My father was the sweetest, most loving man I have ever known. His first priority was always his family. We were very close. He passed away in 2004 and I still have moments of intense sadness that he is not here. My dh is very much like him.
  13. Liberty Ann and Justice (twins) with the last name of Farrel. (Liberty and Justice for all) I encountered a woman last week with the name of Virgin Mary. :confused: I worked with Red Cherry at one time. I was working as a receptionist when I first got married for a very prominent attorney. Of course, his calls were screened. I asked very nicely, "Who shall I say is calling, please?" His answer, "Spider Webb." I thought it was a prank and hung up on him. He called back and informed me that his name was Spider Webb the Third. He evidently thought he was important enough that I would know who he was. :001_smile:
  14. I learned by doing on my dh before I even had boys. I have always done their hair and have started using clippers in the last few years. My dh wishes that you tube had been around when I started! :001_smile: Is there another boy-mom IRL that cuts hair and could give you some tips? I have done this for several women over the years.
  15. I just got home from a baseball game. After that story, sitting in the rain wasn't so bad. I can't believe that boy was even there. What was his mom thinking???
  16. I am reading History of the Medieval World to get myself ready for discussions with my high schooler next year. I am reading aloud The Bronze Bow.
  17. My boys have all started on a push mower at 9. The riding mower depends on when they are heavy enough. My skinny 11yo is almost there.
  18. I have lived in the South all my life, and have to say it is a buggy! I've never heard it called anything else down here. If someone asked me for my "shopping cart" I would think they were trying to be uppity. :001_smile:
  19. Dawn - it looks like he's ready to go. I hope he has a great time. My kids want to do part of the Apalachian Trail, but so far I'm holding them off. Your son looks SO much like my second son, it's weird!
  20. My ds11 has not started eating like that yet, but I know it is coming. My 16yo, on the other hand, ate a dozen scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning. :001_smile: The part you don't see coming, IMO, is that when the friends of your son realize you cook every night - THEY SHOW UP! I have at least two extra BIG teenage boys two or three times a week. I start looking for other things to add to the meal. One of the really big ones asks, "Is everyone through?" And then goes and eats the rest of the food in the kitchen every time. I want to tell my son I can't afford to feed him AND his friends, but then I realize they are at MY house and I know where my son is, who his friends are, etc. and I shut my mouth and cook.
  21. I just say the number. I am from the Southeast. I took 40 through Asheville, and then 26 to Hendersonville. I have never heard of putting "The" in front of the number.
  22. I have six of their dutch ovens. I love the oval one for cooking roasts. Their wok is great for a big stir-fry. Can you tell I love LeCreuset? I use mine every day! With those coupons, I think you're going to have to be reasonable and spend at least $300. You save more that way, right? :001_smile:
  23. That is wonderful Chris. I will be praying for your son (and you).
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