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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. At church. He had just gotten out of college and come to my small town to work, and I was only 15! We started dating when I was 17 and married 8 months later. I wouldn't recommend it, but it worked for us.
  2. Our outdoor grill just died, so I'll probably get him a new one. It is summer and he'll be needing one! As far as low/no cost ideas, one year I had a friend re-write a beautiful poem about dads in calligraphy and had it framed. It is one of his favorite presents of all time.
  3. Unless my dc were spending an excessive amount of time on the computer, I would not give them time limits. My two teens get on their facebook for about 1/2 hour once a day (unless they get sucked in to one of the FB games!) and use their computers for various school assignments. As far as monitoring what they are doing on the computer, we have their passwords for their computers, emails, etc. and check them periodically. They have never given us a reason not to trust them. Dh and oldest ds check on their FB page, along with a ton of other adult relatives. They have many other interests and spend time doing lots of different things. If they were just sitting in front of the computer all day, then I would step in.
  4. I would do the same thing. So, could you see what she was using? Birds of a feather . . .
  5. We live in the country and drive about 40 minutes to an hour to our children's activities, which are every day. It is definitely more inconvenient, but we love where we live. My 11yo has a fort and will disappear in the woods for hours (with his cell phone!). We have to be out a lot, but when we are home, it is SO peaceful.
  6. I think you should give your older ones some peace and quiet. If my 16yo had to work in the same room with his siblings, he would go nuts. :001_smile: My 5th and 6th grader stay in the room with me, my 7th grader stays in another room close by, and my 10th grader has worked all year on another floor.
  7. MamaT (Who is glad today was our last day of school for a while) MamaT (Who is thinking about not giving the chocolate she bought for the kids to celebrate the last day of school and eating it herself) MamaT (Who has been whining to dh on the phone about our house being the weekend hangout for too many teenage boys) MamaT (Who is hoping her 11yo's baseball game gets rained out and yes - I know that's awful of me)
  8. :party: My first daughter came after three boys. Be careful - they'll spoil her!! This is my dd who didn't walk until she was 17 mo. even though she was speaking in complete sentences. The physical therapist explained to us that she had us very well trained.:001_smile: I'm excited for you!
  9. :seeya: Maybe it is a NC thing??:001_smile:
  10. I have a 10yo and a 13yo. My 10yo is my athlete. She is a competitive gymnast and pretty much lives and breathes gymnastics. When she's not at school or gym (pretty much all day every day), she's looking at leos for gym online. My 13yo is my dancer, artsy, creative, computer geek. She is also very practical and business minded. She makes movies for you tube, has a program for writing songs on the computer, and has started an on-line business. When she's not doing that, she's cooking (and making a MESS).
  11. We had three cottonmouths get in our house when we lived in Florida. Thank goodness my dh was home. My throat was sore from screaming. I still go weak all over when I think about it.
  12. Oh ladies, enjoy these times. I have so many fond memories of my oldest two (grown) sons saying those things to me. While they still love their mama, they have flown the coop. My oldest wrote this poem for me when he was 21. I'll share it for you for inspiration on days they aren't so cute!:001_smile: My Constant If I could remember the beginning of me I would see your smiling face Because you are constant as the tide of the sea With a love that fills every inch of outer space As a child it was your kisses on my bruises And your hugs during my worst nights It is you that still finds all my toys I lose You that helps me gain the goals in my sights It was you that filled me with Curiosity So now I must hunt for the end of every Mystery It was you that showed me Literature's beauty And every world that simply waits for my Imagination Because one of the best parts of my day Is waking up and having the morning together Before I have to get on the rush of my way There isn't much we have to say You just seem to make things better So thank you, for putting the Love of Life in my heart And putting Wisdom in these eyes In the production of my life, you have an enormous part Simply because you answered all of my Whys
  13. My two oldest sons took Biology in 8th, Chemistry, and Physics at home. Their last two years they took Biology and Chemistry with labs at the CC, and I simply called them "Advanced."
  14. I refuse to add up the time I spend on here! I don't really want to know. :001_smile: I do leave the computer on when I am in the room schooling. When the kids do not need me, I am on here.
  15. My family would say everything! :001_smile: I would say: Having to have the house totally picked up before I leave to go anywhere (even to the grocery store). Having beds made and chores done before school starts. Getting all schoolwork scheduled for the day DONE (I am terrified of getting behind). Being on time. Having my books exactly where they belong in my library (I do not loan out books). These things make me happy. :001_smile:
  16. I did this driving my sister's car when I had just turned 16. I backed her car into her husband's truck. A couple of weeks later I got a brand new car. She backed into it the FIRST week. She swears it was an accident . . .
  17. Denise, We have a 2003 Tahoe with about 150K miles on it. It is still going strong. We did have to replace the transmission on it a couple of years ago, but we go camping and haul a fully loaded camping trailer 4-5 times a year. We are about to buy something smaller for me to use as a run-around car and give the Tahoe to our 17yo (until we need it for trips!).
  18. I don't know if this would work for your son, but my third son had lots of trouble remembering his numbers AND letters. My 10yo at the time informed me that I was teaching him all wrong (they are both lefties). :001_smile: He took a pan of cornmeal and had him write his letters/numbers in the cornmeal. He had him make playdough letters, etc. He worked with him this way for about a week and he had them down flat.
  19. All of the above except C, mostly A! From someone who has been on bed rest, it WILL end and you will be yourself once more. Your family will morph back into people you enjoy. :001_smile:
  20. This describes my homeschool very well. Thanks Daisy!
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