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Everything posted by DoraBora

  1. Dh and I had our second Pfizers yesterday afternoon. Sore arms for both of us. Dh is tired, but nothing more. I'm much better with the second shot, which may (or may not) have something to do with my drinking so much water I could hardly stand it all weekend long. Pharmacy guy who gave us our shots told us not to take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for 12 hours, which sent me here to ask whether anyone had heard of the 12 hour thing. I still haven't taken anything, but I feel fine. A bit wobbly -- the way I do after a hard workout... sort of like muscle fatigue. I'm so grateful to have these vaccines!
  2. Thank you. I prefer not taking anything, but after the first one I felt so poorly I couldn't sleep, which wasn't helpful. I took the shot six hours ago now, and I had hoped to head off to bed feeling okay, but the headache and body aches have already begun. I'm irritated with myself for not questioning him about where he got this info.
  3. Dh and I had our second Pfizer shots today and the guy at the pharmacy said we should wait twelve hours(!) before taking any Advil or Tylenol. I wish I had asked him where he heard that. Has anyone here heard that? Is this based on new info (that I can't find anywhere)?
  4. Agree with this. Though providing ammunition to people who are dead-set against the vaccines is the last thing I want, it seems wrong to withhold potentially negative information until problems have been thoroughly studied, especially when TPTB are encouraging all eligible folks to be vaccinated as soon as possible. They don't hesitate to publish positive reports. I do wish people would dig into reported data, just a little bit.
  5. Dd and her dh were both fresh out of college and starting mostly from scratch, so we finished out a bed linen set they had chosen. We also gave them some spending money for their short honeymoon trip, and a sweet, sentimental card. ETA: We paid for their wedding and reception, and for wedding clothes.
  6. I would get the newer style, because they look comfortable and he'll get more wear out of them. They look very nice, and will pass for what many people call "dress shoes" these days. Your boys' clothes for this occasion sound very nice. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  7. I will take a booster as well, though I hope it doesn't make me feel as poorly as I did after Pfizer 1. I'm going to drink a ton of water in the days leading up to my second shot in hopes it will be easier. This isn't to say that I'm ungrateful. I'll take the second shot and a booster when recommended with thanksgiving in my heart - and positive words on my lips. I didn't share how sick I felt with anyone other than my family, who knew anyway because they live with me. I'm still not looking forward to feeling like I have the flu.
  8. I'm so sorry to read this. So frustrating and scary. You are in my thoughts today.
  9. Happy to see your update! I hope everything is uneventful through closing.
  10. I did. It was a beautiful, dignified service. (I had to switch to PBS because the constant commentary on whichever American network was driving me crazy.)
  11. Yeah. We can't all get the booster on a Friday and have the weekend to recover.
  12. That is interesting. I hadn't read any of the posted articles yet - only listened to radio news. Thank you.
  13. It's all so weird. Ds has had thrombocytopenia (low platelets) for years. It doesn't make sense to my layperson's understanding that low platelets and dangerous clots could coexist. NOT clotting is usually the problem. I wonder if any of these women already had low platelets. Thrombocytopenia (ITP) is fairly rare - only a few hundred thousand people in the US have it - but it's more than twice as common in adult women than men.
  14. I can see both sides. Texas has offered distance public school for free for quite a while, but this is looking (at least here) like they hope to make it more localized. Choices are great, but there are probably quite a few high school kids who will prefer face-to-face learning. If students participate in sports, scouts, clubs, part-time jobs, etc., their flexibility (with regards to schooling from anywhere there's internet access) is diminished.
  15. Agree that there are tons of issues to work out with funding and access. Zoom, teams, discord, etc., are great for some things, but not so much for community. My college ds won't attend club meetings or church college group online because he spends so many hours on those platforms for school. He's sick of them. He's not the only one, of course.
  16. At least one of our (DFW) suburbs is exploring the option of an "online academy", though the majority of students will be in face-to-face classes. I think online school -- as in Every.Day.All.Day.Long, synchronous instruction and practice -- is depressing, but some families might enjoy it. Affluent families could have more flexibility for travel. And I guess those students would be fully enrolled, so they'd have access to clubs and sports (thinking upper grades, here), which would be nice.
  17. Thank you for working so tirelessly to care for others in your community! ... and thank you for posting this today. My heart is full!
  18. As I think about this, I'm so glad they will bill my insurance company. I'd even be happy to pay out of pocket, though we already pay insurance premiums, so it's good (and in their interest, I guess) that they'll cover the vaccine.
  19. That is interesting, and I'm glad that the private sector is sharing the cost. Thank you.
  20. I hadn't realized they could bill my insurance (though I just looked it up and found out they can). I thought everyone was covered by tax dollars on this one. This is just a paper form. I'm (thankfully) not setting up an account so I don't see how her name would be a security question. They're also asking for my primary doctor's info. I will leave the SS#, mom's name, and doctor's info blank, and fill in the insurance info. Thank you all!
  21. I'm filling out a form ahead of my appointment (at an independent pharmacy) and it's asking for my mother's maiden name and health insurance info. The fine print at the bottom of the form says I must give them my driver's license number/state of issuance OR my social security number in order to have the vaccine's cost covered by the US government, and I'm giving them my DL info. Why do they need my health insurance info as well? Also, why do they need my mom's maiden name? Has anyone else seen this?
  22. Agreeing with others here that your DH needs to talk to his mom about this. Like now. I think you should also be there with DH, both for moral support and also so you know what has been discussed. If DH won't bring it up when y'all are together, can you do it? This is unlikely to be a single discussion and it may take several tries to get the ball rolling. The situation is so similar to talks with parents about their wishes for their elder years. Many people simply don't want to talk about it, but doing so now is so much better than waiting until a crisis occurs and you're caught somewhat flat-footed, trying to figure out how to proceed.
  23. Texas A&M still has the following on its website. Maybe state(?) law means they "cannot be required" yet. "As the different versions of the vaccine are currently approved only under a Food and Drug Administration Emergency Use Authorization, they currently cannot be required of employees or students."
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