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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. I use my credit card with ADC. No issues.
  2. Another vote for Figleaves. I am a 40E, and the bras are gorgeous. I recommend this subreddit to help you get a good fit. https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits
  3. I think that most of the ALs here do something like logic stage work during the grammar years and rhetoric level work during middle school. By the time high school rolls around, many are doing university (lower and upper division) level work in high school. This may not hold true for all subjects, where there is asynchrony, but seems to be the general pattern.
  4. Faces of Death Blair Witch Poltergeist Nightmare on Elm Street
  5. Sacha loved getting the loot after the test. He seemed really proud of himself. I am thrilled that he enjoyed it. We went out for ice cream to celebrate. :)
  6. You just place an order online. They send you an email with payment instructions. You pay, and they ship. It is painless. No script required. Also, if they show that they are out of stock on a product you want, email them, as they often can get some for you in limited quantities. I've had good luck with their products and service.
  7. I buy Retin A without a script from All Day Chemist. It is super cheap and works well. Order in bulk to save money on shipping. http://www.alldaychemist.com/
  8. This will be Sacha's first MK. Good luck to all the participants!
  9. I figure that we will probably try AOPS for Pre-A, and if my DS doesn't like the text-only format, we will switch to WTMA for Algebra on up. He is pretty used to text boxes from Minecraft, but I know that he really likes the audio in his Athena's classes. I think the larger issue will be the pace of the AOPS classes after Pre-A, since my son will be young when he takes them. I know that they did the stretch version of Algebra A this year; hopefully, they will continue to offer other stretch versions of their classes.
  10. If you want to substitute coconut oil for less healthier oils (shortening, margarine, corn oil, etc.) in your cooking, by all means, go for it. It is a healthy substitute. But, don't fall prey to the coconut oil = miracle weight loss woo that is floating around the interwebs. My favorite demo of this phenomenon: https://www.facebook.com/awakenwithjp/videos/1252399798109213/?pnref=story To increase your metabolism, lift weights (!!), get in regular cardio, eat frequently, drink enough water, and, if you are ok with chemical support, and have normal blood pressure, ask your doctor for an rx for phentermine. It's been on the market forever, has a good safety profile overall, is cheap as a generic, and is effective for most people.
  11. Yes! We are finding programming to be a huge help. He has worked through the Super Scratch Programming Book with my DH, and recently started the Minecraft Modding class with Youth Digital (using Java). He is very interested in programming, so it's nice to have a subject where there is a high level of intrinsic motivation. We have also had an update re guitar practice. His grandfather recently bought him an electric guitar, which has suddenly motivated him to practice much more.
  12. Prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.
  13. Dovetailing on this, I believe that Athena's physics class uses the Hsu book. If it is in the budget, you might look into the class. My oldest plans to take the class next fall as well (he has been chomping at the bit for physics too). http://www.athenasacademy.com/mod/page/view.php?id=2160
  14. This is all very helpful. Thank you all for taking the time to respond. We dropped the MK prep and went back to Beast this morning, and he is much happier. He wants to do the test, but I am definitely going to keep it low-key from here on out. My poor oldest is the guinea pig for all of my parenting mistakes! :willy_nilly:
  15. I'm trying to figure out how to approach issues that I am having with my oldest son (7). Sacha has never been tested, but I'm pretty confident that he is gifted. The issue that we are having is with perseverance in the face of a challenge. I am not a gritty person myself -- always gravitating to things that have come easily to me -- and I struggle with crippling anxiety and mood swings. I see so much of me in my son, and I feel torn between wanting to protect his fragile mental health (thanks, genetics) and helping to guide him in facing life's challenges. Rather than suffering from the typical imposter syndrome of some of the kids on this board, Sacha seems to have the opposite issue: he often thinks that he is better at something than he is, and then wants to quit when things get tough (or he actually has to work a bit). Some examples: wanting to make the "academy" (elite) soccer team, but then getting frustrated to the point of tears during practices when the other kids are better than him (and work harder/want it more) -- I eventually decided to keep him on the rec team. Wanting to play the guitar, but then dragging his feet when it is time to practice. Lately, our issue is with math -- purportedly, one of his favorite and "best" subjects (he aspires to go to Epsilon Camp, but doesn't dream in math like they seem to want). He participated in a math competition last fall, and walked away with a gold medal because he was the only kid in his grade participating. Don't get me wrong: I was proud of him for participating, but I felt like the gold medal further contributed to the issue we are having. Riding on that confidence, Sacha begged me to sign him up for Math Kangaroo. I spoke with the director of our charter school, and got them to host it this year (for the first time). For the past week, we have been doing practice problems, and it has been meltdown after meltdown when we go over the problems that he missed. He seems to do fine emotionally during the actual test, but, he goes fast, finishes early, doesn't write anything down (despite my repeated guidance to do so), and makes careless errors because he tries to hold everything in his head. The minute that he sees that he has missed problems, he tells me that he hates tests, and doesn't want to do MK. I've reminded him that he asked to participate in MK, and that the school and I have bent over backwards to make it happen for him. I've also said that he never has do another math competition (or season of soccer, or year of guitar, etc.), but that we are going to finish what we started. So, is this an age thing that will get better with more exposure to challenge? A personality thing that I shouldn't try to change? A parenting thing that requires more discipline? How would you approach a kid like this? While I want him to learn to be gritty, I'm petrified of him suffering from the debilitating anxiety that has wreaked havoc on my life if I push him too hard. Thanks so much for your thoughts and experiences.
  16. This was my experience as well. Eta: my bad for zombie posting.
  17. I bought one of their dresses. It was super cute. Most of the leggings are too nuts for my taste.
  18. How awesome! What a roller coaster ride you both are on!
  19. 3C does not teach the standard algorithm. They teach repeated subtraction. 7/808 would be 100 7*100 = 700 808-700 = 108 7/108 = 10 7*10 = 70 108-70 = 38 38/7 = 5 7*5 = 35 38-35 = 3 Quotient would be 100 + 10 + 5 = 115 with a remainder of 3 We haven't gotten to Beast 4 yet, so I don't know if they teach it later.
  20. I much prefer Beast Academy 3C's treatment of long division to Singapore 3A's.
  21. Still nothing here, and the test is in just a few weeks. I sent them an email a few days ago, but no response. I read on the Mythology thread that people were having some issues as well. Anyone else?
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