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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. We're still getting those :( I started mid year, so I sent mine in mid-December, but I hope to have his test results and things by June and plan to hand deliver the whole shebang right about then.
  2. I'm so glad my book lost. Now, the pressure is off. Snow Falling on Cedars it is, and if it stinks, it's not my fault :)
  3. Oh, I definitely learned something from this book; don't judge books by their titles. I'm going to read it a second time and see if it turns out any better, lol.
  4. I can't look put together. I just can't. I don't know if it's my figure (absurdly hourglass, IYKWIM), or just some wierd genetic abnormality, but I never look put together. I completely feel your pain. My New Year's Resolution was to put forth an effort to look nice. It's only served to remind me that, regardless of the amount of styling products, my hair will do whatever it feels compelled to do, regardless of the type of makeup, my skin will suck it in and it will disappear, regardless of who dresses me, I will always look like I just rolled out of bed. Sigh. Wow, that was totally depressing, lol, sorry.
  5. Lol, that would be why I voted for TMWWT, for this month. Next time, I am researching.
  6. You can definitely see the difference. Prismacolors are much richer, creamier. They go on smooth and can go from loose granular to dense saturate without a hiccup. The end wear better, they're sturdier, just all around a better product. That being said, Prang are okay, better than Crayola hands down, and they're way cheaper. My daughter is artistic as well, but she uses Prang for now. Paper matters too. Just saying.
  7. Hahahahahaha http://lionhomeschooling.blogspot.com/ We're back, I'm back on schedule. And we're considering a week off :001_huh: Does anyone do three on, one off?
  8. It's easy to do, if you WANT to do it and can walk away at any point. On the other hand, if such a life is forced on you....... well.
  9. Oh no, I like all the rest of those. Thoreau, however, is a pompous twerp, so self-involved he makes me want to dig him up and shake him.
  10. I don't think anyone would object. If you click on any of us, look in our 'groups' section and click on the Reader's Group. Welcome!
  11. Is there a specific genre we're going for? Any chances of light reads or scary novels any time soon? Has everyone voted yet? Oh, bump.
  12. I loved those stories... Actually, the Awakening made me feel guilty..... I sucked up after I read that.
  13. My gramma had a pretty cure for this. Take one metal pot, one metal or wooden spoon (the big kind), go into your son's room and "clap" using said pot and spoon instead of your hands. The sound is terrific and nearly impossible to ignore. Joined with a rousing rendition of 'The Robin' and you can make any teenager a morning person. Granted, he may not wake up happy, but when tickling his feet and turning on his light stop working, the pot and spoon will do wonders. My husband's grandfather preferred the "grab a foot and pull" method. Much as it sounds, you grab a foot and pull, until the sleeper is no longer in bed. It works, but can cause injuries and should only be used (IMO) as a last resort. Finally, my dad preferred the 'tear the blankets from the bed' approach, if that was ignored it was followed by the "bowl of icy cold water." The extra consequence being, the sleeper may find themselves in a damp bed for the next night too.
  14. Me too.... I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting for his W2s (sung to the Elf tune... I'm singing I'm singing... from when he was in the store, explaining how easy it was to sing)
  15. Off and on all week. Seems like we're burning up the wires, lol....
  16. Andrew is a slow burner, but I've found that eliminating any clocks has helped very much. Granted, I don't have to teach another child (just attempt to keep them down to a dull roar), but I've found that when he's not aware of time passing, he actually goes faster. My husband is the same way. If he has no time limit, and no clock, he works MUCH faster, gets WAY more done, and is finished much earlier than he would've otherwise. Then, my tortoises are clock watchers too, they both spend half their time "thinking" rather than doing.
  17. From what little I've read (Cindy McCain doesn't do many interviews), she outright hates the spotlight. I am a Republican, this is the first election I've crossed party lines. I like Cindy McCain, but she would have been miserable in the spotlight for four years. She is an incredibly decent, good lady and gives of herself freely, but she sincerely does not want the spotlight. I identify with her in that respect, I hate being the center of attention. That's one of the reasons I voted how I did. It seemed cruel to force her to become a 'social butterfly' especially considering her 'welcome' to Washington the first time around.
  18. You can always check and see what classes are offered online by your local colleges. IOW, you wouldn't have to make the long drive until exam time. I found that route much easier than using an all online program. My profs could call me, meet me, teach me in person, if I was having a difficult time. Also, I had the bonuses (a team to support, a 'community') that you miss with the all online schools.
  19. Wondering if I would love the books listed, lol....... oh man.... am I out of style AGAIN?!?
  20. I think it's the last one. Thanks for the board! I'd be lost without it!
  21. I read an interview with Reader's Digest (both she and Cindy McCain took part). I think First Lady Obama is an EXCELLENT role model for young girls. She's worked very hard to get to where she is today (besides being First Lady, I mean). Cindy McCain, while an excellent person, would've been an unwilling role model at best. I'm glad McCain lost, more for Cindy than anyone else (yes, yes, historical, etc, and I voted for Obama, but I mean, I'm glad he lost vs. glad Obama won, IYKWIM). The whole thing was tearing her apart.
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