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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I trust you. You seem well informed and you always back up what you post with outside sources. So, the question is to you specifically :) What do YOU believe, according to what you have learned? I was always taught it was the equivalent of apple pie. God, Jesus and The Holy Ghost are three separate things that make one thing, the trinity.
  2. I'm saying that no one in the media has respected this woman's privacy. Respect for this lady, her neighborhood, her family and her children are in very short supply. They've run with this story, made it into some national debate, and it is not news. It's just not something that belongs on the news, it's not something that should be debated. It's her life, it's her family, it's the lives of her children. About the best quote I've seen, on the news, regarding this whole....... thing.... was one of her neighbors. He said (pretty much, I didn't write it down at the time), "she's okay, her babies are okay, we're okay, the only thing that is not okay is you." You, being the camera guy/reporter. btw..... nice hiney.
  3. People define support differently. Perhaps, she loves her children, lives for her children and believes that by being an interested and loving mother she can more than provide for them? As for the assumptions about money, if she was getting fertility treatment, there was money somewhere. :iagree: :iagree: You might think that you can't have everything you want, but this lady evidently disagrees. Second bold statement.... hmmm. :iagree: Whomever gave ANYONE the right to dictate family size or lifestyle to another? Who is it that deserves the right to decide who can or cannot have children and how many is the right number? Please, where are the Duggar people? That couple has a whole mess of kids, I have yet to see anyone complain about it. They ADMIRE these people, but this woman, who's stayed anonymous, who hasn't had press conferences, she must be dumber than a box of rocks? I am SO SICK of the media putting parents on trial, and then PARENTS running with it. WTH? Oh, and if she could afford fertility treatment, then there must be money somewhere.
  4. :iagree: Soap box, ejected. :glare: Anyway, so... is the holy trinity 3 in 1? Read everything to catch up, but I'm not clear where this stands...
  5. That was the definition I got from the second link. I was hopeing for a better explanation. The whole thing is really confusing, the second link said that Christian Pagan or Christian Heathen were oxymorons, because the definition of Pagan and Heathen depended upon that person not being a Christian. His explanation was that Heathens and Pagans might be using the term "Christian" to pass in a world that would not accept them as Pagans or Heathens. If you have a link to Christian Heathens or Pagans, I would love to see it. I've believed (my entire life) that there were mysteries, energies, etc., but I've always believed they were placed there by God for us to use. I genuinely want to know, because it interests me on a personal level.
  6. Manga is an example of something that kids in today's culture would look at their peers (and the nearest adults) and throw as much of a tizzy over as some did over the Poe stamp. I do agree, we're busting our bottoms here so our kids do know and enjoy these things. I think the niceness police (of which I am a member) were just trying to open a new thread so we could shake our fingers in peace ;)
  7. DD is super sensitive in some ways, completely blase in others. We are not allowed to sing or hum 'You are my Sunshine,' she despises that song, but we can read Poe. Anyway, she loves Jack London, there are parts that make her cry, BUT she says it is worth it, for the story. Maybe that is the key? Finding a story so good your dd will cry, but keep going? I would say Wrinkle in Time, Chronicles of Narnia the first few books (there are some partings, but nothing I can remember as being TOO sad, except that they have to come to an end). Also, Alice in Wonderland, excellent fantasy.
  8. "American Notes" Charles Dickens Written forever ago, but there are some really good insights.
  9. DD and ds LOVE Poe. We read his poetry some and his stories, the kids love the spookiness of it, even at its most poignant. Scariest: The Masque of Red Death Favorite: The City by the Sea Most reccomended: "The Philosophy of Composition" If you haven't read it, and you enjoy Poe, you'll love this, it may even give you a new angle to view his work from. If you don't like Poe, because he's too dark, you should read this and find out where he's coming from and what he hoped to achieve.
  10. I did not understand the signs of greater than/less than until I reached pre-algebra. My teacher told me it was an alligator wanting to gobble the big numbers, I love Rondi Wright, he was a wonderful teacher; but imagine the dismay when my class erupted in laughter :( The other day, Andrew came running to dh and me. "Mom! Dad! Did you know that when a minute goes by the numbers on the clock change? It's counting minutes, that's what time is!?!" We didn't laugh, then, but later we were a little entertained by his epiphany.
  11. Strictly, someone who believes in Jesus Christ as the son of God, that he died for your/our sins and was ressurected, etc... (having now read the links, I'm apparently too exclusive in my definition of Christian... simply a follower of the teachings of Christ, not necessarily someone that believes him to be the redeemer, etc.) I'll check the links, thanks! Okay, according to the second site (the first asked me adopt a child?!? I didn't know where I should go from there ;) ); Christianity and paganism are mutually exclusive, or, the definition of pagan or heathen relies upon that person NOT being a Christian... sort of like a Christian satanist, maybe? Christianity is 'used' by pagans/heathens in order to 'pass' in a culture where they would face ridicule/etc. Thanks for the links... now, however, I'm more confused than ever.
  12. Own outright, woohoo. DH and I were given the house on the death of his grandfather. It is the house dh grew up in and still has most of the original furniture (lucky us ;) ).
  13. :banghead: I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. I do. This, however, comes off as very, very holier than thou. As a Christian, this sort of soapbox preaching embarrasses me. What?!? Please explain (I can't find a smily for this, but imagine, if you will, puppy dog eyes) The same can be said for many Christians, of course, you may not have heard of them, they're too busy ducking. My understanding is that God is the one TRUE God and any others are imposters (for lack of a better word). Editing by moi, to make it shorter and to the point :)
  14. My mom vacillates, but then, she always does. My dad called me a dirty hippy one day and a snob the next. Regardless of what they say to ME, they tell ds how proud they are with all that he's learning. My brother and sil think it's fantastic and want lots of notes so they can start when dn is old enough. My sister is very quiet about it. They were loud, until we started, now most complaints are muttered, or else they're talking about me behind my back, but you know what? I don't care. The proof is in the pudding and Andrew is thriving.
  15. See, when I hear about someone selling their family/privacy to television, I think just the opposite ;) :iagree:
  16. I've become really disappointed in Jack... he was so HOT once.
  17. Take comfort from the 'always perseveres' part, that's what I do. I'm sure my big sister has felt the same as you :) The funny part, as a younger sister, you guys cast looooong shadows, it's hard to be grown up and mature and responsible, when you have the pinnacle of adultness always offering her advice and corrections. It wasn't until my sister started treating me like a friend and equal that I was able to... how do you put it? It wasn't until then that I was able to see her as something more than the girl on the pedestal. Your sissy loves you too and she wants/needs you to believe in her. For pity's sake, you can think this, but do not say it: If you ever hurt this baby, I will.......... She will not get past that quickly.
  18. It's funny, I feel no need to watch them make a spectacle of themselves, but I know so much about them, from this board. If they weren't in the public eye, by their own choice, then I would take umbrage with people making rash judgements of their characters/wealth/life choices/etc. As it is, they put themselves out there for that. I have very little respect for people who choose to use their kids to get their own publicity, frankly don't see the Duggers as much more repect inducing than Mama Spears, Mama Lohan, or the Osbornes.
  19. Some of us are just SO good, we make it look natural. But, no, maternal/nurturing behavior does not come naturally. Frankly, after a few weeks with no sleep and a cute little gummer tearing your nipples to pieces, maternal/nurturing behavior are very very very very forced.
  20. Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy or boast, love is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. You're her sister, you love her. Forget the idiocies of yesterday; hope for, trust in, protect and love your sister. I was looking at I Corinthians 13 this week, ostenibly for my son. Instead, I realized it was for me. I forget what love is, I forget how to behave. This isn't to be snooty or mightier than thou, it's because I recently forgot; I figured a reminder, before you have a chance to forget, could be helpful. And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
  21. If she wants emancipation/freedom, she needs to have a job. What does she think? She can just move out and sneak back in to get more money? Does she realize what a stupid idea that is? I liked the other poster's idea about turning the tables, getting excited and helping her pick where she's going to go and how she'll support herself. Maybe that would be a. the reality check she needs and b. something positive between the two of you. She needs to come up with a budget and plan her exit; if you help her, happily, then you might become the good guy.
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