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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Thanks for all the info :)

  2. When my ds asked to see it I told him it was one of my 'private parts' and we don't show each other those ;) We did use biology pictures though, of course, I was pregnant and that peeks curiousity.
  3. I put a lot of thought into each of my kids names. Jocelyn's name, including her middle names, mean Justice, Willowy and Graceful; her name is also meant to sound similar to three family names, although I wish from time to time I had just used the family names. Andrew is named after his father, the patron saint of Scotland and my favorite desciple; his middle name will not be found in any baby name book, it is dh's grandfather's name. Luke is named after my second favorite desciple and his middle name, another truly unique one, is my dad's grandfather's name; his initials are LOL :). So, my sons are both named after followers of Christ and beloved men that were huge influences on their grandsons.
  4. My older brother and I are two years apart. We were close enough that no one, at school, realized we were related. Even now, if I need someone that understands where I'm coming from, my brother is an easy second to dh. Other people thought we were wierd, but who cares what they thought? We were never Flowers in the Attic close or anything, but I grew up with my best friend and that was much more important to me than the odd looks we'd get when our other friends realized we were sibs. I wouldn't be worried, be grateful! Blood is thicker than water and your kids have built a strong bond. Who would you have them put infront of their sibling? Can you think of anyone in this world you'd trust more than their own sibling to be a trusted friend?
  5. It made me wonder why the woman didn't make herself and her car a target to get the ape off her friend. Granted, you run the risk of it actually getting into the car, but for pete's sake, IT'S A CAR. You can drive, you can run over, you can crash into the side of your house if you had too or a gate. I've never understood why people are so quick to relinquish what could easily be a very large, deadly weapon, or else not use it at all.
  6. I explained it to my ds (7). I wasn't horribly graphic, but told him, soon his body would go through changes and he would grow hair in wierd places and start to stink, etc. Then, I explained that one of the changes girls go through is that they start to 'lay eggs' inside their bellies to make babies with and if the eggs don't become babies then they come out and their body washes their belly out with special blood and girls use different things to soak up the blood so it doesn't make a big mess. Gross, I know. Whenever there's a question I'm not ready to answer I tell him to ask me when he has hair under his arms.
  7. The police couldn't sedate him, but from what I've seen on the news the owner locked herself into her car once it attacked her friend. I guess she didn't have anything on hand. As for how to protect your kids... You know, we had a pit bull problem for awhile. I was pregnant with Luke, Andrew was four and our neighbor kept letting her dog run loose. Now, at nine months pregnant I had to carry Andrew home as quickly as I could (I had gest. diabetes, so there was no running, I was HUGE), walking backwards, trying to keep this dog from attacking. It followed me two blocks home, growling and crouching, while this idiot woman clapped and whistled from her porch. We don't own a gun (no prob. with gun owners, we just aren't), but I do drive a very large Lincoln. After the dog came to my home, treed my cat and chased me into my home terrified for the 4th time (I'd called the cops, but they thought I was just hysterical, because it was a pit bull), I got my keys and got into my car. Granted, we had to get some body work done and my husband was not pleased with the damage I did to our lawn, but I took care of our wild animal problem without a gun. So, the kids don't need a gun, get them a large vehicle ;)
  8. Another week where no one seems to understand that we actually NEED to be home, that we are not homeschooling so ds can goof off all day :( Why do people assume homeschooling means 'available to take me wherever I want, because it's not like dcs are going to miss school?' Rant off... here's our link http://lionhomeschooling.blogspot.com/
  9. I'm INTJ too, I went and checked and that's also how the college had me when I took it there. Here's a description I have of an INTJ from then: To outsiders, INTJs may appear to project an aura of "definiteness", of self-confidence. This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in the specialized knowledge systems that most INTJs start building at an early age. When it comes to their own areas of expertise -- and INTJs can have several -- they will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how. INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know. INTJs are perfectionists, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest. What prevents them from becoming chronically bogged down in this pursuit of perfection is the pragmatism so characteristic of the type: INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake. INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. Whatever system an INTJ happens to be working on is for them the equivalent of a moral cause to an INFJ; both perfectionism and disregard for authority may come into play, as INTJs can be unsparing of both themselves and the others on the project. Anyone considered to be "slacking," including superiors, will lose their respect -- and will generally be made aware of this; INTJs have also been known to take it upon themselves to implement critical decisions without consulting their supervisors or co-workers. On the other hand, they do tend to be scrupulous and even-handed about recognizing the individual contributions that have gone into a project, and have a gift for seizing opportunities which others might not even notice. In the broadest terms, what INTJs "do" tends to be what they "know". Typical INTJ career choices are in the sciences and engineering, but they can be found wherever a combination of intellect and incisiveness are required (e.g., law, some areas of academia). INTJs can rise to management positions when they are willing to invest time in marketing their abilities as well as enhancing them, and (whether for the sake of ambition or the desire for privacy) many also find it useful to learn to simulate some degree of surface conformism in order to mask their inherent unconventionality
  10. Can you add "lionfamily1999 aka Julie agrees with me" to your sig? It would save me lots of time ;) lol.......... it's not my fault, it's the muff!
  11. Perhaps this would be because many Christians have faced athiests, anti-religious, anti-Christian people that have 'studied' the Bible with the intent of ridiculing those that believe it. Sometimes, curiousity can come across as snide or incredulous. Then, there's also the approach that you have to the Bible that, perhaps, upsets people that see it more as a religious document, the word of God, an explanation, a description, a manual for life. I hope I'm not offending you Bill, but because you approach the Bible as a best-seller, your views, coming from a different angle, while different and thought provoking, can also be, simply, provoking. If you don't believe it is a holy book, then it may seem that your knowledge of it is suspect, iykwIm. I hope I have managed to be clear, and nice... I would hate to have to arrest myself ;)
  12. You're the best. Really.

  13. We're really enjoying Prima Latina. Ds loves it and I'm learning at the same time ;)
  14. Orangearrow, it's just not natural for you to take a dog and force them to survive outside. For centuries, dogs and wolves have lived in warm homes, sleeping on couches. Did you know, they actually spay and neuter themselves in the wild in order to control their population? It wasn't until evil men came and enslaved them, forcing them out of their warm little bungalows that dogs forgot how to 'fix' themselves. What a cruel, vicious, unnatural owner you are! For shame!!!!! watch your feet, there's sarcasm all over the place!
  15. I hadn't gone through and read all your posts, so I'm not sure what you said originally, but in regards to your response... I am not sure that everyone is defining submission the same way. IOW, it would seem, by some of the responses I've read, that some people view submission as the need to be a passive doormat. As for all the rest, I wasn't referring to you, so much as a general observation of what I've seen and read regarding views of a 'healthy' marraige. There's tons of articles and sound bites and programs, for spouses to learn how to cater to themselves more, ostenably to aid in a healthy marraige. I understood. Dh, an agnostic when it pleases him to be, has read the inverse of the submission scripture. He knows what is required of him to make my submission work. We had lengthy marraige prep with my uncle before we tied the knot and we both know how important it is that we carry our burdens equally. There's always going to be fools that are happy to point fingers and tell others, God said for you to do this, and those same fools rarely read the rules God set down for them. So, I'm sure there are men that are completely unaware that they have requirements too. In the same way there are parents that tout, 'obey your mother and father,' while ignoring 'do not provoke your children to anger.'
  16. Our dog, Fred, got grouchy around the same time. He was still a good dog and only really snapped at one person (the kid earned it). I think most dogs, and people, get a little less flexible as they get older. I used to tell people Fred was old and crotchety, if he wants you to pet him, he'll let you know, otherwise, leave him alone.
  17. Ds and I have a very different relationship now. He trusts me more, he trusts my opinion and I don't have to hear, 'but Mr. Wheeler said' (Deo Gratias). We have more fun together. Really, I thought we'd get so sick of seeing each other that I had made plans to get him out of the house nearly every weekend. We've canceled the majority of those sleepovers, because it turns out we like being together. And yes, I did feel a little cheesy at first. Now, Andrew reads from his Bible storybook in the morning, we discuss, he might have some dictation from there, or need to write a narrative, and it's just matter-of-fact, part of our daily schedule. Having Latin, he's learned 'The Sanctus' and is working on the 'Doxology' helps too.
  18. That's what I think gets left out a lot. Marraige is supposed to be a union, from two, one. The whole 'self' ideal and even the dh/king of his kingdom, both ignore that. God didn't make us (women) to be servants to our husbands, he made us to be help-meets, partners, one of a set and the same goes for our husbands. We're supposed to work together and there's submission on both sides.
  19. I think that (the definition) might be the biggest issue. I don't see submission as crawling on my knees and licking his feet clean every night. I also know that his responsibilities are equal to my own. I submit to my husband and he does all he can (with some nudges from me) to keep me happy and resentment free. Of course, I see submitting as a more spiritual issue than physical. IOW, I submit to my husband, I rely on him, I depend upon him. I do see any philosophy that revolves around self to be very counter to submissive, or any Christian marraige philosophy. The idea is that there is no 'self' anymore, but a unit. The self is now two people working as one unit, does that make sense??? I don't put him before me, I put US before me. Sort of like putting the community ahead of the individual. It makes sense to me anyway, lol.
  20. Better Business Bureau, they can fix it, or they can tell you whom to call. We had this problem, with a utilities bill. We called the utilities version of the BBB and they called the company and had us removed immediately. We even got a letter of apology ;) Also, you can try finding an alternate customer service number for the company they're representing. The same person with utility issues had car issues. We actually had a guy show up to repossess a car! When I reached the company that had made the loan, there was a little rigamarole, but they finally got our info off of there too.
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