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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. We've just started WWE and do not have the workbooks... so far so good, it's not as difficult as it seems :)
  2. Many people base their votes on 'issues' that others don't consider important. I don't see that extensive knowledge of the state of the world would make someone's vote better or worse than the person voting based on a more provincial view.
  3. If it's a burden, tell your dad. Tell him once, exactly how you feel. After that, drop it. Honestly, being the executer is not something I would ever volunteer for. You get to see sides of family members you've never seen, it's not pretty. Dh and I call the executer, the scarecrow, because that's primarily what they do. They scatter the vultures (crows...), so the last will of the dead is honored. Again, not a pretty job.
  4. :lurk5::bigear: :grouphug: for what it's worth, you did the right thing :) I'm terrible at 'no' too, but as a fellow-unable-to-say-'no'-person, I think you did the right thing.
  5. I think some people should be on top of current world events and some people should be on top of current American events and some people should be on top of current local events and some people should just concentrate on where they are going and who is around them. IOW, everyone is different, every one focuses on different aspects of the news and that's perfect. Some one is focusing on world events, while some one else is focusing on Congress and there's also someone checking up on the town council. Was it "Bleak House" that had the lady, so consumed with foreign affairs that she allowed her own home to go ruins and a local street urchin to starve to death? That's why I'm okay with people ignoring world news and focusing on things closer to home. There are problems everywhere, but when every one focuses on the problems some where else, the problems at home go unchanged.
  6. Latin... Oh, but I enjoy History too.... Oh, and Science, I LOVE Science! Even Grammar has its own rewards, hearing him recite poetry is very satisfying... Oh, and Cursive, that's been great fun, it's like a 'coming of age' moment in our day, Andrew understands 'grown-up writing.' But, mostly Latin :)
  7. I have more sympathy for the homeowners than the banks. Granted, they should've never taken those loans, they should've gone with higher interest and a steady mortgage; but, since the Feds have bailed out the banks, I have to say, I think the money would've been better spent on bailing out the homeowners. The banks would've still gotton their money (for the mortgages) and there'd be less empty houses and less homeless people. I used to be very firm about this. DH and I worked hard to own our home, my parents worked hard to keep their home, why should we help people that didn't do the work? If I had to choose, however, I would still give the money to the people with bad loans, rather than the banks that made them. Oh, and better the original owner squats than some random person.
  8. My doctor's office response to, "I believe I may be six-weeks pregnant" is, "congratulations, now, why did you call?" They never want to see me until I'm at least ten weeks along. Maybe it's just your age (no offense) and the amount of risk added to this pregnancy because of it.
  9. I'm glad you asked about the placement tests. Ds took a handful of tests yesterday to help me pick our next math books. He's technically in 2nd, moving to 3rd. I had him take the Math 3 test for Saxon and he answered everything correctly, according to their test that means he's ready for Math 3. The placement test he took for a different system has him ready for Math 4 and I have to wonder if Saxon Math 3 wouldn't just be a year of review. BTW, if anyone has a link to the Saxon Math 4 placement test, can you post it? I couldn't find it on their site. Anyway, I can offer you no help, but I'm in a similar spot ;)
  10. There are reviews at the end of every 'year' (in the book). If you use those reviews, you can find out where to start your child. We're starting with the beginning of year 2 and planning to skimp around until we find out exactly where ds needs to be.
  11. It's been tried, more than once... from what I can remember, it didn't work. The Feds won in the end. It did make people reconsider the size and scope of the federal government, though.
  12. Me: "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" ~ Billy Joel DH: "Philadelphia Freedom" ~ The Elton John Band DD "Un-Break My Heart" ~ Toni Braxton DS "All for You" ~ Janet DS "London Bridge" ~ Fergie Wow, I don't like any of those songs...
  13. I would've never thought of that... :lurk5: (waiting to see what's suggested)
  14. Do they have remedial classes? I never took Chemistry and am going to take Intro to Chemistry this summer, no credits, but I need it if I want to pass anything Chemistry related in the future.
  15. Have they cleaned up the kitchen since your discovery? If they're leaving the droppings and things everywhere, that is a problem. If they have cleaned it all up and are doing what they can to keep it clean, then they're doing what they can. I'm not sure it's unethical, if only because I don't know what they are doing to fix the problem. Some people don't consider mice to be a big deal, especially in the winter. It could be that your church leaders all have mice problems at home and don't see the mice problems at church to be worth a lot of fuss.
  16. I was just surprised by how 'unlivable' they were considered. Really, it's not bad. Thanks for the reply, maybe I did let my feathers get a little ruffled :)
  17. Wait till you the get WTM, that will explain everything. Once you've read it you'll have a pretty good schedule to start with and as you continue the schedule will become 'yours,' because you'll change some things around. Breath :) The book explains all :)
  18. My ds checks his pits every day for hair :) He had a sore throat the other week and got a little hoarse. He was POSITIVE it was puberty and his voice was changing. Lol!
  19. Lol, tell your DH that most of the people new to VA are from PA ;) Really, our weather's not so bad, but we do miss out on most of the snow (I know, boohoo, right?).
  20. We have between 750 and 800 sq ft. We put holiday stuff in tubber wear and store it outside, in the shed. No attic and I'm not crawling in our crawl space, lol, so most of our stuff is stored in whomever's closet it belongs too. We also use space under our dining room table, under our beds, above our closets, etc. It's amazing how many places you can store things when you need too. Mostly, don't keep it if you don't need it. IOW, if you have twelve boxes of seasonal clothes to store... downgrade.
  21. Very similar to what I told my ds. It's funny how excited they get about stinky armpits in their future :)
  22. Wow, okay, so our house would be on the larger end of the spectrum, it's not as big as their biggest model. It's not horrible. We don't trip over each other too much and I know what my kids are doing, regardless of where I am in the house. Except that it gets cluttered pretty quick, I love my little home and wouldn't want to live somewhere too much bigger. I'd spend all night awake, worried about the kids......
  23. Our house is around 7-8 hundred... I guess I can now say, officially, we live in a small house. I'm not sure how to feel about this...
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