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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Drowning, but I believe it was listed as pneumonia. She inhaled the water instead of swallowing and no one knew until her lungs were nearly full. :grouphug:
  2. We have pets and we live near farms. The kids have seen animals going at it. I think it's a lot harder to get around that than one might think. I mean there are animals everywhere, and bugs, and they all have sex. Even an inner city cihld will see flies riding piggy back. It's unavoidable. As for small homes... my money's on most parents being pretty discreet. I just can't imagine Ma and Pa really going at each other while the kids are laying next to them, or throwing the blankets off if they're sharing a room. Squeeks and muffled groans do not a sex education make. If anything it increases the mystery. What ARE they doing? I mean, the kids might know they're doing "it," but they aren't going to know what "it" is, even having watched bulls and cows (who are fairly obvious, my kids all mistaked the bull's you-know for an extra apendage at some point), because it's not the same when Ma and Pa are doing it. (I'm hopefully assuming here that pioneer women were not running around their homes butt naked while the menfolk chased after them attempting to mount and subdue.) IOW, I don't think they were so much better educated. I doubt, seriously seriously doubt, that pioneer children had pictures of the reproductive organs. I seriously doubt that they had books they could linger over or the freedom to ask Ma and Pa about those funny feelings that have started coming up.
  3. I remember reading about Nobel prize winners that had a problem with the elevator wherever they go to get those awards. I think people notice more when it's someone they expect to be a genius. Granted, with my neighbor I do not expect genius, the answer seems like it would be obvious to everyone. Apparently... too obvious. Besides, it's not nearly as funny if average Joe who makes 30 thou a year in a blue collar job and has 2.4 children puts dawn in his engine... Actually, no... it's still pretty funny, just a little more sad because you know he'd struggle to pay for it. I guess if you looked at the Darwin awards you'd see a pretty good cross section.
  4. Saxon keeps us barfing, and dd definitely gets it down :lol:
  5. I don't think common sense is what it used to be. At the church fall festival I watched groups of kids led by oblivious adults walking directly behind a camel. ... It was a tame camel ... They don't kick, right? My mom said I was a genius that didn't have the brains God gave spaghetti. She would always comment on my lack of common sense. I once asked what a yeast infection was... The God gave spaghetti comment was the answer. I was scared to eat bread for quite awhile. I will say that dh is always amazed at how dumb his customers (some are literally rocket scientists) can be. Things like... well I didn't KNOW my car needed oil to run, or What does not having a gas cap have to do with anything?!? Oh, last week someone replaced their head lights and they were upset because the lights were not shining in the right direction. Well, when they screwed them in they didn't match up the threads, so the bulbs were crooked. They had nearly busted their bumber attempting to move the headlights around. This one time a guy changed his own oil and his car started running like carp so he brought it in. Now, he is a defense contractor, college grad, good income, drives a Benz. You sort of assume that he's a bright guy. Well, he had forgotten to get an oil filter, so he used Dawn (because that gets the oil out ;) ) and cleaned the one in the car. He also shorted the car a quart of oil, because that was a quart more than he had gotten out. To dh, the man's a few eggs short of a dozen. To me, well, I see his funny logic, I get it. All that to say, common sense is in the eye of the beholder I guess. (Seriously though, don't ever ever ever introduce dawn into your engine. Oil is important.) Oh! I had a neighbor come and beg me to set up her tv. She could not figure out what was wrong, but there was no sound. I got behind her tv and she had plugged the wires in all over the place, with only the audio cord actually in the white rectangle. Now, the cords are color coded, the inputs are color coded and the rectangle outlining the three inputs is white (on a black tv). Seems like it would be common sense, but to her that just seemed too easy :lol: I didn't laugh. I cringed. This doesn't seem like common sense, it seems like... egads... holes in learning. (Not meant harsh, just meant that the whole thing had me gasping and cringing 'poor poor things.')
  6. Dd was in ps until the start of 8th grade. Ds the elder was in ps until mid 2nd grade. Youngest ds is K at home :D
  7. I voted other, because (like so many other posters) it depends on the temperature of the house. As long as it's not hot the butter stays out all the time. If it's hot then the butter goes back in the fridge once it starts melting.
  8. We used to say my mom was the Queen of Hearts (oooooooff with their heads!!!! :lol:) Ds said Mamamoomintroll for me. Awww :D
  9. This could be too wordy as well. I've never seen Apologia so I can't compare the two. I have found, having moved from a secular science to this that dd is much happier reading the text and excited about what she's learning. It's definitely comprehensive. If you check out the description I posted, they want to teach all of the theories well enough that the student will not be surprised later (college).
  10. http://www.examiner.com/crime-justice-in-national/baby-lisa-baby-sky-and-baby-tyler-victims-of-the-casey-effect I don't agree with the article (I don't think mothers are killing their children because Anthony 'got away with it'). I do think there could be a connection between Anthony and mothers not helping. I think people are more ready to believe the mother did it and so, innocent or not, mothers are the prime suspects and there's a chance that even an innocent person would stop helping the police, if only with the hope that the police will then move on to seek the actual perpetrator. This doesn't even seem that new to me (mothers killing their children). Susan Smith was supposed to be getting out around now. I remember her, I remember the whole tv drama of it. She's managed to serve her time. How insane is that? If I were to go with the 'reporter' in the article posted, I might add in that Smith getting out and Anthony getting off has shown mothers that even if the charge sticks, they will get out eventually. :(
  11. Late games could be one reason (I don't know if they did away games, but many of ours got me home around one or two in the morning. If my mom could have she would have left me to sleep at school). Another is... kids lie. We recently found out that a teen at our church was telling her parents (who do not attend church) about youth sleep overs that didn't exist. She had been using that excuse to sleep over at her bf's house almost every weekend. The parents thought she was in a safe group setting, no one at church had an idea, and in reality she was living with her bf on the weekends. It's not that hard for a child to lie in such a way that the parent thinks everything is hunky dory, ESPECIALLY when they have an adult willing to lie to corroborate their story.
  12. :iagree: These are the children that the Boys and Girls Club target as well as many/most child centered programs. Big Brothers/Big Sisters, even church youth groups, hope to help the types of children that make such good victims, with the idea of keeping them from becoming victims. All the same, when people give their time to these organizations they run the risk of being seen as 'creepy' especially if they're men. From what I've seen there are less and less men becoming involved and part of it is just that reason. The Boy Scout leader who doesn't have a scout seems wierd, why are they hanging out with kids whose own parents don't want to be them?!?!? It's really sad, those catch twenty-twos.
  13. We use this. Dd really enjoys it and it isn't too expensive. She works alone most of the time, I just have to gather equipment for the labs. It's recommended for 10th, but we're using it for 9th without a problem. [quote name=Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity, Second Edition ] Grade: 10th - 12th Text, 420 pages Science, especially biology, is one of the key flashpoints between Christianity and secularism. Mainstream science would have us believe that a purely naturalistic system of science based on evolution is an objective fact. Anything other than this is, according to mainstream science, simply unscientific propaganda. Christians, however, must beg to differ. We recognize that the universe was created by God and is sustained by Him. Our understanding of science is based on this belief. The study of science must, however, be more than just a critique evolution; it should focus on God's creation. By studying God's creation, students see God's awesome power, the beauty of His handiwork and the design reflected in every creature. As a biology textbook, Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity unashamedly teaches high school students about God’s creation. Yet, it is not, as some might say, simply “Christian propaganda.†It presents basic biology in an understandable, user-friendly manner. It has numerous color illustrations and helpful diagrams. At the same time, however, it addresses the creation vs. evolution debate, showing the weaknesses of the evolutionists’ arguments. This book has 29 chapters, divided into 10 units. In addition to the book itself, the course also includes a teacher’s manual and test packet. A supplemental student lab manual and teacher’s guide for the lab manual are also available.
  14. I do this :D When I'm correcting papers, I've learned to read FOR mistakes. Normally, I read for information, but in those cases, I read for mistakes. Maybe if he approaches it as correcting the sentences, instead of comprehending them (fun problem to have :lol: being too good at reading for comprehension) that will help. The content doesn't matter in these cases, it's how it has been put together that matters. :grouphug:
  15. Me too. I've been deleted a few times from various "friends" and only found out when they re-friended me. :lol: However, I've known people to become bitterly offended when I didn't respond to their posts quickly enough :glare: IOW, while I wouldn't really care, there are definitely people who would and the ones that do care care A LOT.
  16. Is having a response to particular photographed situations so odd? I twitch when I see photos of little girls sitting on the laps of men. It doesn't matter who the men are, those pictures (even the Santa Claus ones) gives the creeps for a moment. I'm not judging Santa, or the little girl, it's just how I feel when I see those pics. When I see pics of some women (especially those with a history of adultery, or the ones married to my relatives) and they're hanging all over some other man, I get a vague sense of dread. Now, I'm sure the vast majority of those pictures are innocent, but it doesn't stop me from feeling dreadful when I first see them. :grouphug: :iagree:
  17. :001_huh: I almost wish I would've been offensive in my initial response. I mean, the yes responders seem so behind in vitriol. I think it's juvenile to hop into a thread where a large portion has answered yes and then gurgle with laughter while making offensive comments in their direction... but that's just me ;) :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
  18. Dh did. He doesn't have a father, so he's very careful around mine :p If he would have asked me without asking my dad first, I would have told him to ask Dad.
  19. K - Maybe an hour 5th - About 2 and 1/2 hours 9th - 3 to 4
  20. This disturbing bit of snark that floated around on MySpace and then FB for a while. It was stuff like close-ups of the crease inside someone's elbow and things. Stupid, but it still bugged me (I mean, WHY?). I was referring back to my own post ;) I don't know what the OP saw, but I know the kinds of pictures I see that her post made me think about.
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