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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I thought I'd never catch you!


    Deviousness :p

  2. You have never had anyone inform you that they gave 10% pretax income annually. It doesn't mean you don't know anyone who does. We do not claim our tithe and we don't broadcast the amount we tithe. We don't tithe for tax deductions or status. :shrug: I know that the majority of people that tithe in my church do not claim it on their taxes at all. How would I know that? Because the church only send out a handful of forms for taxes.
  3. Opinions are like certain smelly holes. We all have them (except people that suffered through lots of surgery, but that's a whole nother story). I'm sorry people were rude to you. Where kids are concerned I do think it's all according to God's plan. If that means twenty five kids or none. I think people tend to think of "lonely only" when they see a child with no siblings and some folks, as their family size grows, decide that only their number of children is the "right" or "superior" number. You might as well argue whether red is a better color than blue or yellow, iykwIm. Some folks will fight to the death over their own choices and feel like anyone who chooses different is judging them.
  4. :iagree: I learned my lesson when dd started Algebra. Now ds must show his work. He needs to practice writing it out and TAKING HIS TIME.
  5. :lol: Caught you! Ish.

  6. Tigersgrowl stole the cookies a long time ago and wasn't caught... until now :p Still searching, Jean.
  7. :confused: Where did you hide her Jean? I can't find the cookie thief anywhere! :lol:
  8. The boys all went out and made forts with the debris. Luke said the same thing (about fall :lol:). I will say that no power for almost 48 hours meant that we got to do our star gazing in the yard. It was incredible.
  9. Here's a soap box I can stand on! My husband is freaky deakin' awesome! So there :D
  10. Not always and I'd even lean towards not often. It makes the news if they call a press conference or get their agent on it. Otherwise, well it's good news and that doesn't sell too well, ya know.
  11. :party: The power is on. Our home and cars are fine and miraculously, all of the branches we lost fell into neat piles (infront of, behind, next to and near without landing ON anything). :hurray:
  12. gack, weather changed, offline, love you all I posted on somebody warden, no time for a good clue.
  13. You don't need to do anything, but lay low :D

  14. You stole 220 cookies!


    Rules of the game: if you find this (anyone except the cookie thief themselves) then post here to say "I caught the cookie thief! BUT... someone else took 221 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the numbers so each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  15. Short rant. Our news people have decided to stop talking about our area other than calling us southern :glare: I know New Jersey's weather BETTER than I do my own. What gives?!? :banghead: Tony, Sue: You have disappointed me. I may have to go back to Topper.
  16. Now that's the wind is kicking up the humidity is finally moving. It was a scuba gear night though. Like breathing soup.
  17. Not really, I was more concerned with him getting stuck in the walls :lol: If you can't catch them, though, you don't have much choice. Then, it's a little comforting to know that if you put out a food/water station near wherever you lost them, they'll at least survive (no surprise corpses ;) ).
  18. :lol: Well, I found you so I got to pick the next theif ;) I didn't get this when I was the theif either. :lol: Now, you follow the clue I posted and see if you can find the new one. If you do, post something like "I caught you!" and then find a new person with over 100 posts and who's been on at least once in the past month. You post that message that was posted on yours, but change the number of cookies (one higher) and post it on their visitor messages. Then you come here and post a clue. I've btdt. I turned myself in on accident :lol:
  19. Put the food ONLY on the trap. He's filling up before he gets there :p Also, if you DON'T catch him, it will be okay :D Just make sure that he can get to food and water. I lost a hamster for over a month in my closet :blush: It lived very well out of a food dish and water bottle taped to the wall.
  20. My mom used blue goop (aloe vera sunburn gel stuff) and benadryl to keep her skin from itching, but the worst of it (apparently) is directly in the nerves (so there isn't anything to do). :grouphug:
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