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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I just saw where you wished me happy birthday, :lol:.


    Thank you, that was super sweet. And if I already thanked you, forgive me for being absent minded and pleased all over again! :grouphug:

  2. Tammyla stole 144 cookies!!!!!!!


    Rules of the game: if you find this (anyone except the cookie thief themselves) then post here to say "I caught the cookie thief! BUT... someone else took 146 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the numbers so each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  3. My response, "Word to the wise... Actually sharing your low opinion of a group that is considering paying you for your service is a bad idea. We will go ahead and try to find a different photographer that has stronger social skills." For folks that aren't being socialized... they seem to be at a lot of social functions :confused:
  4. Bee, ime, they will make the arrears get paid to you and still require you to pay at least a percentage of what you would make working full time at a minimum wage job. I think they do this, because there were so many parents that stopped working in order to avoid paying support. They started applying this to mothers, because too many fathers were getting burned by special treatment afforded their ex-wives. I'm sorry you're going through this. :grouphug: And you know what? Treating your step children as if they were your biological children is a-okay in my book. They need you to be their mamma and WAY TO GO for stepping up to that. When families break up and children scatter it is incredibly hard, if not impossible, to keep the parent-child relationship the same way it was before. It sounds, to me, like you're doing what you can to still be Mom to your children while adjusting to a life where being their mother doesn't mean that you get to be there to mother them. :grouphug:
  5. I wonder how he asked his mom... Ah kids. I can remember asking my mom stuff while she was taking a nap :p it was a sure fire way to get a 'yes.' Good point. He could've been home alone and following orders (never tell them you're home alone, always pretend an adult is there). :shrug: I don't know what was going on in that house, for all I know she was doing the penguin after a failed waxing attempt :lol: I just think judging the parent or theoretical adult that may or may not have been at home is a little premature, since we don't know anything beyond there was a boy that mentioned his mother.
  6. :grouphug: You never know, Mom could've been in the shower.
  7. It's like having a dangerously high fever and yes, it can sneak up on you.
  8. This is why my answer hinged on whether or not I could feed my children. I would put them in school for food, even if I couldn't find work. Our school district is mediocre, if there were sn they would not find much help there. However, if I can't feed the kids then that advantage, free lunch/breakfast, would put ps far ahead what I could offer at home. I guess I'd rather have them fed and afterschooling, than hungry and attempting to hs.
  9. Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox (I think I have those names right, edited, because I didn't :p )
  10. Send kiddos into the house (and have them lock the door, because I'm a little paranoid like that) and then head out to her with my phone in pocket. I would offer to make the call... I really don't like the idea of sharing a mouthpiece with someone that's sick :p
  11. I wonder how the definitions of those words has changed over the years. That may be your answer. I wondered if it wasn't a matter of how the two were percieved rather than a definitive difference. Dictionaries never do tell the whole story, do they :p It's interesting, much of what you say reminds me of the JWs (and the few Mormon ideals I'm aware of), although there are obvious differences as well. I do believe in faith healing, for sure, but I guess I see doctors as an inescapable part of life. Is Science and Health a magazine or book book? :lol: That sounds like a silly question, but I hope you know what I mean.......... Would you rather pm me? It occurs to me that this is an off shoot that doesn't really belong here and could invite a derailment that could go south quick :p
  12. We would, if it meant the difference between our children eating or going hungry. IOW, even if I couldn't find work to help offset costs, we would enroll the kids if only to be assured they would get two meals a day. If moving was an option, we'd move. If working at night was an option, I would do so. If, however, we could not afford food, then the kids would go to school. Free meals. I can't feed their brains if their bellies are empty anyway.
  13. Us too. There've been times (and tithes) that have come right back to us, because we were in need. I give trusting God and God makes sure we have enough.
  14. Ah, I can see how that could cause problems. There is a similar difference that comes between JWs and other Christians. I thought doctrine and tenet were synonymous. What's the difference? If you don't mind my asking ;) I'm aware I come off abrasively online (for some reason), I'm not trying to be a pain in the patootie, just curious.
  15. Sure, but I remind myself that this is me worshipping God in gratitude for what He has provided for us.
  16. Ime, they will take a portion of what you would make working 40 hours a week at a minimum wage job, at the very least. Reasons don't matter, ime.
  17. I'm a member of a Baptist church, and I know there are particular things that the church itself upholds as 'truths,' but I also know we have a variety of denominations represented in the body. I suppose those are doctrine, because they're taught. I'll have to glance at your site though, I don't know how you could have church, without doctrine. Off the orginal topic, is there something in particular that makes other Christians tend to exclude you? I don't know any CS irl.
  18. That's what I was trying to say. The poll is a silly little thing, inconsiquential really. I'm sorry I wasn't clear. I do. It appears it all hinges on how others percieve the Christian-status of the person who voted. It's not my poll, I was curious as to why someone would respond that way. I would assume that having the choice between conservative/other Christian would have been enough to induce all self-identifying Christians as Christians... apparently not :)
  19. I am just trying to wrap my head around why someone that believes themself to be a Christian would then choose "other" in a poll asking how they self-identify. I could understand if it had been more specific (do you believe Christ is the son of God), but it was very vague for that reason. I know that certain groups would not consider me Christian. It's impossible to have all "Christian" religions consider one particular person a Christian, because so many define that differently, or else have different parameters for what you have to do to be a Christian. I don't allow their rules to change how I view or portray myself. I am a Christian. I don't allow, if you will, their chains to enslave me. I just don't understand why a Christian would not self-identify as a Christian. But you didn't vote as a Christian. This is a silly, nothing sort of thing, but I don't understand why you wouldn't say you were a Christian, if you believe yourself to be a Christian. This wasn't a matter of converting people, or convincing people. It was trying to get a representative number, nothing earth shaking, I just don't understand why you would not allow yourself to 'count' as a Christian.
  20. I'm pretty sure I was in high school when I first started forgetting what year it was :p
  21. I forget sometimes... I forget how old I am sometimes... I forget how old the kids are at times... :lol: We call them brain farts... sometimes the info just slips your mind.
  22. I would go. My dh would tell me he didn't need my help even with two broken legs. He doesn't want to ask me for help or support, he just wants me to give it to him. :grouphug:
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