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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. It had just started raining here when you posted that (we must be south of you). So far, it's a little windy and a little rainy... and VERY HUMID. Is it just here that the humidity has been crazy? It was 70 last night, but we had to keep the A/C on, because it was so damp.
  2. She lives in the glow of forever and must eat a cookie with every post!
  3. You don't need to do anything, this is a game. Sit back and relax :D You can come play, but only after they find you ;)

  4. You stole 217 cookies!


    Rules of the game: if you find this (anyone except the cookie thief themselves) then post here to say "I caught the cookie thief! BUT... someone else took 218 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the numbers so each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  5. RadioBrain stole the cookies! I think the voices in her head compelled her :lol: Okay, off to find the new theif :D
  6. God bless you sweet lady. Thank you.

  7. Geezopeety. You all are the best. Is it wierd that this is the first time I've cried since it all sort of flopped over? God bless you ladies. :grouphug: Really. I love you, thank you.
  8. Alright sunshine. Since there's a hurricane acomin' and I can disappear for awhile and let it all die down, check on the sly, and don't have to respond to snark, I'm unloading. You've dragged it out of me, and golly day do I need to. Sharing the burden is hard, and I carry burdens for some of my closer friends on here, but (dare I say it) for some people, I can be their friends here and walk away (which is why the friendship lives on). I get to the point where I need a break and irl friends have a hard time understanding that, whereas I can just not come into the hive :lol: I'll show you (at the bottom of my post) why it's so nice to unload here :p That and... hey, hearing everyone's problems gets tiresome. I get that. Here, listening is much more optional. IOW, you can purge, walk away, come back and see support. For the most part, the people that aren't interested in supporting just don't comment, so it's like they don't even exist :lol: Me too :D If you want to see what crazy means to me highlight from here to the laughy face: Alright, so my mother's cancer is back with a vengeance and I just don't know what I feel. It's spread from her spine and rib to her face, shoulder blades, clavical and possibly her kidneys, although the doctors say that "never" happens, they aren't too sure that it hasn't. Mom's cancer started almost four years ago as breast cancer. Her super crappy doctors put off surgery until four months later. No treatment, no radiation, just sitting and waiting. Then, the craptastic doctor over booked herself (oops) and left my mom unconcious, but vomiting, laying in a gurney and even the nurses didn't realize she was there (instead of in surgery). Dr. Jerk LEFT and had to come back to explain that, oopsy, she didn't have time, family stuff ya know? By the time the surgery was done it had gone from a lumpectomy to a radical bilateral misectomy (so help me if you correct my spelling I'll scream, you may not hear it, but I will). Oh, yeah, I forgot, they gave my mom a rare infection and after they got positive test results for it, they chucked the results and didn't bother to retest until all the skin on her chest has sloughed off. Awesome. Now, Earlier this year new tumors were found. Mom was cancer free for about or almost three years. I made her change doctors (finally). The new doctor explained that they didn't want to start chemo until they HAD to. Once Mom starts she has to stay on it until she dies. Mom just.didn't.get.it. All this year, appointment after appointment, the doctor has been so pleased to tell Mom it was not chemo worthy yet and Mom came away DISAPPOINTED. She's so happy to be dieing. Seriously. She's bragging about going bald. She's been looking forward to this, she has said, "I'm so glad it finally coming to a close." How the h-e-double hocky sticks do you respond to that???? Now, I have this stupid mini drama at church over starting a new mission, I really feel like God has called me and I JUST DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH IT. I have had a migraine for three days. This lasted a week a month or so ago and I'm only today discovering the Aleve wasn't helping because I wasn't suffering from a headache. Thank God. Seirously. I feel like I need to qualify all this by saying, God has been AWESOME. My dear friend, whom I love like a sister, has found Christ. I'm not really worried about the new mission, I know it's in God's hands. I'm not scared for Mom, I know she's in God's hands. Even the hurricane (don't say Isabelle) is going to be alright, we're in God's hands. I just feel like I need to purge. Trollish? Heck I could add more :lol:
  9. There are times when I feel like I live in a soap. But it's not one of the soaps where everyone is beautiful and rich. More like a made for tv drama on the lifetime network.
  10. :blush: I didn't even consider that Dixie was an American company. Sorry!!!!! She was online when I found her... I sort of assumed she'd post one more time :lol:
  11. We find that blow darts allow dh and I to bond while trying to take the little beasties down.
  12. Okay, I have to run. I'll try another tact (since I'm not sure if I'll internet this weekend :glare:)... Daniel Emmett loved her so much he was willing to live and die for her. He wished he was with her, to take a stand beside her. Of course, he's dead now and so is his cause. Robbie Robertson lamented over the night she was driven down. That's it. Ask.com and ye shall find.
  13. I'm guessing some folks from the colleges the shirts were made for have shared a few words.
  14. :grouphug: Moses had a speech issue too :D Congrats Mommy! You must be so proud :hurray:
  15. :grouphug: Give up. He doesn't get it. He won't get it. Thank goodness, he doesn't do your grocery shopping. People can have an incredibly difficult time believing someone is experiencing something they've never experienced. :shrug: Trying to prove it to them just hurts the person doing the proving.
  16. I guffawed. I didn't even know people did that anymore (guffaw).
  17. teehee She's also handy on a picnic. While she's not too environmentally friendly, she IS a time saver :D
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