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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. It seems to me that Christ tended to shed light on people's sins in public. IOW, someone sins and Christ points it out. "Get thee behind me Satan," is a pretty strong way to say, "Hey buddy, I don't think you have your head straight and perhaps you should stop saying and thinking these things." A woman says she's not married and his response is along the lines of "Your right, you're an adulterer with way too many 'husbands'." "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." That was pretty public too, and it was a wholesale condemnation. The only confessor that pops into my head is the theif and his was a public confession with Christ publicly forgiving him. Of course, most of these people weren't confessing, they were concealing... which is what I thought church discipline was for :confused: Not for those that confess, struggle, repent, rather for those that refuse to see their own sin, or else prefer to live in sin. The example I can think of is the man that was having a sexual relationship with his step mother. The sin was known and the idea that he should be approached and told his actions were wrong (with the hope that he was ignorant of that, I'm sure) and all the follow ups, all the way to the church voting on whether or not he was allowed to stay in that church, were to reflect whether or not he repented.:confused: ETA, thinking on it, it wasn't even just 'major' stuff that Christ would point out in public. Martha wanted to do housework and was angry at Mary for lazying around... Interestingly, I can't think of a single time that Christ pulled someone to the side to privately discuss their actions. Even in the Gospels, I don't remember anyone being given private admonishment or advice, it was all done infront of everyone. Maybe the point was that nothing is really hidden anyway. I guess the only private encounters I can think of are when God went to someone with a mission. I mean, Paul was blinded, he had to go around blind (pretty obvious/public) and confess to other people to get his sight restored.
  2. Right now it's not an option. Later, if dd wanted to (for her Jr and Sr hs years) or the boys once they were hs level, I would seriously consider it. They would have to want to and be mature enough to handle the separation, though. Dd is, but like I said, for now being 'away' isn't an option.
  3. Maybe it's more to prepare the parents than the child. I've known people that put their children in daycare to prepare them for being older and going to preschool. They pushed me too, because "as they get older it only gets harder." It sort of makes me think of that Verizon commercial. "We need to get rid of your bundle, the longer we keep this thing the harder it will be to get rid of..." Granted, that's a joke (the commercial), but when people start to push based on the idea that I need to get over my separation anxiety... that's what pops in my head.
  4. Pre-K starts at 4. Head Start (this is a gov funded preparation... thingy... not part of the school system, but done in the same building) starts at 3. I voted 4, because our local public school only accepts children at age four for pre-K.
  5. Both of my sons did this... and so did I :p My problem was that I was frustrated with me, iykwIm. I'd get mad at myself for getting mad... yeah, that makes sense :lol: My older ds grew out of this (thank heavens!). He said the same thing, once he was old enough to explain. He was just mad at himself for being 'bad' and losing his temper. My youngest is five and I can't remember the last time he did that. That seems to be around the time when we've all stopped....... until we became teens :D ETA, dh did this too apparently. The poor boys didn't have a chance. Bad tempers run in the family (long fuses, big explosions). Looking at dh and myself, I'm happy to believe the boys' fuses will get longer as they grow older.
  6. Do you have a wildlife rescuer in your area? The one here will not allow children (or parents of young children) to help inside (health concerns), but she will often let them release animals back into the wild and even help capture injured animals. Our local game warden (not dog warden) gives out the rescuer's number if asked for it.
  7. I didn't even think about that. The following is not to you, but the result of my own irritation :p when it comes to people who get so flipping high and mighty over their own fashion decisions which seems to be a real issue for THEM. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I suppose my mother is grossly inconsiderate when she goes out without her wig and false b00ks as well :glare: I feel myself inclined to mount a high horse :angry: When you make fashion a matter of consideration you take people (like MrsRevMeg's mother and my own) who are already dealing with issues (like radiation burns and oh life threatening diseases) and adding ANOTHER failing for them to handle. So take your pjs irritate me, I can't stand slovenly people, fashion is a matter of ettiquette carpola and expletive expletive expletive. And when you're tempted to respond, "Oh, but I didn't mean THEM." Take a moment and think on how nice it is to be THEM, first off, and then realize that THEY aren't always so obvious, so maybe with holding on bashing might be a little bit of a good idea. :leaving:
  8. Yes, but fashion is an opinion. Dd wears sleep pants/sweat pants everywhere, except to church. Her friends and herself are as motivated by fashion as any normal teen, they just prefer comfortable (imo, wierdly patterned clashing) clothes. Then, they all love crazy socks, mismatched, with open shoes (crocks, flip flops, and with those icky toe socks sandals). I wouldn't wear 90% of what they like, but they're still considerate of the sensibilities of others in that they wear clothing that covers their bodies. If people don't like their pattern, color, material choices, well the odds are good they aren't too keen on whatever that person is wearing either.
  9. "If you were planning on walking out the door without washing your hands, turn right back around and wash them! It is gross and disgusting to work with employees who don't follow common hygiene guidelines..." :iagree: Holding hands with you is gross and disgusting if you used the bathroom and didn't wash your hands. So is sharing crayons, paper, tables, &tc. That's a closer comparison. It is gross and disgusting to do school with children that do not wash their hands after using the bathroom. See, it's not the children or employees that are disgusting. It's working with them that's disgusting. Working with people who have fecal matter on their hands is disgusting. I'm surprised you don't agree with that. No, they're yelling at people who are at work and do not wash their hands after using the bathroom. Your comparison does not work, because you are calling your children gross and disgusting. The sign is not calling the employees gross and disgusting, it's saying working with dirty ones is gross and disgusting. :lol:
  10. File this under, "Moments I knew we were a homeschooling success story." Wow.
  11. Bad for me, great for a lot of other people :p We love the flexibility of hsing. Joining a co-op just puts us back on someone else's schedule.
  12. Only the ones with huge inseams :) Oh! You meant on other people? :lol: Pants is pants. I'm just glad people put something on.
  13. We started using it when ds started 5th grade. For some reason his handwriting tanked big time. I use handwriting with my youngest (5), but it's busy work for now. I don't expect him to have great handwriting at this age. Dd didn't use handwriting at all.
  14. I didn't vote. My youngest and I are on lesson 75 and I'm hoping we'll finish. He reads very well at this point, but I'm hoping it will help him with spelling later, we're all terrible spellers here. :lurk5:
  15. ooooOOOOoooo I see a science experiment in our future. Don't worry, we'll just do it at home. That was an excellent idea.
  16. BLAST! FIE!!!!!!! IRK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead: Why now?
  17. Not everyone needs handwriting, and (personal experience) you can always add it later ;) Some science experiments might be a good idea. It looks pretty good :D
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