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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. :grouphug: There are so many good resources for him. The pastor should have a ton of them available. Don't stifle his search for God. Mine was stifled and it took me fifteen years before I could finally look and see, and God is good. Questions that seem endless have answers :grouphug: He'll be stronger if he's allowed to ask. Hey, dd said she could pen pal. She's all about apologetics :D :lol::iagree: God bless you. Sweet woman :D
  2. :banghead: If you've ever had a fever of 106 you know a fever of 103 isn't really a fever :banghead: If you've ever had a tree fall on your car then you know that having someone open their door into your door doesn't really cause a dent :banghead:
  3. Banning it makes it more tempting. This is the time of rebellion. You've now given him a solid point of attack. Is your son a Christian? Is there someone besides you and your dh that he trusts, especially as someone that knows about God? I went through this (grunge/alternative). I didn't stop listening to it until I started considering how it effected my behavior. I didn't realize that until a trusted person showed me. :grouphug:
  4. No it's not :D It's a much higher dosage and packaged with a ton of caffeine. I've looked into it too :) Hey, you can see my bad day migraines and raise me impossible to treat. I call. It's still a migraine. ETA, Dobela, thank you. I can't afford expensive remedies and because of the amount of blood thinners and caffeine in em I avoid using them. I would rather lay in a dark room with phone books on my head, but in a pinch at least they lessen the pain for a time.
  5. Me: Ugh, I feel like carp. My head is stuffed up and I'm achy and tired. I'm sick. My mom: I have cancer. It's eating my bones and I lose about 3 pounds a week from vomiting. I'm sick. You, you aren't sick. You're just whining about some piddling little thing. I'm sick. I'm so sick. Your bones ache? Well, my bones have holes in them from cancer. You're tired? I'm being eaten alive from the inside out and I can't even keep down a good meal. You're not sick, I'm sick. Facebook friend: Geesh, this migraine is killing me. I have to wear sunglasses all the time and the throbbing, oh the throbbing. It feels like my eyeballs are dragging across shards of glass when they move. I have a migraine and it hurts. Other facebook friend: You have a migraine? My migraines make me vomit. I can't even imagine ever leaving my bed. The pain is so incredible I can hardly breath. You don't have a migraine. I have a migraine. For real? This is like people talking about getting wisdom teeth removed. Just because someone only had to have two taken out and you had to have six torn out doesn't mean that they didn't have dental surgery. A guy who gets a toe amputated is still an amputee, even in the face of those who've lost both legs and arms. My flu is still an illness, even in the face of my mother's cancer. Facebook friend's migraine is still a migraine, even in the face of people whose brains actually explode and have to be sewn back together and mushed back into their skulls. It's a matter of degrees. A higher or greater or worse degree doesn't negate the existence of lower or lesser or less bad degrees. A 105 degree day doesn't make a 100 degree day cold. A 105 degree temperature in a child doesn't make a temperature of 101 normal, it's still a fever, even if it's not 105.
  6. I had no idea we have so many neurologists in the hive :D
  7. If it's not full blown, does your family starve? If it's the beginning of a migraine, or the tail end, is it not a migraine? Try a migraine medicine next time, excedrin makes a good one, imo. I had these for a long time and didn't realize they were migraines. They are. Try the migraine medicine and when it clears up you won't feel so silly (or terrified that your head is inhabited by evil trolls that dug their claws into the back of your eyes to keep you from looking around).
  8. Mine vary. I had no idea the head aches I was having that would last for days were actually migraines, because when I had had migraines before they kept me from functioning. If the pharmacist wouldn't have told me what it was I would have kept suffering with all the wrong types of treatments. I've seen this posted here before (that's not a migraine!!!). If you did a search maybe you could find the other thread. Plenty of people suffer from migraines that hurt like hades, but don't send them to bed.
  9. :smilielol5: Actually we don't use words like dong in our house, I find them dumb and repulsive ;) I do call him Mr. Big Head at times. (teehee) I need one of those files. Where did you get that? We call each other Mr. lionfamily1999 and Mrs. lionfamily1999 at times. We also call the kids, the girl, the boy, the little one. :lol: Ach! We use that one too! I wonder if dh even remembers my name at this point.... Oh wait, he mocks me with it. That's about the only time we use each other's first names... when we're mocking or angry. Go figure.
  10. :D I am that overemotional shmoozie poozie woman of which you speak :D We also partake in pda :p Dong bugs me way more :lol: I agree (ran out of room for smileys), those words raise hackles. But then, this thread seems all in good fun once you get past the "dumb" part.
  11. If they did that, though, they'd have to make education optional. You can't force people to pay (or take away their children/arrest them for not paying) a service that is outside of their financial capabilities. It's an undue burden (I think). So, we'd be back where we were when all schools were private schools and poor children uneducated. Besides, while public schools may not charge tuition (in most cases), they still charge for other things. We used the ps system for a while and have found it cheaper to homeschool. The education itself isn't free, there is work involved, especially if the child wants to succeed.
  12. O/Tish... I'm reading G.K. Chesterton (on Eugenics) and he was talking about capitalism vs socialism. What's interesting (and seems at least somewhat to do with this) is that he blames the stupidity of the working class on capitalism and the enslavement of them on socialism. Capitalism led to the idea that man was a tool. Keep him just poor enough that he cannot leave for better wages (as if they existed). This led to a bunch of little hammers at home, growing up without either parent capable of caring for them, because they are both too busy working for just enough to keep on working. The little hammers become hoodlums. They have no supervision, no food, no restraint and their parents are too worn out to do anything about it. Now, the capitalist starts to have too many tools to choose from, but those tools are not of the same quality as their parents. They aren't respectful or strong, because they haven't been raised to be so. The capitalist turns to the socialist and they work on stopping all the babymaking nonsense that's getting in their way. They make it illegal for the parents not to raise their children properly, without raising their wages so they can afford to parent their children. So, the same worn out hammers are expected to do more with the same amount they had to begin with (sort of like Egyptians telling the Israelites to makes bricks without straw). At this point he ends up guessing at what can be done to fix this, versus what might be done to prolong it. Over a hundred years later and it seems, to me, that the idea is to try and make the hammar think it's just as smart as the carpenter, without bothering to actually educate it. Like building a pretty world where all the mechanics read Dickens (albeit from Dalmation Press) and know the leading parties lines by heart, all the while ignorant that he's been raised like a mushroom. HA! That ended up way more than I expected.
  13. I have said that to dd, and she's said it herself (I'm so GLAD I can diagram). That said, she's not my logic stage child, she's in high school. When she was still in the logic stage she enjoyed the puzzle aspect of diagramming, for her it's always been like a good look behind the curtain (this is why one sentence works and another doesn't). Ds, who is in the logic stage, hates it. However, he believes that one day he will agree with his sister. That day just happens to lay in the future... in high school.
  14. I never considered taking those things as stealing (aren't they there to be used?). The last time we stayed at a hotel I gave my youngest ds the notepad so he'd sit still while we waited for transit :lol: I sort of assumed it was free advertising :lol:
  15. I've known people who broke the rules because they could. I know someone that has no compunction about breaking rules if they get between her and whatever is "fun." Thinking about it, I know a few women like that. If it's "fun," then the rules do not apply. They also huff and puff in righteous indignation if/when they are caught. I believe their reasoning is... Do what feels good. If it's fun it must be alright. Or, the shorter, "Just Do It."
  16. It sort of makes you wonder if the person that called about the OP's dc was feeling like a prisoner... IOW, was she sitting in her living room with her kids and just had enough of being the only one who was following the rules.
  17. http://www.christianlibertypress.com/productsBySubject.asp?cat=40 This is a link to science books by/from Christian Liberty Press. We started using their science books when my dc voiced concerns about some of the secular resources we used. This book in particular (http://www.christianlibertypress.com/proddetail.asp?prod=CLP68910&cat=40), for high school Biology, covers various evolution theories in depth. Dd is enjoying it, but it's pretty thick and covers a LOT of information. I like it, because it points out some common lies that are used to back up evolution teachings. I hope this helps :D Also, if you stream netflix, "God of Wonders" is a GREAT movie.
  18. My mother would have cooked it (after cutting or washing off the mold... yes, washing...). Me? I don't like eggplant enough to eat it moldy :p Now, if it was chocolate.... :iagree:
  19. 1. I am so RELIEVED to hear that a boy my son's age (he'll be 11 in May), is also losing teeth. :lol: He's lost three in the past two months (two in the past two weeks) and I started to worry that he was odd :lol: 2. My ds knows about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, but we all play along, because of youngest ds (who still lives in imaginary land). Older ds also believes that if he admits they don't exist he'll stop getting money/gifts/candy. He still gets upset when the tooth fairy doesn't show up, but I always cover with something like, "Well, maybe she couldn't find the tooth," or, "You must have pulled it a day ahead of schedule, she's not psychic, she's just a good planner." :grouphug: Tell Uncle Scrooge to ease up. The child knows what side his bread is buttered on.
  20. Here's one half of my first post, including the quote I was responding to: It seems to me that Christ tended to shed light on people's sins in public. IOW, someone sins and Christ points it out. "Get thee behind me Satan," is a pretty strong way to say, "Hey buddy, I don't think you have your head straight and perhaps you should stop saying and thinking these things." A woman says she's not married and his response is along the lines of "Your right, you're an adulterer with way too many 'husbands'." "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." That was pretty public too, and it was a wholesale condemnation. The only confessor that pops into my head is the theif and his was a public confession with Christ publicly forgiving him. Here's the other half of my first post, responding to the article: The church discipline, outlined in the NT, deals with sins that church member is taking part in, that are known by other church members, that this person is either must not know is a sin, or else they don't care. The three steps are:Approach them alone, with love, and discuss this sin. If they repent, then it's over, the sin is dealt with. If they don't repent, then you approach them with two other people, preferably elders/pastor/deacons. If they repent, then it's over, the sin is dealt with. If they don't repent, then you put it infront of the church, and the church votes on whether or not to remove that person from the church. If they then repent, it's dealt with and over. If they don't then they are considered just like any other unsaved person and should be treated accordingly (iow, with love, concern and hope for their salvation). Obviously that church is not dealing with it this way. Or at least that's how it seems. I said that repeatedly (that church discipline was for sins that the person is not repenting from). I don't know the whole story. From what I see, this should have never gone infront of their church. I responded to the idea of church discipline (which I think is a good/great/Biblical thing), but I did not uphold their version of it (which, from what I've seen, is not Biblical). That doesn't mean that I think church discipline is bad as a whole, or that sin should never be addressed in public. Just that, from what I've read, that was not one of those times.
  21. :confused: Are you even reading my posts before you respond? Where did I say that? Quote it for me :D Where did I say that we should publicly shame repentant people? Quote that for me ;)
  22. Again, I was responding to the statement that God does not shame in public. I disagreed. Then, I followed up with church discipline dealing with sins that church members were making a way of life and not dealing with themselves. Sure thing :D
  23. You didn't read what I posted. I was responding to a statement that God doesn't shame in public. I disagree. I did not say that people had to confess in public. I did not say that that the church should publicize confessions or that church discipline was about taking private confessions and making them public. I said that Christ dealt with sin in public. And said that the only person who confessed, that I could think of, did so in public. I said that God would make everything public. I said that church discipline was supposed to deal with sins that people were not repenting or acknowledging. :chillpill:
  24. No. But I have told the people I go to church with what I struggle with. My point wasn't public confession anyway, my point was that church discipline was supposed to be (imo, anyway) to curb sins that church members were commiting that they weren't addressing. An ongoing sin for which they didn't show repentance or any desire to stop. The example in the NT was the guy who was having relations with his step mother. Apparently, everyone knew about it, and no one said anything or did anything about it. Paul was pretty angry that the behavior wasn't being addressed. Also, off the top of my head it doesn't appear that Christ dealt with things secretly. It seems like he addressed issues straight on, in the group where they were happening. People have such issues with things being dealt with in public (I do, I don't like to discipline my children in public, at all), but that's what Christ did. He didn't wait until it would be more appropriate, he didn't sneak into the kitchen with Martha and say, "Ease up on Mary, huh, come visit with us." I do believe you should trust your pastor to keep your secrets, but I think it's a little far to think that God would. I mean, one day He'll shed light on everything, everything done in secret will be made known. So, while I appreciate that my pastor isn't going to tell people what's going through my head right now, I also know that God will make it known. Remembering that helps me to try and control what I dwell on. :shrug: I was thinking while I typed, I'm sorry if I bothered you. ETA, this was what I was responding to: I disagree with that.
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