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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Except that it is about who pays for what and the whole 'darker and deeper' stuff are a bunch of straw men. If you don't want to discuss it, then please stop making it sound as though the people on the other side of the fence are clownish, nefarious, or rediculous. I, personally, find it amazing how quick people can demonize an entire group because some people (teenagers or blowhard radio personalities for hypothetical examples) jump to stupid conclusions.
  2. Just for clarification, I meant you posted the Biblical perspective, I posted the dictionary definition (and then went on with my own take). IE, worship (if anyone's interested) is defined (by Webster) as paying homage to or honoring God. I was under the impression the question was about Christian worship to begin with? Maybe I misunderstood (or accidentally inserted something that wasn't there).
  3. I'm equally surprised that they manage to make it sound as though heartless individuals just want everyone to reproduce like bunnies, rather than just wanting the right to not support something they disagree with. It's crazy.
  4. I started to use the pill when I was 16, but didn't even finish the first packet :p So, I voted that my partner did. No hormones for me please :D And dh and I discovered we prefer withdrawal, so no bc other than self-control here anymore.
  5. Carmen posted the verses, but I guess I'll define worship :) Worship is giving homage or honoring. When people talk about worship services, they're praising or worshipping God through song. At our church we also talk about worship through giving (tythes and offerings, missions). These are all ways we 'give homage or honor' God. We honor God through song, we honor God by giving time/money. All of our life should be filled with worship. We should honor God in everything we do. However, our worship tends to become self-centered. We stop honoring GOD through giving and start honoring ourselves (look at how good I am!). When we "return to the heart of worship" we turn from ourselves (I sing like a lark!) and turn back to God (You are an awesome God and I'm giving my song to You).
  6. I have a hard time reconciling the first article with this. Maybe it's another deceptive sort of thing. :huh:
  7. Heather, I linked the article (inside your quoted post). In case you wanted to share :) Have you ever listened to Alistair Begg? Here's a free sermon (all of his sermons are free in MP3 form) on The Golden Rule. It's worth taking a listen. He talks about getting shut down by it and explains some of the pit falls. I notice that the article revolved around loving they neighbor, but one of the big things he talks about is what is required before you can hope to do so. I don't know enough about Warren (looking now), but thought you'd enjoyed the sermon :D They must be talking about that whole "go out into the world and preach the gospel" thing... the great commission. Evangelicals are so silly, thinking that meant going out and preaching the gospel. :lol:
  8. OH! To get rid of the fat (from the broth you're making) drop in ice cubes. The fat floats right to it and globs up so it's easy to scoop out. :D
  9. What they said, except, I also add one small can of condensed milk, a tsp of cornstarch (to thicken it just a little), and I only add my noodles 10 minutes before I serve (so they don't end up mushy. I used spaghetti noodles and just break with a knife till the pieces are about two inches long. Also, you can add a packet of instant chicken soup (super cheap stuff) and that will cover all the spices :lol: Btdt.
  10. French Knitter, Knobby Knitter, or Knitting Nancy There's a book about corking for kids. This is what I'm using with my boys. The projects are easy and it includes instructions for making your own knitters of various sizes. Only dd uses two needles, she is also the only one I really trust not to sword fight with the needles ;) Hope this helps :D
  11. We used the Essentials books alone as well. There are many (many many many) resources online for supplimenting (for freeeee). I did get their math readers. Not something you have to have, but they're nice. IOW, just the essentials workbooks is fine. Cuisine rods are nice as manipulatives, but you can use just about anything as math manipulatives ;)
  12. Ds is using R&S. In the lesson they have him rearrange the sentence, putting 'here' at the end. An interesting story is here. There is the same way There is a cat. A cat is there. Hth for future classes :D
  13. I bought it for my oldest, but I'm learning just as much :D
  14. I would use Analytical Grammar. It covers everything and doubles as a reference book for later.
  15. I agree with the pp, also you might try coming up with nouns. Nouns name persons! What kinds of persons can you think of??? Mother, father, fireman, chef, boy... &tc. Don't worry :D
  16. I bought this last week for my kindle and started the four week diet/exercise plan on Monday. I'm sure I've lost weight, but I'm not weighing myself :p Most of the exercises can be done at home with dumbbells and they have tons and tons to choose from. The diet is low carb, high protein/fats. I've only modified in that I chose more fruit and less protein/fat. I just can't eat so many eggs in one day ;) For motivation, this week I watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead," "Forks versus Knives" and "The History of the Chicken" on Netflix. The first one is VERY VERY VERY motivational. The two guys are not preachy at all. They are so sweet and sincere and when you get to the end... well, I won't ruin it, suffice it to say, even my kids are eating better (by choice). Forks vs Knives was... meh, but it helps in making you want less processed foods, imo ;) It is anti-high protein though :lol: The last one was just interesting.
  17. If you continue to stalk me I will be forced to file for a restraining order. What a turd.
  18. :iagree: She is a new creation. When she was a child she played with childish things. Sure, her past is dirty (whose isn't?), but her present, well :D My past still lurks in pictures and the brains of those that knew me back when ----. I thank God that He has helped me to move past it, out of it, and into a fresh new life.
  19. Phonebooks. They curve to the contour of your head and if you get a few of them the pressure is delicious... or at least helpful.
  20. :iagree: It's occurred to me a few times that a hole would relieve the pressure. It's definitely been tempting. I have the lingering ones too. For some reason they don't peak as high as the shorter ones, but it's hard to say it's any better when it lasts for days.
  21. Wow, I just cut sugar on Monday. I could not make it if I wasn't exercising. Really. That and my diet/exercise plan has me eating so much protein before I work out that I want to yark. :lol: :grouphug: Down with the sugars! Up with metabolisms!
  22. Ginger, you must be so proud of your girl :D I shared on facebook, I hope that's alright (if not I'll run and delete it).
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