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Everything posted by Clarkd

  1. We are using it in combination with Natural Speller and How to Spell. The other two are just lists and I thought these activities would break it up some. However, there are too few activities per list and the added "classroom words" get little practice. I'm not sure it enhances our lessons the way I thought it would. Not to mention we aren't in a classroom.
  2. The care and feeding of a starter was my distraction through at least two years of my college life. Ah, the memories!
  3. Napping itself is not odd, napping while having a teen guest you don't know well visit is odd.
  4. If a teen asks multiple times to delete stuff from a computer, I would stop watching the movie and get involved. Napping? It seems a bit odd. I would have dh tell the boy's family. If he's coming to visit you again I would keep him with you and not visit others since his behavior is currently too problematic.
  5. Lpn, cna, med transcription, dental hygenist, welding, web design, pharmacy tech, accounting
  6. We do some fine motor tabletop work. Get some tongs and have him group items, play dough with items hidden inside, early legos with instructions (free at lego site), Kumon first mazes/easy mazes, first book of cutting, books with audiobook, identify and sort coins, fold washcloths.
  7. We use a mix, starting with 100 Easy Lessons. Yes I know many folks don't like it. We then move to AAR readers only. For Spelling we use Natural Speller, Spellwell, Delightful Dictation and Spelling, and How to Spell. We just started grammar again after a failed attempt with Shurley. We just started using Practicing Standard Usage and Aesop's Fables. For vocab we use 100 Little Lessons. Then we read aloud a lot. That is a big mish mash, but we have a good routine going and it fits together quite nicely. Excluding read alouds it takes about 60 minutes for my six yo. And 30-40 minutes for my 5yo. FWIW, I share this conglomeration hoping one or more of the single items might be useful!
  8. We are a family of six, not terribly picky eaters, but with six people it becomes complex. For lunch and dinner we have a protein (we're vegetarian), a starch, a veg, a dairy, and a fruit. The person who cooks gets to choose (currently that's only me and my partner, but in the near future, my oldest will start cooking some meals.) No one likes all of the selections. If you don't like it, don't ask for it/take any. You don't have to eat it. If you want to try something you take one spoon as a "try" if you like it, take more, if not then that's fine, at least you tried it and not much food wasted. You eat what you have requested/taken or you can't have seconds of anything. If there is no item that you will eat, yes it does happen, you can get yourself cheese, nuts, or crackers. That's it. We have three meals and two snacks each day. You can eat more at the next meal if this didn't work out. Our kids mostly (with assistance) get their own breakfast, toast, pbj, cheese, yogurt with granola, nuts., etc. but we sit down and eat breakfast (albeit different foods) together. On Sundays we make a full hot breakfast. Maybe we're just lucky, but so far, no one makes a big deal out of it.
  9. We don't do any electronics for learning. We do watch 30 min. kid video each evening during nebulizer time but that's it. I use Ipad during nap and after they go to bed. I do wonder if my 6yo who hates math would do better online with fact practice. As they get older we will add technology.
  10. You have made amazing progress so quickly! Other possible ideas: multivitamin, fish oil, Out of Sync Child has Fun book or other info on sensory integration, swimming with you (bonding activity), biofeedback.
  11. We will be spending two weeks in Vero Beach FL. We have elderly family there. We have been there a few times before but have not found many kid friendly things to do. We have gone to the local playgrounds and the beach. Does anyone know of kid friendly attraction close by? Our kids are 6,5,4,3 yo.
  12. We have not used cle but love math mammoth. We pair it with Excel math.
  13. We travel a different way. We are a family of six. We go on vrbo.com and rent a house. It has felt so much more relaxed. It gets us so much more for about equal price. Also, we have a full sized kitchen. Everyone sleeps better and we always try to get one with a pool!
  14. The How To Teach Spelling book does use the nonsense word strategy. This way you could use it while telling dh you are working on spelling!
  15. Sunshine or sun lamp, vitamins, something cold and tart like a lemonade or cranberry juice, no caffeine, consistent bed and wake times, upbeat music (headphones if needed) stretching, yoga, light exercise
  16. Rice, mushrooms, avocadoes, cashews, cranberry juice, sweet potatoes, black cherries, goat cheese
  17. 1/4 t cinnamon, 3 cloves garlic, 6 eggs. Scramble. When done leave on burner add 1/4 c chevre brand goat cheese. Serve with raisin toast and oj.
  18. I agree that any item billed as remedial or for kids with disabilities means huge price gouge. However, improved technology has made many items previously only for folks with disabilities available for all. This makes the prices drop. For example, Dragon Dictate was hundreds of dollars. It is now a free app! Dynavox $10,000 but ipad with similar apps, under $1000!
  19. http://dolltv5.amazonwebstore.com/Swinging-Monkey-RainbowTye-Dye-Motion-Activated/M/B000VQ9EJG.htm I posted yesterday, but my posts all seem to have gone away. This is a pic of the monkey. I am sorry to report it is all I found and I assume they are no longer available. So sorry.
  20. One of my kids would sit at the table for hours and work. One hates anything resembling math. One hates learning anything hard (ice skating, swimming, reading, writing, using a FORK!). The other is unpredictable, mostly likes it but gets bored easily. Also, my two girls would much rather go to "real" school....they have never been, but I fear I may one day have to send them.
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