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Status Replies posted by ladyinthegarden

  1. Pavlov's Bell for Homeschoolers: Your order from RR has Shipped!

    1. ladyinthegarden


      Girl I've been a wreck for weeks now, because I put off planning for so long. I have two shipments coming on Monday. I love RR.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Ds11 said, "This book is really funny... almost as funny as Shakespeare!"

  3. Strewing success: Kid finds thrifted abacus on coffee table, identifies it from school and demands sheet of math problems to work out.

  4. Hmmm....go away for a week and come back to a 180 degree personality change in the cat. My snuggle avoider is now snuggle seeking. He's even propositioned the 7 year old he hasn't ever tolerated before.

  5. We finished our first year of high school!

  6. Who was the Gerber Baby? My preacher said our baby looks like her :)

    1. ladyinthegarden


      The picture on Gerber baby food products... my oldest boy looked liked the Gerber baby when he was little too. You must have a cutie!

  7. Brand new HP OfficeJet doesn't copy right!

    1. ladyinthegarden


      I have a self imploding HP laptop. We could form a support group.

  8. I really hate it when Amazon sellers cancel an order and relist the book at a higher price. That's just cheating!

    1. ladyinthegarden


      It's like a den of thieves on there sometimes. I hate when amazon raises the price before I check out.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. LOL! Ds6 just read that fly maggots "eat decaying plants or flesh." He looked at me puzzled and said "like zombie flesh?" (Too much Minecraft?)

    1. ladyinthegarden


      LOL! Hilarious...We have a Minecraft addict as well.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Why does my dog think its a good idea to eat a Brillo pad?

    1. ladyinthegarden


      I had a dog that would eat the plums that fell off the plum tree. At times the yard looked more like a cow pasture.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. I have 6 hours all to myself. What to do...what to do...

    1. ladyinthegarden


      Bubble bath... and chocolates all to yourself... :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Finally hit the pay now button on my Heart of Dakota order. Now to start the postman stalking...

  13. I feel like parent of the year right now. I got all the paints out and am letting DD make a heckuva mess with them. She's happy.

  14. Just noticed that the subjects I hate to teach were the same subjects I hated to learn when I was their age...

  15. Every February unschooling becomes very appealing.

    1. ladyinthegarden


      LOL! We have relaxed a bit. I think we are accomplishing more now as a result.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. At hospital all night trying to stop contractions. No idea why I couldn't just deliver as I'm 38 weeks. Now spending the day in bed.

    1. ladyinthegarden


      Bless your heart, I hope you have a good delivery.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. teacher training time via Teaching the Claassics!

    1. ladyinthegarden


      I did that a few days ago, watch the first one, then the last, and the rest if you don't get it in the last DVD...lol

  18. I've done something to break my sewing machine, and I still have one full blanket and half of two others to finish. Plus Christmas pajamas. My second sewing machine isn't working. The third one is somewhere in the shed outside. I'm looking for a Christmas miracle.

    1. ladyinthegarden


      Maybe the miracle will be a new one for Christmas!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. I so want to cancel school Thursday and Friday!!

    1. ladyinthegarden


      I canceled school all week... Doing nothing is wonderful!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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