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Everything posted by genie

  1. Well, if you post in the thread, you are automatically subscribed. Another way to view all the posts you have made is to view your public profile. (You can do that by clicking on your name in a post and then selecting view public profile.) Then there is the option to view all posts, as well as the ability to view all threads started by you. Just look about half-way down on the left under "Forum Info". :)
  2. And, Silly Kathleen, don't you know there's no such thing as a dumb question??? :)
  3. Green means they are online and logged in to the boards. Greyish means they are either offline, or have set their mode to invisible.
  4. Another huge Apples and Pears fan here. It has worked for my spelling-challenged daughter like no other program out there. Rewards by Sopris West helped her with reading, too.
  5. I've found that most preschools require you to have a pulse. That's it. Most states allow them to hire people without degrees or whatever certification the state likes, but then you have a certain time period during which to attain their requirements. I used to be a preschool director, and I tell you, you really wouldn't believe the applicants that came through the door. Seriously, you'll be fine. Good luck!
  6. You're rockin' it, girl! A heavy weight Or just too late Like pretty Kate... :D
  7. Oh!! I get it now. THAT'S why you were having trouble breathing before. :w00t:
  8. How could I leave out INXS!! I need you tonight! Hallucinate Desegregate Mediate Alleviate Try not to hate Love your mate
  9. You mean it's not douche? Really? :confused: No wonder all the kids loved it when I sang that song in the end-of-the-year talent show.
  10. :lol::lol: Sorry for the interruption. Let the bop fest continue...
  11. Faith -- George Michael Unskinny Bop -- Poison 867-5309/Jenny -- Tommy Tutone My Sharona -- The Knack
  12. Apparently I live in the wrong place! And can I just take a moment to say how happy I am that longer hair styles on guys is back "in".
  13. Rant away! You've got a lot on your plate, for sure! I keep thinking that one day I will get to go back to college, but by the time I finally do, I will probably be right there in your shoes. But hey, at least I won't ever be going into the healthcare field. So people are safe! Sorry you're having rough times. Sure am glad you're around to contribute here. We love ya!
  14. Consider yourself lucky! I had LCC requested through ILL and eventually got called by the library and told that none of the libraries that had it were willing to send it! :eek: So I bought the second edition instead. :D
  15. I've only had mine for a couple of months, but I haven't come across this. Have you tried disassembling everything and then reassembling? Sometimes if the lens isn't seated just right it can cause errors. Also, have you tried resetting it by simultaneously pressing the exposure and AF buttons (they are both on the top with the green dots by them)? Other than that, I really don't know what to tell you. :(
  16. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have The Facts of Life, The Facts of Life!
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