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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. A good friend of mine has an 18 mth old who will be having surgry in the morning. My friend is a wreck. I am looking for a verse or two to pray for peace for her and the family as well as to pray for the surgery. I have been looking in bible all night and I am just not finding the right one. Thanks in advance!
  2. What a small world!!! This is just crazy! I just saw on the news that it will be in the 70's at the end of the week. You would think after being here for 20 yrs that I would be used to this crazy FL weather! Today would be perfect for Christmas day. I have a feeling we may be back in shorts though:tongue_smilie:
  3. Please tell me I am not the only one that has just started Christmas shopping.:tongue_smilie:
  4. Can I just complain for a minute. While I prefer the cold to the hot, this wind is ridiculous!!!! I am in Orange Park, FL(NE FL), my mom in in Southern New Hampshire. It is 36 degrees here and 50 there. What is up with that!:glare:
  5. First of all, how does she know thier hearts?? I would be annoyed, but I probably wouldn't say anything this time. I would talk to him and let him know that we do not truly know someone else's heart and that we are not to judge others.
  6. I have a very clean house, but it definitely is a "lived in" house. I have pictures all over the walls and I have bookcases. I also have lots of stuff on the counters. I always say that I have "organized clutter". I have lots of friends that have the "perfect" house. I just think that when you have children, your house should look lived in. I couldn't imagine bare walls and counters. It just wouldn't feel warm and homey. I also believe that most "perfect" homes are only perfect when expected company is coming.
  7. I think it is fine as long as they fit well! I have to say I have never heard this before and I laughed out loud! I can laugh because I have one and no I do not waer skinny jeans.:lol::lol:
  8. I personally would find it funny. However, I may freak out a little until I figure out what is going on.:)
  9. Ditto! I am terrified because I have decided to let my dd go to public high school this year and this is exactly what I am afraid of.:glare:
  10. Done! Good Luck!!! I know how you feel, we had a slab leak and had to replace all of our flooring in the house. Thankfully this was covered by homeowners ins., but what a mess for about a month!
  11. Very sad!:sad: I saw her not too long ago on the today show and she looked really good. This happened so fast!
  12. I appreciate your feedback. However, I never intended to "take back" her choice to go to ps. I just wondered if the the person who posted would do it differently if she could go back. I guess that I should have worded my question differently. I would never tell her that I have changed my mind. However, I will probably do things different with my now 4 yr old. We will see how ps goes with this dd.:)Thanks!
  13. Thanks for posting this! With your experience, would you advise me to let her make the decision to go and experience it for herself?
  14. I am a little sad today! I have always told my dd that she could choose to stay home or go to high school. Well, she has chosen to go to ps. I am supporting her deicision. I am wondering if anyone here has let their dc go to ps for high school? What was the outcome? Did they like it, love it or did they come back home? (Not that I am secretly hoping that she will want to come home or anything :001_smile:)
  15. Real tree here always!!! There is nothing like the smell of a Christmas tree!
  16. I answered huh?? However, I have been thinking about doing it for quite a while.:D
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