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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. When my girls were in PS (up until 3rd grade for the twins, 6th for my oldest), writer's workshop was a huge part of their work. However, the quality isn't quite what they make it out to be. There was a lot of creative spelling, grammar was never corrected, etc. A great deal of it was copy work too. The thing the girls liked best was 'publishing' their work. This was usually just their writing typed out and stapled together. That said, the quality of writing coming out of PS graduates is dismal. I've had the privilege of seeing what college students are writing, and it is a little scary. I don't think you have to worry too much about being behind them. For us, I have certain goals for my girls to reach before they can graduate. One is to be able to write a paper, and write coherently in general. If we accomplish that, then I count us as a step ahead of their PS counterparts.
  2. Oh, I forgot to mention, if you put a few dried apricots in there, its as sweet as sugar. Some people also do dates.
  3. A green smoothie is just any smoothie with greens in it. I like this: one banana frozen pineapple, mango, papaya (I get a mix at Costco) a spoon ful of frozen juice concentrate (a mixed flavor usually) some water a big handful of spinach a few sorrel leaves. the banana makes it very creamy without adding dairy. You can also had coconut oil, flax, or wheat germ.
  4. I just found this: http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/americanlit1e/content/cat_040/Kelly_Benito-Cereno.pdf Complete with annotations :001_smile:
  5. I would try it and see if it tastes stale or not. I wouldn't worry about it being safe, only the quality of the taste. Odds are, with it being a grain and sealed that it will be fine.
  6. :lol::lol::lol: I've finally, after 18 years, convinced my dh that sometimes it's MUCH better to NOT tuck in the shirt...you know to avoid that very look :tongue_smilie:
  7. We have a JRT too. She IS a handful, but she LOVES my girls and is the most playful dog with them. She does have some behaviors we are working to correct, but she's still a puppy so we have a little ways to go. She is so smart too! She has been the easiest dog to housebreak, and she's never been destructive AT ALL.
  8. The Journey books are horrible, imho. When I was helping out with our troop, it was all beginning to change over. We ended up just doing our own thing most of the time :glare: Do you feel like you HAVE to do the investigate as written? I don't see a problem at all with letting them do it on their homes instead.
  9. Although it happens occasionally, I think it's pretty rare that a 12-14 year old knows what they want to do when they grow up. For years, my dd wanted to be a vet. Now, she wants to be a librarian. When I was 15, I KNEW I was going into Archaeology. Never happened. I think it's ok to just plan for them to be able to go to college and not have a specific career path/major in mind.
  10. Most of the time, we are on your own for breakfast and lunch. Somethings the kids routinely make for themselves: Leftovers...when we have them. Tortillia roll ups (with ingredients that range from cream cheese and fruit, to cheese and beans) Sandwiches (again a broad range of fillings...and sometimes they use the sandwhich maker for a hot sandwich) Soups, chili, etc. Eggs and toast Crackers and toppings (peanut butter, chicken/tuna salad, etc) I try to keep lots of fruit, healthi-er lunch meat (low sodium, no fillers) cheeses, etc.
  11. With HomeLife, your curriculum is entirely up to you. They are completely hands off. You just submit grades to them (2 times a year I think?). We used them when we were in TN.
  12. Just keep reminding her, and have her clean up her own messes. My DD13 has ALWAYS been a messy eater. She's not the most co-ordinated child, and my big issue was the clothes she'd ruin. Anyway, at 13, it's finally starting to sink in. :tongue_smilie:Just this past year, I guess she finally grew into her body because she's eating MUCH better now.
  13. We've been to a lot of churches, and most have a pretty good mix between casual and formal. We tend to dress up a little more. Dh wears a suit, but often no tie. I wear slacks or a skirt. The girls wear slacks or dresses....and flip-flops! (honestly, on the flip-flops...they have huge feet, and the only other 'dress' shoes I can find (and can afford x3) have heels and wear horrible blisters....so they have 'dress' flip flops. It doesn't really bother us what other people wear...as long as it is respectable. Short shorts and skirts that look like band aids are not, imho.
  14. A 50mm fixed lens is a must have in my opinon. A decent quality zoom with a wide angle lens is also handy. Most of all, get the best 'glass' you can afford. You do get what you pay for, and the quality of your glass greatly affects the end result.
  15. Woo hoo! Maybe you'll inspire me to throw out the cans of Chef Boyardee in my cabinet! We've been eating SO much better...but those cans are lurking in there.....
  16. We really like Bistro Naturals (John Morrell) They have a good flavor.
  17. I apparently can't operate them correctly, or my anatomy is all messed up. I have an ear that has issues...all. the. time. The one time I tried to use the neti pot, I ended up with a blocked ear and the worst ear infection I've had since I was a kid. And yes, I followed the directions carefully. Now, I'm just plain scared of it! I would love to use it though, my sinus issues are a pain. Literally.
  18. Jason's doesn't work at all with my kids. Their hair has been an oily mess since using it. It works great for my dh though. I have some Kiss My Face coming in the mail...we'll see how that works.
  19. Can't answer the other questions, but I just started using Grapeseed Oil instead of Canola. Costco has it. It has no strong flavors.
  20. Well, tonight they came and ASKED ME for a green smoothie :lol: The reason? They REALLY wanted a smoothie for dessert, and they knew if they asked for a green one, I'd make it :tongue_smilie: AND they decided it WAS good.
  21. Mix whatever seasonings you like (We like garlic, salt and pepper) with some softened butter. Then rub that over the steak and let it sit at room temp for about 15-20 minutes. Grill at med-high heat, just until the outside is seared and has good crispy-brown grill marks. A good steak doesn't have to be grilled very long at all.
  22. I would start with this: http://genkienglish.net/genkijapan/japanese.htm and if his interest holds us, look for something like Rosetta Stone.
  23. Well, my MIL still calls and asks dh "How is Momma's wittle baby" and he will reply "Fine, how is baby's wittle Momma?" :ack2: It's mostly joking, but she does still call us all kids..lol.
  24. I belong to a very small one in Fort Worth. It's called City View. We have a meeting once a month, one field trip a month, and a couple Mom's Night Outs a month. It's main focus is as a support group, and is not a co-op.
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