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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. I'm in! We are wheat, soy, corn, peanuts, and sesame free, with limited dairy and egg. ;)
  2. I think the placement will help more than anything. With it being on the miter cut, moisture from the warmth of the crock pot is allowed seep into the miter. You may have inadvertently made it worse with the glass, trapping the moisture in. I would just move it to an entirely sealed area, and perhaps change up the location occasionally?
  3. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice for the first time this week. I'm hoping to get through a lot of the classics that I've never read before this year :D
  4. My favorite way to eat quinoa so far is with bacon and mushrooms. First I cook a small amount of diced bacon with about 1/2 cup diced onions, and 1/2 cup of sliced mushrooms. When the onions are soft, then I add 1 cup of rinsed and drained quinoa, and "toast" them in the pan until they begin to make popping noises. Add 2 cups of stock, and cook until the quinoa is done. Add salt to taste. Even better the next day. I also recently saw a breakfast recipe that I want to try. They cooked it in juice (apple or orange) and added fruit, honey and cinnamon.
  5. My read was a Christmas gift : Fall of the Giants by Ken Follet.
  6. My oldest "loved" school. (She went until the 6th grade) But what she loved was seeing her friends and music class. She didn't love anything else about it. My twins loved school until the 3rd grade. Up until then, they had good teachers that were able to really challenge them. When they no longer had that (thanks NCLB), they really didn't like it, and were happy to be homeschooled. My nieces...one likes school (the extra curriculars at least), one doesn't. (Ironically these kids all went/go to the school system of the city named one of the top 50 places to raise your kids. One of the criteria was the school systems. It got the mark because it had the most improved test scores :glare:) My baby brother (14) wants to be homeschooled. He doesn't like it. When I was a kid, I would say I loved school. But it was because I liked it WAY better than being at home. There were many things I didn't like about it...it was just better than the alternative. So, in my experience...most kids like the social aspect of school, if they "love" it. Unless they are lucky enough to go to a great school, then the actual love it may increase...:tongue_smilie:
  7. I'm actually much, much closer to my inlaws than my family, so it's really the opposite for me. I married into that family as a teen, and they whole-heartedly adopted me :D
  8. My dad and I both get these, and I even had an MRI done in worry. Turns out they are sinus related (for us) Whenever the sinus cavity gets inflamed badly, it sets off the shooting pain...right across the top of my head. It's weird, and sometimes the only way I know that my sinuses are about to act up again. I've noticed my dd sometimes gets them too. She also has sinus issues.
  9. Wait....she got a ring???? It's been 19 years, and I STILL haven't gotten a ring other than the Wal-mart bands we got married with.... Regardless of the birthday situation, I think a ring is enough. He could have used some tact perhaps...but still!
  10. I can understand the worry...I've gone through periods of it myself with my twins. It's normal for one twin to be smaller. My identical girls have been at different weights most of their lives, even though they are pretty much always the same height. They just have different metabolisms I think. I would get a well check done, and then try to chalk it up to pregnancy anxiety. It's hard, but it won't do any of you any good to dwell on it. If it continues to be that strong, then you might want to talk to your OB/GYN about it.
  11. Might look into corn for her then. It's one of my dd's allergens (although she had a bit of a corn revulsion rather than craving) My dd's favorite foods were pasta and cheese...both allergens for her.
  12. I made natural almond butter ones the other day, and other than my own mistake of not putting enough powdered sugar in them, they were yummy!
  13. My dh was a heavy smoker for over 20 years. I had tried from the time we met to get him to quit, but finally came to the conclusion that it would NEVER happen until HE wanted to. And yes, it drove me crazy. He would stop a movie halfway through to go smoke. (he didn't smoke in the house) Or he would get up in the middle of the night to smoke. Car trips...yuck. I got resentful about it, and would get mad if he asked me to go to the store for cigarettes for him. :glare: He DID finally quit, with the help of Chantix and a lot of prayer. He's been smoke free for almost 4 years now, and has no desire to go back. But it would have never happened until HE made the decision to quit.
  14. We are going through all that right now. DD 14 has had 'raccoon' eyes, bad skin, exhaustion, stuffed up nose and drainage, asthma, ADD symptoms and more pretty much her whole life. She recently tested allergic to wheat, corn, soy, eggs, dairy, peanuts, shellfish and sesame. We've elminated them from her diet, and can see an improvement. Her energy level is improving, her sisters have noticed a mood change (positive), she's less scatterbrained/forgetful and her allergy symptoms have lessened. Her pediatrician was willing to do a RAST blood test. We can't get in to see an allergist until January, and then we'll probably start shots for the environmental allergens that we cannot eliminate (there was a fungus/mold that she had very high numbers on) She has NEVER had a typical allergic reaction to any of these foods. The only typical allergic reaction she's ever had to food is to certain fruits, and has been limited to lip swelling and throat itching (and she doesn't eat those any longer) FWIW, I went on the elimination diet with her because I didn't feel well either. (I haven't been tested) Once removing the grains and dairy from my diet, my own energy level has dramatically increased.
  15. Not a cookbook, but the Gluten Free Goddess website has been awesome for us. I've made several recipes from there that have turned out very well, including vanilla cupcakes that I made for my dd's birthday yesterday.
  16. I'm so glad there are people standing against them that are showing what TRUE faith is. That group is disgusting, and it burns me that they call themselves Baptist, Christian, or anything else that has to do with God. :( Thank you for doing that today.
  17. Rice with veggies (stir fry style without the eggs) Pasta primavera (bow tie pasta with diced tomatoes, onion, garlic, olives, etc.) Veggie soup You might also find out if they eat eggs, because many bread products contain them. I would avoid buying "not-cheese" unless you are familiar with which brands actually taste good..because some are disgusting.
  18. We eat a lot of soup! Turkey and Black Bean Soup Cook dried black beans (about 1 1/2 cup dry) in a slow cooker with a bit of salt until mostly done. Then add around 2 quarts of turkey stock, 1-2 cups diced cooked turkey, a can of diced tomatoes with juice, 1/4 cup tomato paste, 1/2 cup each of diced onions, celery and carrots (you can saute these first if you prefer). Add salt, pepper, cumin and chili powder to taste. Cook until everything is tender. Clean out the Fridge soup No amounts here, because it's easily adjustable Leftover meat (roast, chicken, ground meat, all work well) Chicken stock Onions, carrots and celery, diced. 1 can tomato sauce 1 can diced tomatoes Any veggie you like or have. (if raw cook longer, if cooked, add in after everything else is pretty well cooked) I always like to add a little sliced okra (3/4 cup or so) and cook it until it falls apart in the soup. It adds a lot of flavor, and if you cook it long enough, no one realizes it's there. Salt and pepper to taste. Mexican Soup. diced cooked chicken, or ground meat, cooked tomato sauce chicken broth corn black beans onions canned chopped chilies Season with cumin, salt and pepper.
  19. A fresh peach from North Carolina (actually a whole bunch of em...;)) My grandmother's homemade bread with homemade butter My SIL's sopapilla cheesecake. My dh's aunt's chicken salad.
  20. Many of mine are in my head, but I've tried to take the time to write some of them out, so my girls will have them when they are grown. I don't cook that way though. The only things I ever actually follow a recipe for are baked goods. The rest, I'll often look at a new recipe to get the gist of it, then just wing it.
  21. We use Jason's and I've found it at Walgreens and Central Market (HEB)
  22. Yes, this is happening here too. We've cut our pretty much ALL processed food from our diet. My dd and I decided to be naughty the other day and get a strawberry slush from Sonic (we used to get them a lot). They tasted so....ick. We ended up throwing them away and running into a store for 100% OJ instead.
  23. Well, I would totally go for the homemade stuff. :) We always joke that when we end up with stuff left over, it just means more yumminess for us!
  24. Just make sure it's a REALLY comfy futon mattresses. I've had several, and they can be incredibly uncomfortable to sleep on for more than a night or two. Otherwise, I'd say go for it..lol.
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