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Everything posted by homeschoolmomtutu

  1. Cisco's Network Academy has some Java courses/ curriculums...they have classes for high-univ globally... http://cisco.netacad.net/cnams/locators/LocatorMain.jsp http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/netacad/index.html
  2. Nope...not fair to the 10 year old...what if something did go wrong? I am not big on leaving kids alone for hours anyway...
  3. It completely depends on the club you join as to what your experience will be and what programs will be offered ~
  4. There are these really cute jeans by Levis my mom just bought at Macy's...they are "curvy boot cut" with lycra (so they have a nice give to them) and they are designed not to "gap"...hers even has a "tummy"panel to keep a sleek silhouette...she is a size 14 and looks awesome in them! Stylish and comfy....they come in different lengths too (long, medium, and short)
  5. could be several things, I would consult the Dr obviously...but that being said, my sister was experiencing similar issues and was told she was perimenopausal~hth
  6. all great ideas so far...what about perhaps a sweet Tea-time recipe book...
  7. hummm...could you save it to a memory stick and then download it on your computer and add it to an email as an attachment?
  8. Hi I am new to the exercise posting (can I join the thread?) 12/7: (treadmill) pace 4.2/3.62 mi
  9. Fwiw...your hair color in your avatar pic is absolutely perfect with your complection! I have no advice otherwise on the highlighting...*sorry*
  10. Wynn Kapit makes a really nice Geography coloring book...we also use Uncle Josh's...hth
  11. We use/used Spelling Workout (4 yrs +)...but with my younger one I am testing a changeover to phonetic zoo...we shall see:)
  12. I thought there was an alternate universe for a second...lol...interesting there are two same thread starters! http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70046 Just curious how this happens...is it a hiccup with this system? I have seen it before and wondered?:001_huh:
  13. We have had ours for 9 years and they still pull it out and mess around with new designs! They have a couple sets that are interchangeable and have gear and wheel-like add-ons (colored plastic sets)...they were worth every penny!
  14. Icky! A divorce quiz...really:confused:? Uhhmmmm....Nahhhh
  15. I have not read all the comments here but.... I see many public schoolers and sad to say, they just drive my reason to homeschool more! I also know several private school / public schooled kids who are great and well educated, well mannered, and not as "quietly devious" as the masses...but they are the few and far in between, but gems none-the-less...and a testament to good parenting & great kiddos beating the odds! Now to the homeschoolers...many more are joining the ranks...and some coming from public school enviroments or even plain lazy homes...but that doesn't change the fact my kids are enrolled in the very best school for them, both for thier minds and hearts...Ours! And no wonderful public school or "bad example" hser can change my feelings on that! But that is just how we feel about our situation, ymmv~
  16. Wow knee length and waist length! Just curious, do you keep it up in braids, buns,pony tails & french twists a lot? or let it flow? To answer the initial question, I used to brush mine 100 strokes every week when I was about 12-13...I read about it in a story and fell in love with the idea...but haven't done it for years or for that matter ever for a "practical" purpose, just an affected one:lol:
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081126/ap_on_he_me/infant_formula
  18. Oh was it on the monument men...saving art and architecture? So good!
  19. LOL...my friend has one that looks like an old country grandma with a bonnet...it is such a conversation maker, everyone looooves it! I personally keep mine in the laundry room (it is really big)
  20. Looove my vitamix 2500, my fave #1 appliance...I am terrible with my plungers though(I am on #3), just too impatient and start stuffing it in there with out the lid/gaurd in place:tongue_smilie: The vitamix itself is very durable, and will live on to see my great grandkids no doubt:lol:
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