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Everything posted by wulfbourne

  1. The lawyers have that covered in the suit: Should discovery disclose that Defendants are in possession of images constituting child pornography within the meaning of 18 Pa. C.S.A. Section 6312, et. seq., Plaintiffs will amend this Complaint to assert a cause of action there under.
  2. http://www.vinegartips.com/Scripts/ The link has all sorts of vinegar uses, including a whole section on cleaning. As far as the smell, it goes away very quickly after cleaning. If it really bothers you than you can add essential oils to scent the mixture. Certain oils have great anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties anyway. Tea Tree Oil is a big one. http://www.thefamilyhomestead.com/laundrysoap.htm That link goes to a recipe for home made laundry soap. If you go to the main page there are many other great resources. For healthy recipes I love Cooking Light's website. I've also heard great things about http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com/ Good luck! It's lots of fun once you really get into it :)
  3. A federal class action claims a suburban school district has been spying on students and families through the "indiscriminant use of and ability to remotely activate the webcams incorporated into each laptop issued to students," without the knowledge or consent of students or parents. The named plaintiffs say they learned that Big Brother was in their home when an assistant principal told their son that the school district knew he "was engaged in improper behavior in his home, and cited as evidence a photograph from the webcam embedded in minor plaintiff's personal laptop issued by the school district." The families say the Lower Merion School District issued Webcam-equipped personal laptop computers to each of its approximately 1,800 high school students: in Harriton High School in Rosemont, and Lower Merion High School in Ardmore. The schools issued the computers as part of a "one-to-one" laptop computer initiative lauded by Superintendent Christopher McGinley as an effort that "enhances opportunities for ongoing collaboration, and ensures that all students have 24/7 access to school based resources and the ability to seamlessly work on projects and research at school and at home." But the parents and students say that, without their knowledge, the access went both ways. Nowhere in any "written documentation accompanying the laptop," or in any "documentation appearing on any Web site or handed out to students or parents concerning the use of the laptop," was any reference made "to the fact that the school district has the ability to remotely activate the embedded webcam at any time the school district wished to intercept images from that webcam of anyone or anything appearing in front of the camera," the complaint states. http://www.courthousenews.com/2010/02/18/24789.htm Who the heck do they think they are trying to control kids while they are at home?! I am so mad right now I don't even know what to say. Ugggg.
  4. From my understanding it doesn't follow either of the books. It uses the characters and creates a new story. She's like 19 years old in Victorian times running away from a surprise proposal from a guy she doesn't love. She finds wonderland again and escapes into the world and finds her destiny is to destroy the Red Queen. It's something along those lines anyway. This way no one can complain about him not following the story since it's not really the books anyway, lol.
  5. Two actors that really got me was seeing an interview with Sascha Baron Cohen right after watching Borat and the first few times I saw Hugh Laurie in interview.
  6. While it's not hearing each of us speaking this website can let you listen to all sorts of accents. http://accent.gmu.edu/ My theater teacher showed it to us while we were going over accents. It has accents from around the world and a LOT of different regions around the US if you want to hear differences in American accents.
  7. Thank you everyone for your input. I'm still not quite sure which way to go, but I have more information to think about that's for sure, lol.
  8. I don't know what I want to do! I love the idea of the CSA and supporting a local farm like that. I love the idea of getting new vegetables I might not normally pick and figuring out what to do with them. But the up front cost makes me pause as well as the idea of not getting to pick what I want. A CSA would be more convenient with young kids (3 and 1), just pick up the crate and go. A farmers market could be more fun. A CSA would make me stick with the local fresh vegetables since they're prepaid where as a farmer's market I could just decide I don't feel like going that day. Too many pro's and cons to both sides! Do you do farmer's market or CSA's? Have you done both? What do you like better?
  9. I don't know, I can believe it. Maybe it's because I grew up in a snowy place, but I don't have any problem believing we could get 2 storms close like this. Besides, I've watched them doing their typical pattern of staring out with a low accumulation total and steadily going up. Yesterday it was only going to be 5 inches, earlier it was 8-10 inches, now tonight it is 1-2 feet. Since they're following their typical pattern I'm guessing it's for real. There are 2 storms that will both end up combing right over the DC/Baltimore area. I think they were hopeful that wouldn't happen, but now have resigned themselves to another big one.
  10. I said in another thread I think I'm going to cry. Our street is only half plowed, the plow just couldn't push all the snow. I don't know if we'll even be dug out by the time the next snow hits. I'm still sore from all the shoveling, have more shoveling I could do, and now more tomorrow!! :confused: :eek:
  11. I live between DC and Baltimore and I am soooo done with snow. I've dug out my sidewalks, cars, neighbors sidewalk (since they're conveniently out of town), helped my inlaws with their HUGE driveway and sidewalk. And I still need to dig out my backyard a bit so I can get to the garbage and recycle cans in the back. My road has only half been plowed and they left the giant pile in the middle of the road where the plow couldn't go any further. How the heck are we supposed to handle 10-20 inches (what they're predicting here for now)!
  12. http://worldofweirdthings.com/2010/01/19/if-its-catchy-why-bother-with-the-science/ Too many, too soon is one of the sacred mantras of the anti-vaccination movement and its sympathizers who are looking for any remotely plausible argument which would paint vaccines as some kind of poison turning an entire generation of children autistic. Ok, so you can show that timerosal used in vaccines had nothing to do with autism and that the type of mercury it contained wasn’t a neurotoxin. You could even tackle the big issue of how autism is diagnosed and whether parental age has something to do with a rise in the number of diagnosed cases over the last decade and have sound science on your side. But you certainly can’t debate a threefold increase in vaccinations over the last thirty years. And if you can’t debate that, you certainly couldn’t say that three times as many vaccines means that kids’ immune systems aren’t being overwhelmed, right? Actually, yes. You could. The number of vaccinations is actually a misnomer used to make an argument which firmly casts vaccines as either the villain in today’s pediatric problems, or at least a suspect cause. What has been missed by TV personalities promoting this fallacy, like Bill Maher and Joy Behar, is the fact that today’s vaccines are much more efficient than those given when they were kids. The initial seven vaccines of the late 1970s have been doubled in the last 30 years but their actual antigen load has been lowered from 3,000 to just about 150, only 5% of what the people making this argument were exposed to in their childhoods. For the too many too soon argument to be true, we’d need to see the same kinds of pediatric problems a generation ago and with far greater frequency than we do today. If we weren’t overwhelming immune systems back then, how could we possibly be doing it today with a twentieth of the antigens? And yet, this is the argument being made by the alt med and anti-vaccine crowd.
  13. http://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.php That's a website if you wanted to use it, but I'd probably be on the safe side and just call the pharmacist. It's their job to watch for drug interactions, so they'd know best. You can call anyplace that has a pharmacy, they often have separate numbers on the website for the pharmacy (I know target does anyway)
  14. I'm looking for a way to cut down on food costs and more meatless meals and bean recipes seems like a good option. I don't use beans that often though (except for chili or burrito's) I need some good, family approved bean recipes!
  15. Maybe 13 or so? But that's all theoretical because my kids are really young. It would depend on their friends, their maturity, the mall itself, and how long they're going to 'wander' before the movie. I could see them grabbing a snack at the food court before going or something, but not just wandering the mall for hours.
  16. INNEAPOLIS, MN) - MomsLikeMe.com cyber mom, Lynsee, gave birth to her first child live online early Saturday morning at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. KARE 11 has been following Lynsee throughout her pregnancy and streamed the labor and delivery live on the moms social networking site Twin Cities.MomsLikeMe.com. Thousands of viewers shared the birth of Lynsee's child in the wee hours of the morning when Lynsee and her husband Anders welcomed the infant girl into the world at 12:46 a.m. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and measured 18 and 3/4 inches long. As a former consumer science teacher, Lynsee decided to share the birth of her child live online as an educational tool for others and to create a lasting momento for her baby. "I've had plenty of women say, 'You're absolutely insane. You're going to have your delivery live on a website and this is your first baby? What are you thinking?' Well, (for) me as a family consumer science teacher, I feel like I am the textbook and the people in my (online) group are the classroom," said Lynsee. Lynsee went to her normal checkup Friday morning, where it was determined she had high blood pressure. She was directed to the hospital's maternity assessment ward for a blood test, then admitted to a delivery room late Friday afternoon. With her mother and husband by her side, Lynsee has been steadily progressing. You can still view the livestream by clicking here.
  17. Hubby and I love this show. We've downloaded seasons 5-13, and we're anxiously awaiting season 14 to start later this month!
  18. Nope, it's origins are not completely religious. As a matter of fact, in some places in hisotry Gay marriage was legal. ETA: I did want to add, that while historically 'marriage' has been a lot of different things in different countries, it might also help her to know where the US marriage on. http://purposeofmarriage.org/USA_laws.html
  19. I prefer the PS3. We love having a blue ray player and 95% of the games we play are on it. Of course, it's DH and I that play, kids are way too young, so when they get older our Wii might get more use. For now DH and I like to play RPG's, guitar hero, and racing games for the most part. One thing to note, if you buy a PS3 and you're looking for backwards compatibility you'll want to buy an older model. The new models, including the slim, do not have backwards compatibility to PS2 games.
  20. Nah, I think it's better this way. Death would have been the easy way out. This way we get to question him more and make him face his crimes. The really creepy part though is that I saw a photo of him, and he looks familiar. I was at Walter Reed for awhile, I think the same time he was, so I might have seen him around :001_huh:
  21. 1 of the shooters is dead, the other two are custody. They were soldiers themselves. The name of the shooter who was killed as been released. The suspected gunman was identified by ABC News as Major Malik Nadal Hasan. The shooter was killed and two other suspects, who are also soldiers, have been apprehended, Lt. Gen. Robert W. Cone said.
  22. http://www.brookstone.com/nap-socks-3-Pair.html I got a set that had NAP socks and slippers. I LOVE the socks. The slippers make my feet way too hot, so I don't wear them as often. http://www.brookstone.com/nap-luxe-foot-warmers.html Those are the slippers in case you're curious.
  23. I had something like that. I worked great until the plastic bits started snapping off. I don't suppose anyone knows of a really sturdy bread cutting guide? I'm really bad at cutting bread and I feel like I 'waste' so much because I can't get even cuts, or they're too thick, or to thin and I only get part, etc.
  24. Yeah, be careful who you have do it though. Make sure it's someone who has done it with good success rates before, not someone trying it for the first time. My husbands cousin is in a wheel chair for life and several limbs are messed up because of 'mistakes' made while doing external version (which didn't work) and a breech vaginal delivery afterwards. I don't remember which one did the damage, the delivery or trying to turn the baby, but either way be careful.
  25. If they use the same ones the military uses they are quite comfortable, even in extreme temps. I used to have to set up, take down, and do drills in military hospital tents since I was part of a CSH (combat support hospital, they replaced MASH units). If you're thinking just you're typical camping tent there would likely be problems, but I doubt that's what they're using.
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